Campaign Loosely Based on Assassin's Creed - Need Advice


I'm running a campaign for my wife (solo) loosely based on Assassin's Creed series of video games and its lore.

So far:
1. A group called the "Chromonika Knights" is fighting the "Ublissi Assassins."
2. The Chromonika Knights continue to contract lycanthropy in order to maintain their edge over the Ublissi.
3. The Ublissi are trying to reassemble an artifact known as "the Jaw of Moln": a powerful kukri that could bring rest to the dead (make it very hard to reanimate corpses).
4. The Ublissi territories are ruled by Karals ("kings") who are all watched over by the Verkhov ("master").
5. The Verkhov has been missing for almost a year.
6. A shadowy figure (not unlike how Altair appears to Ezio in some games) is leading my wife's character to certain pivotal things (like a piece of the kukri and a ship's ledger showing the Verkhov booked passage 9 months ago).

I don't want to reduce my game to
- Stealth check
- Climb check
- Acrobatics check
- Stealth check

So, does anyone have any ideas (clever or otherwise) on how I could "do more" with the kinds of things that an AC assassin might do while questing?

Bump for advice.

Dark Archive

I feel the class that could well represent the assassins of Assassins Creed as a whole is the Hitman archetype for the Rogue.

Definitely would say to make the character a Slayer, considering Paizo flat out said that Assassin's Creed was part of the inspiration for the class. They are the perfect Assassin-themed class in my opinion.

Slayer makes sense. So would the Inquisitor, since its designed to hunt down monsters. The Also, do research on the Knights Templar and the Hashashin (sp?), since these are the historical organizations the Assassin's Creed series draws from. The Knights Templar should have sub-orders based on the different types of lycanthropes. If it's set in a Arabian themed land, the character should also get contracts to perform various tasks in and out of a large city. Assassination, recovery of lost tomes of lore, etc. The battle between the assassins and the knights should involve a lot of skullduggery, and the Knight commanders should be infected or full blooded natural lycanthrope paladins, cavaliers, or even druids. Lower ranking knights are skinwalkers, etc.

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