Declindgrunt |
hello im looking to run the first book of wraith of the righteous and its all looking awsome but in the very first dungeon where the players have fallen it looks liek a map is missing or something, the first map shows area's a-c and after talking about them the book goes on to talk about areas d-g with no maps for them at all. is this a mistake or what?
Kalindlara Contributor |
You appear to be correct about the lack of maps. :)
Space in the Adventure Paths tends to be a bit limited. Since no combat is expected to occur in these areas, it's likely that maps were intentionally excluded to save space. Do you expect to need them?
Also, good luck. This Path can be a real challenge for GMs. If you need any help or advice, we'll help however we can. :)
Kalindlara Contributor |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mythic is a massive power surge for the players - the printed foes, even the most impressive ones, simply won't be able to keep up. Many of the printed foes aren't powerful enough for even a non-Mythic party. So, you'll almost certainly have to change things.
Do you know anything about your party yet? Race/class/mythic path type stuff. Level of play experience can be important too. A lot of what follows is best customized to them, so if you know, please share.
Many here recommend dropping Mythic altogether for Hero Points that recharge each day. Of course, if you're playing the Path specifically to use Mythic, that might not be desirable. That's my challenge, for example. :)
If you want to keep Mythic, you'll almost certainly have to tweak the system. The mechanics of the Campaign Traits can be problematic, for example, and Mythic itself is littered with game-breaking abilities. I'm planning to work on a bit of a "fix" for Mythic - mostly just banning or tweaking abilities. No real progress yet, though - so much procrastination. :)
There's a set of remastered statblocks around here on the forum somewhere, made by "Scorpion", if I recall correctly. I'm sure someone can help you find them; a simple search might do it.
We can help you find the system that's best for you, I'm sure.
As for the story, many recommend running things in Kenabres for a little while before kicking off the Path. Give them the opportunity to get attached to Kenabres, then smash it. I didn't do this, and I regretted it.
Have you read the entire Path? The inside covers give you some info on important future allies and enemies; thinking about how the PCs might relate to them can be very enriching. Book 3 is especially important, as the stories associated with the Campaign Traits reach their climaxes there.
A word on redemption: between the many redeemable foes and the various friendly NPCs, you might find yourself overloaded. My PCs were very redemption-heavy, and I had a lot of NPCs to juggle. If your PCs go down a similar path, you might consider replacing plot NPCs with those they've redeemed.
I'll be here. :)
Declindgrunt |
well the exciting thing about mythic is when a character gains mythic power they should start to be able to break the game thats part of the point for the characters (WHO ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS) to be able to do insane things that no normal character should, im in the early planning phases and the group hasnt even begun thinking of characters(aka i havent announced im runing it yet).
letting them roam the city pre distruction sounds interesting (although i kinda liked the way the book did it) but id need things for the pcs to do in the city before everything goes crazy,
I have some experience dming (not a ton) and the group has quite a bit of experience in dnd,fantasy gaming
so any suggestions on making it harder?
Kalindlara Contributor |
Hmm. I have to get some sleep, so I'll have to keep this short.
It's not that Mythic lets them do things normal characters can't do... as you say, that's the point, and is the reason I'm trying to keep Mythic in my campaign.
It's that Mythic lets them do things normal characters can do, only ten times as hard. We're talking boss enemies like Hepzamirah, Baphomet, and Deskari getting killed by a single PC's combat action. Not even the whole team, just one PC doing a thousand-plus damage with a full attack or a Mythic spell. Unless you change/remove Mythic or seriously change the enemies, the PCs will never really see a challenge past Book 2. There are other issues, but that's the big one.
As for making it harder, the forums here are a wealth of ideas and experiences - hopefully others can offer advice here. My specialty is in tailoring content to PCs, so until you're farther along and know what they're playing and such, I'm limited in my suggestions. :)
I can't speak to anything else at the moment. I'll be back, though. :)
Tangent101 |
Okay. While I'm one of the people who says "use Hero Points instead" I do have two (three?) suggestions I have for keeping Mythic from going overboard.
First: don't allow Mythic spellcasting to be a Swift Action. Just as the Hierophant has spellcasting as Standard Actions, so too should the Archmage. (Also, considering vetoing any specific Mythic spell if it feels overpowered.)
Second: alter Critical Hits so that it acts like non-Mythic Vital Strike - the only thing multiplied on a Critical Hit is the number of dice you roll (thus a Long Bow that crits, for example, would be 3d8 damage for a medium-sized bow, before any other modifiers).
I also would suggest reducing the capability of the Trickster/Champion ability to move and attack as a Swift Action to be instead a Move Action. This would prevent players from moving into combat before getting a Full Attack in... but won't hurt lower-level characters.
JohnHawkins |
I think tangent101's suggestions are good. I have not changed the Trickter/champion move attack ability and it is the biggest single factor in the speed with which the pc's do massive damage.
I also removed the ability to get extra actions from Amazing initiative and banned mythic haste. The action economy is already bad enough for boss villains without those 2 effects.
Ssyvan |
I also would suggest reducing the capability of the Trickster/Champion ability to move and attack as a Swift Action to be instead a Move Action. This would prevent players from moving into combat before getting a Full Attack in... but won't hurt lower-level characters.
If you're not comfortable house ruling this, you can always claim that it's the rule. While it is debatable, this should at least give you reasonable ground to stand on.
The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action.
JohnHawkins |
Tangent101 wrote:I also would suggest reducing the capability of the Trickster/Champion ability to move and attack as a Swift Action to be instead a Move Action. This would prevent players from moving into combat before getting a Full Attack in... but won't hurt lower-level characters.If you're not comfortable house ruling this, you can always claim that it's the rule. While it is debatable, this should at least give you reasonable ground to stand on.
Full-Round Action wrote:The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action.
This is possibly the worst explanation I have ever heard for rules. Seriously a GM who set out to twist the obvious meaning of rules in such a way would be a glaring red flag to me to join another game.
However having read other stuff you have posted I doubt you are that sort of evil gm but seriously this is insane rules interpretation B******* of the sort that is normally a major red flag.If you are banning things ban them it is more honest and avoids encouraging the worst kind of rules lawyering and arguements
Ssyvan |
Ssyvan wrote:Tangent101 wrote:I also would suggest reducing the capability of the Trickster/Champion ability to move and attack as a Swift Action to be instead a Move Action. This would prevent players from moving into combat before getting a Full Attack in... but won't hurt lower-level characters.If you're not comfortable house ruling this, you can always claim that it's the rule. While it is debatable, this should at least give you reasonable ground to stand on.
Full-Round Action wrote:The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action.This is possibly the worst explanation I have ever heard for rules. Seriously a GM who set out to twist the obvious meaning of rules in such a way would be a glaring red flag to me to join another game.
However having read other stuff you have posted I doubt you are that sort of evil gm but seriously this is insane rules interpretation B******* of the sort that is normally a major red flag.
If you are banning things ban them it is more honest and avoids encouraging the worst kind of rules lawyering and arguements
Ugh, I'm the worst. I flagged this post as name calling, but I've just reread it and now see it isn't! To any mod reading this I'm sorry! Please disregard my flag, I'd unflag it if I could.
And a huge apology to JohnHawkins.
EDIT: And I'm responding to this over here
Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
Joshuatree |
I've ran this adventure twice and I've done two Mythic Adventures of my own and I've never had to change anything. I want the players had fun because the first time they've ever been to truly do whatever they want. Other than one person that tried to cheat the system and max out knowledge checks there was not any metagaming or number crunching and everyone went in with just having fun. I just remember any changes that you do for the players you also have to do so if you change things all the sudden that mythic monster that does the same things the players do can't do that as effective as he normally would. There's plenty of things that were challenging and a few deaths in fact after the third book. They didn't kill any demon Lords and any of the books because they were just overpowered and don't forget even if you overpower them they still only have a limited use of Mythic power and you can always rule if anything you can't gain method power unless you sleep in somewhere in there that is peaceful or well-known so they're not just attacking forts resting after four hours of aventurine to get it but that's more to the point of not really letting players have fun I feel that's the point of Mythic tonight really overpower did players that let the players have as much fun as they think they want. I think the only thing that we changed was the way that credit cards worked because I was using those and made a point to tell everyone that they are probably not going to see many times that they're critz we're going to be five times or four times the damage unless the card says so.