Second animal companion / cohort?


Liberty's Edge

This seems like it would be a frequently asked question, but I did searches and while there were some related threads, they didn't exactly answer my question. So please forgive me for this thread.

So, one of my players (Hunter) has an animal companion (small cat). She met an animal (dog) during an adventure and would like to make the second animal a combat companion. What are my options, either RAI or RAW?

Animal Ally feat requires that you don't already have an animal companion, but its existence does suggest that a feat is roughly worth a -3 level animal companion, so maybe RAI this could work?

Handle Animal would let you teach the dog to attack, but without any sort of advancement, it would die almost instantly at even medium levels.

Another possibility is the Leadership feat, but at the player's leadership score, it would grant a 7th level cohort and I'm not sure how to make a dog equivalent to a 7th level character. This seems like it would be the only option, RAW, and then use the monster advancement rules somehow?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There are no options or archetypes for Hunters to allow a second pet.

Rangers have one, but it requires them to divide their effective levels between their multiple pets.

You can't have a non-sentient cohort. An awakened animal could be made into a cohort, but it will have it's own mind and desires, and those will have to be seen to by the cohort's master.

Liberty's Edge

Where's the rule for not being able to have a non-sentient cohort?

This Archetype does exactly what you want, unless I'm misunderstanding your post. They would have to scale the animals separately by dividing up their druid level, but it works nonetheless.

Liberty's Edge


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