Am I missing a Blessing of Geryon??

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

My group just reached Deck 6 last week, and when putting the new cards in the box I noticed that there were only 4 Blessings of Geryon, instead of the usual 5.

Is this normal, or am I missing a card?
I haven't seen an updated inventory that states how many there should be.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

My deck has 5 of those blessings.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

You should indeed have 5 blessings of Geryon. Speak to Customer Service and they'll sort you out. Sorry you were the victim of statistics.

Liberty's Edge

It happens Tanis - no problem there.
I just wasn't certain what should be in the deck or not - but it seemed odd to only have four.

Hmm.. any chance of perhaps creating a "checklist card" that gets included with each deck that would make it easier to verify this.

I caught the blessing because it's so "standard" to have 5 of anything other than Gods. But it would be kind of impossible to know if I should have 1 or 2 copies of a given spell for instance.

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Mistarrel wrote:
Hmm.. any chance of perhaps creating a "checklist card" that gets included with each deck that would make it easier to verify this.

Check the card lists here.

Liberty's Edge

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Mistarrel wrote:
Hmm.. any chance of perhaps creating a "checklist card" that gets included with each deck that would make it easier to verify this.
Check the card lists here.

Thanks Hawkmoon.

I knew of those resources, but hadn't looked at them since their initial release because the page said they hadn't been updated since 10/30/14.

So I didn't think they had the new deck lists in them.

But still - would it be that hard/expensive to include this in the decks (like one oversized card in the box that listed it all?)

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

That'd be several fewer banes or boons, and the 110-card sets are already tough to jam enough cards into. :)

Liberty's Edge

I don't see why it would need to replace the existing cards Tanis.
Even something like one sheet of paper folded in quarters and put into the box.

It might mean it would need the box to be a little wider, and that probably has some cost, but I wouldn't think a 'card list' would need to replace existing cards.

But the PDF list is fine - as I said, I just looked at the date from October, and thought it wasn't being updated. That's why I wanted it in the box.

Scarab Sages

For what it's worth, I have in the past found two cards stuck together tightly, and - once I examined closely those I'd already sleeved - happily discovered a "two-for-one special."

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
That'd be several fewer banes or boons, and the 110-card sets are already tough to jam enough cards into. :)

How about just putting card numbers on the lower right corner of each card.

That way if you were missing a card between 1 and 110 you would be able to figure it out.

Sovereign Court

Mistarrel wrote:

I don't see why it would need to replace the existing cards Tanis.

Even something like one sheet of paper folded in quarters and put into the box.

It might mean it would need the box to be a little wider, and that probably has some cost, but I wouldn't think a 'card list' would need to replace existing cards.

But the PDF list is fine - as I said, I just looked at the date from October, and thought it wasn't being updated. That's why I wanted it in the box.

It'd replace the cards because the list would have to be cards, a piece of paper is just low quality. All the Paizo card products come in specific card counts, in PACG's case, 110. Not 111, not 112, 110. So, the 1-3 cards for a list would replace 1-3 actuaky cards from the box.

I wouldn't mind seeing the card list be the last X pages in the rulebook, though.

I guess the lists for the later adventures are not finished when the rulebook for the set is printed?

I would really appreciate the card lists to be part easily accessible with the sets and decks.
I was missing 2 cards in my ROTR base set, 1 in my S&S base set, 2 in the Ranger Class Deck and now 1 in the From Hell's Heart Adventure Deck.

Michael Klaus wrote:

I was missing 2 cards in my ROTR base set, 1 in my S&S base set, 2 in the Ranger Class Deck and now 1 in the From Hell's Heart Adventure Deck.

That is some incredibly bad luck. I had a damaged card in the first printing of RotR but that's it...

I was missing 1 in my S&S base set (which Paizo subsequently supplied me) but nothing else in all of S&S and 3 class decks. I never thought to check RotR.

Sovereign Court

I never have gotten around to checking mine. I only found out I was missing an item because it was used in Lem's deck for the OP demo scenario and I couldn't find it. Luckily I still had my set with lots of miscuts, and that item was there and cut fine, so I just moved it over. I guess I should get around to checking all my sets...

After reading so many horror stories I just checked mine. It was worth it just for the piece of mind. In future I plan I checking them as I purchase them.

I hope they add some kind of indicator to the cards themselves to make it a little easier. I suggested they just number them in the lower right hand corner, so for an Adventure Deck you'd have 1/110, 2/110 ... 110/110 for example.

I agree with the numbering of the cards. They are already market on the top for what adventure deck they are from so numbering them 1 through 110 would make it much easier to make sure we have them all.

Numbering is great idea. Also for the promo cards 01/10 eg.

Grand Lodge

Man, after hearing all these missing card reports, I'm thinking I should go through my boxes and check everything out.

Well, I can say that I checked all my RotR and all my S&S, and I didn't have missing cards. So complete sets do happen. (And I'd imagine they happen the vast majority of the time.)

Sovereign Court

Yea, it's the same reason you should always take product reviews with a grain of salt. People are far more likely to point out problems than post just to say "Hey my product has everything it's supposed to".

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