Trayan Thandros's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I like this varriant, but with our games we changed a few details. Instead of 1% per spell level, we did 5% ends up being a coin flip at higher levels. And we decided on a flat 10% chance to destroy the book. Also an increase in casting time, just like sorcerer with Meta magic. With these changes it makes it hard to abuse, spell books are not spell completion items and using them as such should take longer, also you have to have the book in hand, usually another action, and should some sunder happy fighter hit the book your in a bad way. I think this way it is a perfectly playable solution. But GMs be warned a caster can use a scroll without the requisite caster level with a chance for mishaps. Magic can get real gritty real fast when they find spells above their Ken and get desperate enough to play with fire (ball)..

Does anyone have a smart phone? Just pay a couple dollars for a pathfinder spell book app. I have one and it's awesome. And it's current through ultimate magic.