What is the easiest way to get to the EMP Museum from the hotel, without a car?

PaizoCon General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

I am trying to figure out if it is feasible for my husband, who will be arriving early Thur, to get to the EMS Museum Thur, without a car. The museum is hosting a Star Wars exhibit, his other great passion, and I thought it would be a fun way for him to see a bit more of Seattle.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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You can take the light rail into downtown (Pioneer Square) and bus to the Seattle Center, or walk to use the Monorail system from the Westlake Center into the Seattle Center (where the EMP is located). Either of these options is roughly $10 per person in transit costs. I'd say the trek is well worth the journey too! My husband, brother-in-law and I were very fortunate to go to the opening party for the exhibit earlier this year and the costumes are absolutely breathtaking close up. And there's loads to see in the area afterward too :)

Associate Editor

Google maps has very good coverage of Seattle-area transit; you can use that or Metro's Trip Planner to calculate routes. I also recommend One Bus Away, which has real-time arrival info for transit stops.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Judy Bauer wrote:
Google maps has very good coverage of Seattle-area transit; you can use that or Metro's Trip Planner to calculate routes. I also recommend One Bus Away, which has real-time arrival info for transit stops.

Google Maps inclusion of Transit information is pretty much why Apple Maps has a silent death of non-use on my iPhone.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Judy Bauer wrote:
Google maps has very good coverage of Seattle-area transit; you can use that or Metro's Trip Planner to calculate routes. I also recommend One Bus Away, which has real-time arrival info for transit stops.

Also this! The One Bus Away app is incredibly useful!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Judy Bauer wrote:
Google maps has very good coverage of Seattle-area transit; you can use that or Metro's Trip Planner to calculate routes. I also recommend One Bus Away, which has real-time arrival info for transit stops.
Also this! The One Bus Away app is incredibly useful!


Chris Lambertz has the right answer: light rail then monorail. Do not take the bus from Seatac to downtown. Seattle has some of the worst bus transit around. Plus the light rail and monorail will provide great views and the experience of taking the monorail to the EMP/Seattle-Center is a must for anyone visiting Seattle.

Sovereign Court

Good info folks. I am also planning on heading to the EMP on Thursday (get in Wed evening) and was wondering about the best way to go about doing it. Been out to Seattle four times since 2009 and have never gotten to the EMP ... figured it was about time (and my inner Star Wars fanboy is threatening to kick my butt if I don't do it this year).

Senior Editor

D6Veteran wrote:
Do not take the bus from Seatac to downtown.

This, 100%. Take the light rail. Once you get into Seattle, bus coverage is decent, but from the surrounding cities to Seattle is not great.

For those planning to take the monorail, it's cash only and doesn't interface with the Orca card system, so plan accordingly!

And for those planning to sight-see on Monday, also be aware that the transit schedule is different on holidays! (Light rail will be on Sunday schedule, still every 10–15 minutes, monorail will be unaffected.)

Shadow Lodge

Thanks all for the advice. My husband has managed to find someone else who is interested in going and the two of them are going to try the light rail.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

The fare for the Monorail is $2.25 per person, each way, cash only. It will be very convenient for them to use, though, since the Link Light Rail has a station in the basement of the Westlake Mall (Westlake Station, natch), and the Monorail departs from the top floor of Westlake Mall.

Dark Archive

zylphryx wrote:
Good info folks. I am also planning on heading to the EMP on Thursday (get in Wed evening) and was wondering about the best way to go about doing it. Been out to Seattle four times since 2009 and have never gotten to the EMP ... figured it was about time (and my inner Star Wars fanboy is threatening to kick my butt if I don't do it this year).

Interested in a travel companion? I too get in on Wednesday and was heading out on Thursday. I am shadow sorceress husband from above.

Sovereign Court

Sounds good. Looks like tickets for the Star Wars exhibit are above and beyond the normal ticket and are time specific. I'll touch base via PM and we can hash out details. :)

Community & Digital Content Director

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zylphryx wrote:
Sounds good. Looks like tickets for the Star Wars exhibit are above and beyond the normal ticket and are time specific. I'll touch base via PM and we can hash out details. :)

It looks like the Star Wars tickets are combo tickets (which means they're a few dollars more than the normal ~$20 price) and allow you access to all exhibits. That said, they just opened the more general Sci-Fi area recently, which is pretty exciting since it's been gone for a while. I'm totally not looking into it to convince robo-husband to go again >.>

Sovereign Court

ooo, good to know Chris! I must have mis-read their site.

EDIT: I did completely misread it! Thanks Chris!

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
Sounds good. Looks like tickets for the Star Wars exhibit are above and beyond the normal ticket and are time specific. I'll touch base via PM and we can hash out details. :)
It looks like the Star Wars tickets are combo tickets (which means they're a few dollars more than the normal ~$20 price) and allow you access to all exhibits. That said, they just opened the more general Sci-Fi area recently, which is pretty exciting since it's been gone for a while. I'm totally not looking into it to convince robo-husband to go again >.>

Your welcome to go with us!

Shadow Lodge

Well, my work here is done.

Just wish I could come along. Take lots of pics.

Sovereign Court

Will do. The SW fanboy in me will demand photos (and my boss is a pretty big SW fan, so she would be psyched to see them as well).

Sovereign Court

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
Sounds good. Looks like tickets for the Star Wars exhibit are above and beyond the normal ticket and are time specific. I'll touch base via PM and we can hash out details. :)
It looks like the Star Wars tickets are combo tickets (which means they're a few dollars more than the normal ~$20 price) and allow you access to all exhibits. That said, they just opened the more general Sci-Fi area recently, which is pretty exciting since it's been gone for a while. I'm totally not looking into it to convince robo-husband to go again >.>
Your welcome to go with us!

Indeed! It would be very cool to have y'all join us. :)

Paizo Employee Developer

Hey zylphryx, while you're there, make sure to take time out from sci-fi/fantasy geekery to go check out the guitar room at the EMP. There's some great music history in those guitars.

Senior Editor

Also, the EMP is very close to one of the venues for the Seattle International Film Festival, which runs from 5/14–6/7—consider taking in a film while you're there (schedule TBA)!

Sovereign Court

Oh I intend to check out as much of the museum as possible Daigle, as it is covering many facets of my geekery ... sci-fi/fantasy/space opera (Star Wars), music, horror ... if you do not spot me on site on Friday, send a search party to the EMP as I may have just gotten stuck in a state of Nerdvana. ;)

And Judy the film festival sounds like it could be pretty cool, thanks for bringing it up (I had no idea that there was a film fest going on as well as all the other geeky goodness) ... might have to check that out Monday night as a final escapade before heading back to the land of work and toil. ;)

I highly recommend checking out EMP and their new Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction exhibit. It's pretty friggin' cool! For anyone wanting more info on the exhibit, here's a piece I did for the grand opening.

Senior Editor

The Seattle International Film Festival's linup is live!

And if you're going to visit EMP, check out the Folk Life Festival, which has tons of free performances at Seattle Center over Memorial Day weekend: bluegrass, hip hop, brass bands, klezmer, bollywood dance, Hawaiian music, Celtic music—you name it.

Silver Crusade

See, I should have just taken the full week off of work.

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