Advice on a Hunter build


Grand Lodge

Hi! I'm playing kingmaker with my friends, recently two players left the party so we ended up in 4 players.
The master is letting us rebuild the party since we were pretty unbalanced (rogue, slayer, investigator and gunslinger).

The guy who's playing the gunslinger is planning to go hunter or druid, he is planning to stay out of combat and fight from the distance (Archer) while his companion (an ape or a bear) will be a melee fighter.

Horace "pointed legs"
Tengu, Hunter 4
15 pts: 14 17 10 10 16 8

1- Point Blank Shot
2- Precise Shot
3- Rapid Shot
3- Teamwork: Lookout

Aspects: Tiger (for him) and Bull (for the ape).

1: Entangle, Obscuring Mist, Gravity Bow, Magic Fang
2: Magic Fang (greater), Soften earth and Stone

(The rest of the party will play a Paladin (Holy Guide), an Oracle and an Investigator).
Do you think a hunter is a good fit for kingmaker?
What traits should he take?

(If you find any grammatical errors... I'm really Sorry! I'm not a native English speaker).

Grand Lodge

He really looks good as is. Archer is strong, he has the Lookout shenanigan, assuming the pet is a bodyguard, (something the rest of the party should probally invest in)

While archer is fine as is, has the player looking into the Elven Curved Blade? Keep the dex focus, go into melee with pet and enjoy outflank crit attack passing.

I can not speak to how good Hunter is for kingmaker, but I bet they would be good in a military leader role. (I would say divine leader, but that will likely be taken by oracle, on second thought, paladin might take the military leader role better. Guess the hunter could just be the king)

Reactionary would be my first suggestion in traits. My second would be going adopted: warrior of old. Basically, you were raised by elves and practiced their combat style, gaining faster reflexes (+2 init). Benefit is you free up the combat trait slot for something else. What? not sure but combat has a lot of good ones.

First of all, Kingmaker is an awesome AP. You'll have a blast no matter what you play.

That being said, a lot of this AP takes place outdoors. I would recommend tailoring his companion as a usable mount. When he's mounted on his AC, he counts as both adjacent to and flanking with a partner that automatically has all the same teamwork feats he does.

Plus using his mount's movement speed can help your group with scouting, setting up ambushes, etc.

If he's going archer hunter he will want Deadeye Bowman, it's a Religion trait. It basically removes soft cover bonus if it's only being granted by one target.

This works really well with some of the ranged teamwork feats, he should really check them out.

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