Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
Hi everybody, I recently had a problematic experience GMing Emerald Spire and would like to offer a solution to my problem.
Currently when a character is playing modules, she will usually earn 3 XP every time, but it that character for one reason or another earns only 1 XP / 1/2 XP it becomes effectively impossible for that character to switch from from slow track to fast track of vice versa.
I assume the rule is intended to avoid situations where a character would with 2 XP, earning XP in the Module would like to switch to low track, thus resulting in math (calculating XP rewards based on the new XP).
Thus I would propose the following addition to the rules text regarding this issue:
"Whenever a character earns more XP than necessary to reach the next level, he can then decide to switch from fast to slow progression or vice versa for any XP gained after that level".
To give a concrete example on how I assume this could work:
A character on fast track with 5 XP earns 3 XP through a chronicle, since this would level that character to level 4 she now has the choice to go on slow track. She receives all the relevant rewards on that current chronicle with her current (fast ) XP track, but for the remaining time playing on level 4 (only 1 XP ) she is on slow track.
Should she decide to do so, and play another module she would gain 1.5 XP, get all the relevant rewards on that chronicle for slow track and get the choice to chose slow track or fast track again, in effect deciding how she wants to earn the next 2.5 XP.
I apologize if the example or my suggestion isn't properly formatted (or sane ^^) but I am unfortunately late for my regular PFS game.
I just wanted the idea out there, personally I don't see grounds for abuse, but since my experience with PFS is still quite limited it seems fair to assume that there are some potential problems.
I hope that this could potentially work as a quality of life change for PFS players and GMs, since it has the potential to make scheduling a bit easier.
schattenstern Venture-Captain, Germany—Rhein Main South |
I can understand this proposal, it would make it much easier to play a module char in normal levels without hampering the option to swich tracks. This might not be the case very often but especially with the Emerald Spire Level 4 (A module where it is possible to get less then 3 Xp without leaving too early) in mind i can only support this.
It even coveres the "Problem" with the Gold-reward because your leftover XP count fully so that you cant abuse this system to get more Gold per XP and the GM does not need to recalculate the Gold per XP what would be the Problem if we said you can change tracks every time you level up.
schattenstern Venture-Captain, Germany—Rhein Main South |
@Claudekennilol: The Problem is that the monetary reward is tied to the XP reward. Lets say you have 2 XP and get a chronicle worth 3 (For the ease of calculating with 1500 Gold -> in reality it is a little bit more for a 1-3 Module)
Now how do you calculate your reward:
1.5 XP 750GM (all Slow)
3 XP (all fast) (Like in the proposal)
1 XP 500GM (fast) 1XP 500GM Slow (So would be the reasoning behind swiching "midchronicle" because you can only swich @ Levelup) This option would be very messy and timeconsuming to calculate and could easiely lead to mistakes by the GM -> and as a Gm i would realy appeciate a Option without too much effort for the GM.
But if you mean that you can say every chronicle "This time Fast" or "This time Slow" I could see this also as an workable solution.
I experinced this Problem only with Emerald Spire because this is the only time you are more or less forced to slowtrack AND you have a level that greatly interfeares with that if you do the sensible thing.
claudekennilol |
@Claudekennilol: The Problem is that the monetary reward is tied to the XP reward. Lets say you have 2 XP and get a chronicle worth 3 (For the ease of calculating with 1500 Gold -> in reality it is a little bit more for a 1-3 Module)
Now how do you calculate your reward:
1.5 XP 750GM (all Slow)
3 XP (all fast) (Like in the proposal)
1 XP 500GM (fast) 1XP 500GM Slow (So would be the reasoning behind swiching "midchronicle" because you can only swich @ Levelup) This option would be very messy and timeconsuming to calculate and could easiely lead to mistakes by the GM -> and as a Gm i would realy appeciate a Option without too much effort for the GM.But if you mean that you can say every chronicle "This time Fast" or "This time Slow" I could see this also as an workable solution.
I experinced this Problem only with Emerald Spire because this is the only time you are more or less forced to slowtrack AND you have a level that greatly interfeares with that if you do the sensible thing.
Yes, I meant the bolded part. I don't see what the problem with deciding per scenario is.
I really don't know what you were you trying to get across with everything before the bolded part, but it's not important as apparently that was addressing something I misconstrued instead of what I actually meant (which was the bolded part).
schattenstern Venture-Captain, Germany—Rhein Main South |
The part before the bolded part are the calculations about how to implement the choice and to illustrate how absurd it could get if we implement the trackchnage midchronicle.
I also can not think about an abuse where you get some advantage (mechanicly) if you can swich the track midlevel. You do not get more Gold (not counting Dayjobs; and even this you could get while playing all slow) or PP. So i can not think about a reason why it should not be allowed to change Track midlevel.
Auke Teeninga Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic |
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
Or you could just do 1 or 2 extra scenario's to catch up if you don't manage to get the necesary XP from that certain level of the Emerald Spire.
Depending on your Situation, this might not be possible within a reasonable time frame. This solution requires that the GMs in your area actually offer scenarios in the right level range, that those games actually happen (lack of players etc.) and that the player in question hasn't played it yet.
Damanta wrote:Or you could just do 1 or 2 extra scenarios to catch up if you don't manage to get the necesary XP from that certain level of the Emerald Spire.Or run one or two games and use the GM credit.
While it would be nice to see more people take the GM seat, it isn't all that easy. To get a chronicle for the right level, the GM often has to run a higher level adventure. Finding enough players to run that adventure might not be an easy task, considering that we sometimes have a mixed group of players (the old guard that has played everything, and the new guys ) in the same area.
And Core really only helps when the character in question is already Core.---
I talking about it with my VL and he mentioned that one of the reasons why we have this rule, is to stop players from reducing the negative impact, by going slow track when they are about to get a chronicle with less than the maximum number of XP/Gold.
While asking the players before the game starts could work, but even then they might try to game the system based on the players present and the characters they want to play.
I hope that my proposed change sidesteps that problem, since you would always have to decide directly after getting a chronicle, that will force you to level up.
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
I've thought it would be nice to have a boon that would allow a character to switch to or from slow track at a whole-numbered amount of experience.
I and a lot of other players don't really have reliable access to boons of this nature, so I am not a huge fan of the idea.
This seems mostly a scheduling problem, and removing those usually seems like a beneficial idea.
claudekennilol |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I play PFS at least once a week and never get a boon except for my yearly foray to gencon.
On a completely unrelated note. That's super not fair that I don't get boons even though I play so often. Whereas other places get boons just because they have a larger population. Way to stick it to the small guys, paizo.
Terek |
I warned the group we are doing Emerald spire with that they need whatever character they take in to Emerald Spire to have exactly enough exp to level, with no extra scenarios if they want the same character to participate in every emerald spire level.
We haven't had a problem, but only because the players at my table knew about the potential problem beforehand.
BartonOliver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I play PFS at least once a week and never get a boon except for my yearly foray to gencon.
On a completely unrelated note. That's super not fair that I don't get boons even though I play so often. Whereas other places get boons just because they have a larger population. Way to stick it to the small guys, paizo.
I see this point come up a lot. Unfortunately, while your experience may feel this way, it is also not a fair assessment of the situation.
1. You and every other player have equal opportunities to earn Convention boons. That you may have to travel further or expend more money to do so doesn't eliminate the fact that you can go to a Con as easily as anyone else.
2. Online Cons also get prize support, so you could 'go' to a con from the comfort of your own home.
3. Organizing a convention that gets prize support is actually relatively easy and small, 15 tables, iirc, over the course of a con.(Or as small as 3 tables per time slot * 2 time slots for 2 days, and one time slot on the third)
4. There are a number of scenarios that provide boons, from opening up Animal Companions/Mounts to Archetypes that are otherwise illegal.
5. The boon trading thread, so you have a boon you don't like or none at all. Sometimes people give away or trade away boons they don't like/need/have a bunch of copies of, for little to nothing. (I've personally traded a Race boon for a GM recharge boon, with a local player who doesn't GM)
6. While this probably doesn't happen everywhere I'd imagine that it does happen elsewhere, locally people have been known to get boons for things like helping out special events (like running GM 101), or other things that help strengthen the lodge.
Yes, I know conventions especially major ones are seen as the only or best way to get boons, but there are other options too.
BigNorseWolf |
I see this point come up a lot. Unfortunately, while your experience may feel this way, it is also not a fair assessment of the situation.
Yes. Yes it is.
1. You and every other player have equal opportunities to earn Convention boons. That you may have to travel further or expend more money to do so doesn't eliminate the fact that you can go to a Con as easily as anyone else.
You've contradicted your own statement here. They are not equal.
2. Online Cons also get prize support, so you could 'go' to a con from the comfort of your own home.
They tend to be pretty rare, and the dm spots are usually gone the second the hit warhorn.
3. Organizing a convention that gets prize support is actually relatively easy and small, 15 tables, iirc, over the course of a con.(Or as small as 3 tables per time slot * 2 time slots for 2 days, and one time slot on the third)
Horsefeathers. You do not understand the concept of a small population base if you think that getting that many players together in every area is easy. I'm lucky if I can drum up an extra dm for one table, much less for the entire weekend.
4. There are a number of scenarios that provide boons, from opening up Animal Companions/Mounts to Archetypes that are otherwise illegal.
Most of them tend to be pretty weak.
5. The boon trading thread, so you have a boon you don't like or none at all. Sometimes people give away or trade away boons they don't like/need/have a bunch of copies of, for little to nothing. (I've personally traded a Race boon for a GM recharge boon, with a local player who doesn't GM)
Your chances of actually trading something increase astronomically once you have a boon of your own to trade.
WiseWolfOfYoitsu |
I warned the group we are doing Emerald spire with that they need whatever character they take in to Emerald Spire to have exactly enough exp to level, with no extra scenarios if they want the same character to participate in every emerald spire level.
We haven't had a problem, but only because the players at my table knew about the potential problem beforehand.
claudekennilol |
claudekennilol wrote:Yeah, I play PFS at least once a week and never get a boon except for my yearly foray to gencon.
On a completely unrelated note. That's super not fair that I don't get boons even though I play so often. Whereas other places get boons just because they have a larger population. Way to stick it to the small guys, paizo.
I see this point come up a lot. Unfortunately, while your experience may feel this way, it is also not a fair assessment of the situation.
1. You and every other player have equal opportunities to earn Convention boons. That you may have to travel further or expend more money to do so doesn't eliminate the fact that you can go to a Con as easily as anyone else.
2. Online Cons also get prize support, so you could 'go' to a con from the comfort of your own home.
3. Organizing a convention that gets prize support is actually relatively easy and small, 15 tables, iirc, over the course of a con.(Or as small as 3 tables per time slot * 2 time slots for 2 days, and one time slot on the third)
4. There are a number of scenarios that provide boons, from opening up Animal Companions/Mounts to Archetypes that are otherwise illegal.
5. The boon trading thread, so you have a boon you don't like or none at all. Sometimes people give away or trade away boons they don't like/need/have a bunch of copies of, for little to nothing. (I've personally traded a Race boon for a GM recharge boon, with a local player who doesn't GM)
6. While this probably doesn't happen everywhere I'd imagine that it does happen elsewhere, locally people have been known to get boons for things like helping out special events (like running GM 101), or other things that help strengthen the lodge.
Yes, I know conventions especially major ones are seen as the only or best way to get boons, but there are other options too.
Seriously, your response to me living in a less populated PFS area is to "suck it up" or "too bad there are still viable choices"--when other areas don't have to jump through hoops just because they're more populated? On an individual basis, I guarantee you that I support Paizo more than a large fraction of those other individuals that happen to live in a more populated area. Sure I get to play and I enjoy playing, but your response, no matter how well-meant, I find incredibly rude and short-sighted. And with that my rant is done and I'll not derail this topic anymore. If you wish to discuss this further a new topic can be introduced or you may PM me.
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
Terek wrote:I warned the group we are doing Emerald spire with that they need whatever character they take in to Emerald Spire to have exactly enough exp to level, with no extra scenarios if they want the same character to participate in every emerald spire level.
We haven't had a problem, but only because the players at my table knew about the potential problem beforehand.
** spoiler omitted **
I recently GMed this for a couple of players at a local convention, among them my VO. We discussed how to deal with the level, maybe make them play it with pregens (could not convice them), make them knock everybody unconscious (could not convince them etc.). I ended up using Zarta Dralneen to go them a clear exterminate order with some vague pointers that something didn't seem right.
At the end after about 20 minutes of senseless slaughter (I started filling out the chronicles at the very start of the level... ) they managed to deactivate the godbox, and all the dead scaly guys started to melt into some white chemical looking paste (I have no regrets of shame after stealing this from Dr Who).
And even with this ending, it is a very very boring level, and giving 3 XP for that seems pretty much like free XP.
Akari Sayuri "Tiger Lily" |
@BartonOliver: I'm pretty sure from past things I've seen you post that you're somebody from my lodge. Keep in mind that we are in what seems to be an unusually active area for PFS - most lodges aren't selling out 3-5 tables a week, plus we are in very close physical proximity to GenCon (close enough that I'm planning on not getting a room and just making the drive every day). Some of the smaller lodges struggle to do more than 1 game per month and might require a trip of hundreds of miles or even travel to a different country to attend a con. Yes, it's open to all, but there's a big difference between making the drive to the con every day and having to get a tourist visa, hotel room, and plane tickets :)
Tim Statler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I play PFS at least once a week and never get a boon except for my yearly foray to gencon.
On a completely unrelated note. That's super not fair that I don't get boons even though I play so often. Whereas other places get boons just because they have a larger population. Way to stick it to the small guys, paizo.
IN my local area we are lucky to get 2 tables a month, not once a week, and we put on 2 cons a year. They just meet minimum size for prize support.
If we can put on a con with that small a population, then you can if you can get multiple tables a month. You can also ask your VO for help in organizing and advertising it.
BartonOliver |
"BartonOliver wrote:You've contradicted your own statement here.
1. You and every other player have equal opportunities to earn Convention boons. That you may have to travel further or expend more money to do so doesn't eliminate the fact that you can go to a Con as easily as anyone else.
No they are not contradictory maybe poorly worded. The cost to person may make it so an individual cannot attend convention does not affect how many there are. The number of conventions does not change as no convention is turning people away. (I understand that monetarily any individual may not be able to go to 1 or more conventions, and that conventions are the best place to earn boons is unfortunate for these people but the opportunities are still equal)
"BartonOlivquote wrote:2. Online Cons also get prize support, so you could 'go' to a con from the comfort of your own home.They tend to be pretty rare, and the dm spots are usually gone the second the hit warhorn.
I'd imagine that is true, but I GMing is not the only way to get a boon, while it does guarantee one playing also affords the chance at one. (I'm not sure if he or others GM so I didn't include anything that is GM dependant)(And even though online cons are rare, there are more online cons than there are GenCons, especially when you include Gamedays and the PbP events that get support)
"BartonOliver wrote:3. Organizing a convention that gets prize support is actually relatively easy and small, 15 tables, iirc, over the course of a con.(Or as small as 3 tables per time slot * 2 time slots for 2 days, and one time slot on the third)Horsefeathers. You do not understand the concept of a small population base if you think that getting that many players together in every area is easy. I'm lucky if I can drum up an extra dm for one table, much less for the entire weekend.
I've organized and attended cons in small populations (not where I currently am and not for PFS as we don't meet these conditions). Yes, it is more difficult, but it is by no means impossible. There are a number of conventions that I see posted in towns that are able to host less than a game a week. 15 games is lower than most people realize, and is a barrier to entry that is actual fairly manageable with some planning and advertising. If you can get a weekly game going, it is IMO highly likely that you could drum up enough interest to host your own convention. (A lot of players would like the opportunity to play specials and having one near home is great)
"BartonOliver wrote:4. There are a number of scenarios that provide boons, from opening up Animal Companions/Mounts to Archetypes that are otherwise illegal.Most of them tend to be pretty weak.
Doesn't change the fact that they exist. And that a boon like this could be added to a scenario instead of a convention boon (though I don't personally see it being changed or becoming a boon)
"BartonOliver wrote:5. The boon trading thread, so you have a boon you don't like or none at all. Sometimes people give away or trade away boons they don't like/need/have a bunch of copies of, for little to nothing. (I've personally traded a Race boon for a GM recharge boon, with a local player who doesn't GM)Your chances of actually trading something increase astronomically once you have a boon of your own to trade.
I agree, but it doesn't change that it is there.
BigNorseWolf |
No they are not contradictory maybe poorly worded.
Its not your wording, its the idea. You are wrong because your ideas are wrong, not how you word it.
If you can get a weekly game going, it is IMO highly likely that you could drum up enough interest to host your own convention. (A lot of players would like the opportunity to play specials and having one near home is great)
Stop and think about what your argument is here, really.
By what logic does you can get 4-7 people together for 4 hours become you can get 8 people together for 28 hours? The spontaneous reproduction aside , Im pretty sure at least some of the players would have something else they want/have to do at some point during the weekend and at some point someones going to need their living room back.
Doesn't change the fact that they exist.
Yes. Yes it does. Something that is effectively zero is only not zero in a technical sense, not a real one. Its disingenuous chicanery when you use a mathematicians answer to ignore reality to thread verbal technicalities as reasons to dismiss peoples concerns.
And that a boon like this could be added to a scenario instead of a convention boon (though I don't personally see it being changed or becoming a boon)
A few recent scenarios have given me hope.
I agree, but it doesn't change that it is there.
See above
BartonOliver |
"BartonOliver wrote:
If you can get a weekly game going, it is IMO highly likely that you could drum up enough interest to host your own convention. (A lot of players would like the opportunity to play specials and having one near home is great)Stop and think about what your argument is here, really.
By what logic does you can get 4-7 people together for 4 hours become you can get 8 people together for 28 hours? The spontaneous reproduction aside , Im pretty sure at least some of the players would have something else they want/have to do at some point during the weekend and at some point someones going to need their living room back.
Let's see: What do you need to run 15 tables in a weekend?
Location: One that can hold 3 tables (5 or more if you want to do a special) of up to 8 people simultaneously, could be a FLGS, a conference room at a hotel, someone's house, doing it over roll20, a room at a school, church, etc where meetings (boy scouts, gaming, etc) are run. (With some planning can be done at low cost as low as $0)
Players: If you are running a weekly game, you have at least 3 people, probably more generally not the same players every week in most places. (Enough for 5 tables with some planning, yes you are going to have to plan for a weekend where people don't have other commitments, and want to invest this kind of time, but it is by no means impossible. Generally a tree day weekend works the best for this.)
GM: You have at least 1 (probably more, again could run 5 tables, with some planning, but again this is hard)
Scenarios: If you are planning a Con this is part of the support that Paizo gives.
Now you have to find a way to fill the other 10 tables. That's where using your resources comes into play. Is there another play group in a nearby town? Probably, you could get another couple here. Do you or anyone else have some other people who might be interested or are only interested occasionally? Probably enough to get at least a table or two of either Silverhex or We Be Goblins. Do you have a VO that's willing to help you out? I'd say so, though I don't know for sure.
10 tables in addition to your normal players over a 3-day weekend is doable. Yes, you have to plan ahead. Yes, you need to recruit more players and GM's but it's not at all impossible. (No matter the size of your gaming population, there are smaller groups than weekly games that host multiple Cons per year) I was assuming people who play every week would be excited for an opportunity to host a con and would be willing to help organize things, but that may not be true, if not it will be harder to pull off.
Yes, it takes planning, and some work but it is doable.
Also, you could do the whole thing online. I can't say for sure here either, but my guess is the online VO's would help set-up another event, whether it is through Roll20 or even a PbP gameday (where in all honesty you could potentially have the same players and gms at all of the tables).
Oh and as far as an idea being wrong thank you, but means and opportunity are not the same thing. A player could have the opportunity to play every week or at every con, without the ability to do so.
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
Players: If you are running a weekly game, you have at least 3 people, probably more generally not the same players every week in most places. (Enough for 5 tables with some planning, yes you are going to have to plan for a weekend where people don't have other commitments, and want to invest this kind of time, but it is by no means impossible. Generally a tree day weekend works the best for this.)GM: You have at least 1 (probably more, again could run 5 tables, with some planning, but again this is hard)
Now you have to find a way to fill the other 10 tables. That's where using your resources comes into play. Is there another play group in a nearby town? Probably, you could get another couple here. Do you or anyone else have some other people who might be interested or are only interested occasionally? Probably enough to get at least a...
Getting a number of nerds into the same room at the same time is already a bit like herding cats (or being a Raid leader, same thing really) one PFS comes into play it becomes that much harder.
You need at least your GMs to commit way ahead of time, and find a day that works for everyone (ideally have 1 or 2 spare GMs).
You need to offer enough scenarios, in the right combination, so people actually want to come to your convention.
The replayables are a nice emergency solution, but people will quite likely not drive to a convention to play The Confirmation for the 7th time.
And frankly there are plenty of gaming groups that have absolutely zero interest of going to a convention, my own home group consists of 15 + year RPG veterans and I seriously doubt that I could make them even attend a convention (planning one is out of the question).
Conventions are a pretty loud and busy affair, and some people just don't want to participate (or have been burned by terrible GMs).
The chance to find enough non-regular PFS players, who are willing to commit to an event weeks or months in the future is pretty slim, and even in that case you are likely to lose a percentage to emergencies and similar occurrences.
At our last yearly PFS convention we had about 30-40 people, and that one had people from all over the country (Germany). While I am quite committed to increasing that number substantially, I am still not confident, that we have a 100 % chance to get Con support for this years convention.
I agree that it can be done, but at some point you have to look at the time investment by the organizers and decide if it is still worth the time.
Oh and some areas seem to be quite GM starved, it is not a problem in my area, but some people will never GM and there is nothing you can do about it.
EDIT: I do appreciate the fact that this discussion keeps the topic on the front page, it seems that the topic ob boons is ripe with a certain amount of desire and entitlement issues.
Personally I would prefer an option that improves the growth of PFS in player starved areas (like giving each new VL a stack of boons to encourage regular game day attendance/ rewarding players/GMs who volunteer their time to run newbie friendly scenarios/help with character creation). Of course the fact that Paizo wants PFS to be present at many conventions to build brand recognition ends up helping us in the long run.
BartonOliver |
You need at least your GMs to commit way ahead of time, and find a day that works for everyone (ideally have 1 or 2 spare GMs).
True. I believe to apply for prize support you in fact have to have them lined up ahead of time.
You need to offer enough scenarios, in the right combination, so people actually want to come to your convention.The replayables are a nice emergency solution, but people will quite likely not drive to a convention to play The Confirmation for the 7th time.
A valid point. I was suggesting the replayables as an option for new players. As far as scenario selection goes, in my experience there are two ways that tend to work. 1. Pick all of the newest scenarios, these are the ones the most people have yet to play. 2. Theme your entire event. (Go for a desert them and pick all the Destiny of the Sands, etc.) (Also, adding a special on top of either is a big help)
And frankly there are plenty of gaming groups that have absolutely zero interest of going to a convention, my own home group consists of 15 + year RPG veterans and I seriously doubt that I could make them even attend a convention (planning one is out of the question).
Conventions are a pretty loud and busy affair, and some people just don't want to participate (or have been burned by terrible GMs).
I hadn't thought of that aspect, thank you. In it's defense I find this to be far less true of local conventions, especially ones that are going to be running minimum or near minimum tables, with no other events besides PFS
The chance to find enough non-regular PFS players, who are willing to commit to an event weeks or months in the future is pretty slim, and...
It has been my experience, that most people know at least 1 person who might be interested in trying it even for a single game, and that conventions or large events tend to bring people out (you could also pair it with Free RPG Day). Though I by no means believe my experience is the only one.
Personally I would prefer an option that improves the growth of PFS in player starved areas (like giving each new VL a stack of boons to encourage regular game day attendance/ rewarding players/GMs who volunteer their time to run newbie friendly scenarios/help with character creation). Of course the fact that Paizo wants PFS to be present at many conventions to build brand recognition ends up helping us in the long run.
I love this idea (and mentioned that locally we do something like this, though I believe it is from the VO's personal stash). I like the inclusion of boons for non-convention goers, but am not sure of a consistent way to do it across all of PFS. I like that convention attendees get something extra for the time and money they spend going to conventions etc., but see no reason something similar couldn't be instituted for people who are not able to attend conventions. Paizo has decided on this implementation of boons (at this time) and I'm not going to say it's perfect, but I do understand where the are coming from. The visibility of running 1000+ tables at a major convention brings in a lot of players (I know it has locally, though I do live near GenCon). Boons like this however are strictly extras, they aren't necessary to play, and while some of them are good, most are purely flavor.
Personally, some of my favorite boons are ones from scenarios (like not having to pay for a body recovery or a free wayfinder). Which didn't require anything other than me playing or GMing. (As for convention boons which I have a couple of, I don't think I've applied a single one I've gotten to a character, other than the GM star recharge, which I got via trade.)
Auke Teeninga Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic |
If a party gets less XP, then that whole party has the same problem right? It really shouldn't be difficult to get a few sessions in for those same people to get things back onto track.
If it's just you, then you can run a 1-5 at tier 1-2 and apply it to your character at tier 4-5.
Even if your suggestion is accepted it won't be implemented till GenCon (end of July), so don't hold your breath.
Concerning boons, I'm 99% certain Mike Brock will grant boons if your VO asks for them. Mike knows that in Europe PFS participation is growing, but not nearly near American numbers. I don't think a boon would be a good solution for your problem though.
BigNorseWolf |
Location: One that can hold 3 tables (5 or more if you want to do a special) of up to 8 people simultaneously, could be a FLGS, a conference room at a hotel, someone's house, doing it over roll20, a room at a school, church, etc where meetings (boy scouts, gaming, etc) are run. (With some planning can be done at low cost as low as $0)
One that can hold three tables for the entire weekend. Big difference. People are not going to buy 10 times as much stuff because they're in the comic shop 10 times as long. The church can probably lend you the room saterday but is going to need it sunday, and buying out a conference room isn't a financial risk everyone can take.
Players: If you are running a weekly game, you have at least 3 people, probably more generally not the same players every week in most places. (Enough for 5 tables with some planning, yes you are going to have to plan for a weekend where people don't have other commitments, and want to invest this kind of time, but it is by no means impossible. Generally a tree day weekend works the best for this.)
You're not listening and that severely hurts the credibility of an argument relying on you telling me how things really are.
No. This logic does not work. Its bad, its flawed, its obviously false, and not only are you telling me that its good you're telling me its so good i have to believe it rather than my own eyes.
The more people you try to get together for one event the MORE likely it is that at least some of them are going to be occupied, not less. That's just math. When you try to argue against that you show that you're desperately trying to justify the position of "suck it up! Bootstrap levitation!" not offering any useful advice.
GM: You have at least 1 (probably more, again could run 5 tables, with some planning, but again this is hard)
Stop dropping half the argument when you respond to it. You do not just need 1 other dm. You need at least one other dm for the entire weekend.
You do not need 15 people. you do not just need 2 tables. You need 240 person hours. You do not need two tables, you need to tables for the entire weekend. You cannot tell me that the problem is my lack of organizational skills if you can't understand concepts that simple.
Now you have to find a way to fill the other 10 tables. That's where using your resources comes into play. Is there another play group in a nearby town? Probably
2 hours that way. 2 hours that way. And two hours that away.
Here, hold my banjo.
And thats in the fourth most populous state in the country. Much less someone telling you what happens in fly over country...
you could get another couple here. Do you or anyone else have some other people who might be interested or are only interested occasionally? Probably enough to get at least a table or two of either Silverhex or We Be Goblins. Do you have a VO that's willing to help you out? I'd say so, though I don't know for sure.
You don't know for sure but you feel pretty damned confident telling people what their situation is as if you were.
It was the first two hours thataway.
10 tables in addition to your normal players over a 3-day weekend is doable.
You are, again, equating people sitting down at one table with people sitting down at one table for the entire weekend. That. does. not work. out. If you have someone playing 1 table you need 7-8 of them to make up for one die hard playing the weekend strait through.
Yes, it takes planning, and some work but it is doable.
This is patronizing and insulting. You don't know the situation other people are in, and when they flat out tell you exactly, specifically, why you're wrong in both your facts and your ability to interpret them you come back to this pap that people can't do it because they're LAZY. This is particularly grating coming from people who probably just have to roll out of bed to land at a convention.
Also, you could do the whole thing online. I can't say for sure here either, but my guess is the online VO's would help set-up another event, whether it is through Roll20 or even a PbP gameday (where in all honesty you could potentially have the same players and gms at all of the tables).
Not everyone likes gaming online. To me its like dominoes instead of real pizza.
I';ve just started learninng to dm roll d20 (comming over from maptools) Its been.. a learning process.
Oh and as far as an idea being wrong thank you, but means and opportunity are not the same thing. A player could have the opportunity to play every week or at every con, without the ability to do so.
Horsefeathers. Means are what provide the opportunity.
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
If a party gets less XP, then that whole party has the same problem right? It really shouldn't be difficult to get a few sessions in for those same people to get things back onto track.
If it's just you, then you can run a 1-5 at tier 1-2 and apply it to your character at tier 4-5.
Even if your suggestion is accepted it won't be implemented till GenCon (end of July), so don't hold your breath.
Concerning boons, I'm 99% certain Mike Brock will grant boons if your VO asks for them. Mike knows that in Europe PFS participation is growing, but not nearly near American numbers. I don't think a boon would be a good solution for your problem though.
I apologize for the late answer, I am somewhat busy with birthday celebrations, just turned 30 today... the rot is apparently starting to set it. #fishingforcompliments ^^
In your argument you make the assumption, that every player is on the same starting XP, something that seems to be rather rare, especially once the GMs are let out to play.
Sceduling sessions for the affected players can be a bit hard, especially if you have to plan your games weeks in advance.
Just GMing something would be lovely, but finding players is not easy for everybody, it really depends on your location, and when you need to play the character in another planned module/scenario.
Since this can happen in every normal scenario and module (players having to leave early, party having to retreat etc. ) it would be nice to have a solution for the long run.
I have heard reasons for the existence of the current rule, but I feel that a change would be a good thing for PFS, and create less scheduling conflicts.
So yeah, I am not holding my breath, but I see little reason to keep a rule in its current state, if it could be better (of course not necessarily my suggestion).
BigNorseWolf |
Yeah, if the only reason is so that players can't choose to play fast/slow to mitigate "low reward" scenarios, then all that player is going to do is simply not play that scenario with that character. I don't see how that's a valid reason.
Or if the party gets halfway through and runs away , that drops their treasure so someone might say "yeah, we'll take this one slow..."
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
claudekennilol wrote:Yeah, if the only reason is so that players can't choose to play fast/slow to mitigate "low reward" scenarios, then all that player is going to do is simply not play that scenario with that character. I don't see how that's a valid reason.Or if the party gets halfway through and runs away , that drops their treasure so someone might say "yeah, we'll take this one slow..."
I hope that my suggestion solves that particular issue, since you can never change the XP track of your current chronicle. But yeah, that seems like a good reason for the existence of the current rule.
claudekennilol |
claudekennilol wrote:Yeah, if the only reason is so that players can't choose to play fast/slow to mitigate "low reward" scenarios, then all that player is going to do is simply not play that scenario with that character. I don't see how that's a valid reason.Or if the party gets halfway through and runs away , that drops their treasure so someone might say "yeah, we'll take this one slow..."
Say it up front. Write it down on the sign-in sheet. Even if people meta-game it that much, more people want xp more than "treasure" anyways. Most pathfinders (if not all) are above the WBL curve anyways.
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
BigNorseWolf wrote:Say it up front. Write it down on the sign-in sheet. Even if people meta-game it that much, more people want xp more than "treasure" anyways. Most pathfinders (if not all) are above the WBL curve anyways.claudekennilol wrote:Yeah, if the only reason is so that players can't choose to play fast/slow to mitigate "low reward" scenarios, then all that player is going to do is simply not play that scenario with that character. I don't see how that's a valid reason.Or if the party gets halfway through and runs away , that drops their treasure so someone might say "yeah, we'll take this one slow..."
That solution might not work for a situation where the PCs justifiably expect 3 XP and get 1.
LazarX |
The thing with boons. Paizo doesn't give out any real game changing or game winning boons. the bulk of them are of the following.
1. A one time special bonus that might save your bacon.
2. A one time special bonus to a die roll of a particular type.
3. A one time opening to create a character of a given race.
4. A one time special for something else or to create a new character.
None of these are essential "game winners". Generally nothing that the lack of, will significantly hurt or impeded your PFS career.