We Wish You a Merry Glibness

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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After having much trouble with Skull and Shackles, with numerous party wipes and the best group only making it two the second adventure before being massacred, I decided to start again with some characters from the class decks - Wu Shen, the necromancer mage, and the half orc ranger (sorry that I cannot remember their names but I am at work and don't have the cards in front of me).

Island Hopping went well, but I was very apprehensive about Rum Punch as the characters I am playing with are not the most charismatic individuals.

It came time to get my reward for Island Hopping so I shuffled the items deck and drew the first card - a potion of glibness. After much cheering and fist bumping my imaginary friends I drew the next card - another potion of glibness. Dumbfounded, I drew the third item card - and once again, a potion of glibness.

Long story short - Rum Punch was a piece of...well...punch.

Just wanted to share and maybe hear of some funny, or fortunate, card draws you might have had.


I play Darago (that necromancer mage) in our current run of ROTR and I had the sheer misfortune that he fought like three non summoned undead throughout the first three adventures. Ever since I took the necromancer role and the power to "turn all monsters into undead when defeated" I tend to encounter even less monsters.

Is there a thread where you talked about your group constellations? It sound pretty off to have multiple party wipes... although I remember some of the first scenarios to be rather hard.

Oh and btw. that hal-orc ranger is named Wrathack and I really like her shoes.

I managed to get a party of four all the way up to the last scenario in ROTR only to wipe on the last boss. So far, I have found that with Skull and Shackles, the dice gods have been against me.

This weekend I decided to start again, taking a party of 5 core characters. My group consists of Alahazra, Jirelle, Lem, Lirianne, and Valeros. I found Island Hopping a breeze, with some lucky card draws, and completed it within 15 turns.

Rum Punch was one of the most epic games I have ever played, with Lem defeating the villain on the very last turn.

Dangerous Waters was attempted three times before I managed to finish it.

I tried Sunken Treasure this afternoon and it came right down to the wire, with two cards left in the final location (one of which was the villain) but my character without a means of exploring again. Alahazra almost died from a horrific Goblin Keelhauling dice roll (every dice came up as 1) but she managed to scrape through and survive.

Absolutely loving this party, and I hope that most of them survive the journey. I will keep you updated.

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