Howon Twothree |

Seoni has to fight a monster with a Combat 13.
She has a combat of 1d4.
She can add 1d4 for a blessing discarded and add further die if any ally or item cards grant combat modifications. This however looks like a looser.
Instead, She can discard a card to use one of her powers to Roll her Arcane die 1d12+2 + id6; this counting as playing a spell. (OR she could play a spell card such as the Acid Arrow)
She can add 1d12 for a blessing discarded.
Can she discard the Sheriff Hemlock card to add a 1d6 to this combat roll?
Can she play a weapon to further add to her chances? The dagger card says “For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or Ranged die +1d4…….” In Seoni’s Case her dexterity is 1d8, so does this give her another 1d8 + 1d4?
Basically what I see is that this is a combat check modified by a power or spell enhanced by cards granting combat boons.
Having said all that, I have been playing “conservatively”, not using cards that add dice to combat rolls if they have been modified by Powers or Spells.
As for the dagger card I have been using it only if rolling basic Dexterity skill dice? Although the rules indicate on Page16 under “Weapons” that weapon cards often require you to do something (such as to reveal the card) to modify your combat check. Using the card this way does modify the combat check.
Sorry for the confusion but every time encounter this situation, which is often, I grit my teeth and wonder if I am not shooting myself in the foot unnecessarily

mindlar |
She can use her power to user her arcane skill + 1d6 or cast a spell or use a weapon.
On all of these they say the magic words: "for your combat check". You can only use a single card/power that sets the die for your combat check.
Sheriff Hemlock can be used to add a 1d6 to combat check assuming he says something like: "Add 1d6 to your combat check" or "Add 1d6 to a combat check" or "Add 1d6 to a combat check at your location". If you are casting a spell you cannot use him if he says something like: "Add 1d6 to a melee/ranged combat check".

skizzerz |

You can only use one "For your ... check" power on any particular check. So if you use the power to discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 for your combat check you cannot use any other powers or cards that say "for your combat check" because you already determined which skill you are using. So no, you cannot play dagger on that check.
You can play other cards that add on to the check (such as blessings, items, allies, etc) but keep in mind that you can only play one card of each type on the check (and since that power counts as playing a spell, no other spells for you unless the card says it can be played even when another spell was played on the check). Don't have my cards on me right now, but as long as Sheriff Hemlock does not determine the check (eg it doesn't say "For your combat check", then you can play it).

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Seoni has to fight a monster with a Combat 13.
She has a combat of 1d4.
She can add 1d4 for a blessing discarded and add further die if any ally or item cards grant combat modifications. This however looks like a looser.
She has strength of d4 (or since she doesn't have a Melee skill, she can use a d4 there). So you could choose to roll (for your Combat check) a d4 and add a blessing for another d4. Yes, that sucks.
Instead, She can discard a card to use one of her powers to Roll her Arcane die 1d12+2 + id6; this counting as playing a spell. (OR she could play a spell card such as the Acid Arrow)
She can add 1d12 for a blessing discarded.
Can she discard the Sheriff Hemlock card to add a 1d6 to this combat roll?
Can she play a weapon to further add to her chances? The dagger card says “For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or Ranged die +1d4…….” In Seoni’s Case her dexterity is 1d8, so does this give her another 1d8 + 1d4?
Okay, for your Combat check, she can use her arcane power to do what you have described here: 1d12 + 2 + 1d6. (Or she can play an attack spell.) Discard a blessing for another 1d12. And discard the Sheriff for 1d6. Yes, you can do all that.
However, playing a weapon falls into the "For your Combat check". You can only play one or the other. (There are weapons that can be added to another weapon like a Dagger.) But you can't play a spell and also a weapon. [NOTE: Seltyiel has a special power but not discussing that.]
So you can play a spell or a weapon for your Combat check. (And her power counts as playing a spell.)
Basically what I see is that this is a combat check modified by a power or spell enhanced by cards granting combat boons.
Having said all that, I have been playing “conservatively”, not using cards that add dice to combat rolls if they have been modified by Powers or Spells.
As for the dagger card I have been using it only if rolling basic Dexterity skill dice? Although the rules indicate on Page16 under “Weapons” that weapon cards often require you to do something (such as to reveal the card) to modify your combat check. Using the card this way does modify the combat check.Sorry for the confusion but every time encounter this situation, which is often, I grit my teeth and wonder if I am not shooting myself in the foot unnecessarily
You can play however you want. You can boost your checks however you feel. The only rule is that you can only play one card of a type per check. (Unless the card says otherwise.) So only one blessing per check or one ally per check. But you can play that blessing and that ally on the same check.
The dagger uses the Dexterity skill plus 1d4. But if you note the last paragraph, you can also add a 1d4 (and discard the card) if you used another weapon for your combat check.
I'm not sure why you're not using cards that modify your combat check if you used a power or spell. You can continue to do so but there isn't any rule about it.

Hawkmoon269 |

Just to give you some references:
Determine which die you’re using.
Determine the difficulty.
Play cards and use powers that affect the check (optional).
Assemble your dice.
Attempt the roll.
Take damage if you fail a check to defeat a monster.
And under the "Determine which die you're using" section in the rulebook we find:
Most monsters and some barriers call for a combat check. Weapons and many other cards that can be used during combat generally tell you what skill to use when you attempt a combat check; if you don’t play such a card, use your Strength or Melee skill. (A few cards that can be used on checks don’t use any of your skills; they instead specify the exact dice you need to roll or the result of your die roll.)
Some cards may allow you to replace the required skill for a check with a different one; as part of this action, you may play only 1 card or use only 1 power that defines the skill you are going to use.
Any power that says "For your combat check..." is an example of a power that defines the skill you are going to use, and you can only use one such power. So you can't use Seoni's power along with the "For your combat check" power from the Dagger.
Yes, she can play Sheriff Hemlock.
Discard this card to add 1d6 to a combat check.
His power adds to "a combat check." It doesn't care who is making the check nor does it care where they are in relation to the person playing Sheriff Hemlock.
No, you can't play the dagger (see above). Hypothetically, if there was a weapon that said "Discard this card to add 1d4 to your combat check" then you could play that weapon with Seoni's power. But so far no such card exists.
If you used Seoni's power, then you can't play a spell, because Seoni's power counts as a spell.
Other legal combinations:
Longsword weapon to determine the skill, Fiery Weapon spell to add to the check.
Wand of Force Missile to determine the skill, Aid to add to the check.
I hope that helps.