Storyteller Shadow's PbP Announcements

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I finally have a damned place to live! Updates will continue once more with regularity now that I am not scouring the web looking for a place to live!

More updates Sunday, Paizo crashed on me tonight really threw me off and was down for a good 20 minutes (string of expletives)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any updates? Still alive and kicking?

Hayato Ken wrote:
Any updates? Still alive and kicking?

I will text him...

I texted him...he is still around but swamped he said something about next week.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Good good!
Thanks for the feedback.

Hayato Ken wrote:

Good good!

Thanks for the feedback.

Storyteller Shadow Update:

Just got off the phone with him and with everything going on in his life he feels a little burnt out. He is going on vacation next week so hopefully that will help,

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for the update!
Hope that feeling will fade away^^

Hayato Ken wrote:

Thanks for the update!

Hope that feeling will fade away^^

same :3

I'm beginning to think that Shadow took the occasional-burn-out drawback in order to get the industrious trait :p

Hi Folks, sorry for the long absence had to figure out a number of things in RL.

My burn out was pretty wicked, I think it has a lot to do with finally getting my living with the ex-wife situation over with which was a significantly larger pain in the ass then I thought it would be between losing a place that was ideal to move into to having to assist her with s~*~ I should not have had to assist with to feuding with the old Landlords over crap the ex did. Fun times.

Plus work was a real beast for a while there.

That all said, I dropped from playing a running in a number of games to salvage something.

I think the load of playing in two games and running two (maybe three) is sustainable in the next phase of my life (at least I hope it will be).

Thank you all for your patience. As I am no longer running 30 and playing in 40 games, I don't think there is a need for this thread any longer as updates in that few number of games can be easily accomplished with a cut and paste. I won't ask for this thread to close either in case anyone wants to come here to chat (or whatever :-) ).

Was sick all week and site was down today.

May update tonight but more likely tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I will fire my games back up!

Super busy series of days there, updates tonight .

Will try and post tonight, super busy weekend, apologies for the delay.

Updates tonight, busy from Thursday night through late afternoon today:-(

Did you hijack the Zhentil Keep thread? I got all excited when I saw a new post from you, but apparently, it's for something else :( /cry.

Monkeygod wrote:
Did you hijack the Zhentil Keep thread? I got all excited when I saw a new post from you, but apparently, it's for something else :( /cry.

Yes, I am using it to play remotely with the table top group. As you know, I was running that one with two separate groups on PbP and Table Top when my life went sideways :-)

How are you doing MG?

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
Did you hijack the Zhentil Keep thread? I got all excited when I saw a new post from you, but apparently, it's for something else :( /cry.

Yes, I am using it to play remotely with the table top group. As you know, I was running that one with two separate groups on PbP and Table Top when my life went sideways :-)

How are you doing MG?

Doing good! Little stir crazy with this Coronavirus stuff. I haven't left my house since the 7th, so my two weeks of quarantine is up on Sat. Everybody else is heckin behind, and I just wanna go places, lol.

I gotta admit, I do miss some of the games you had been running(Zhent, vampires, one or two others). Been keepin tabs on you, glad to see you're still alive :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Monkeygod wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
Did you hijack the Zhentil Keep thread? I got all excited when I saw a new post from you, but apparently, it's for something else :( /cry.

Yes, I am using it to play remotely with the table top group. As you know, I was running that one with two separate groups on PbP and Table Top when my life went sideways :-)

How are you doing MG?

Doing good! Little stir crazy with this Coronavirus stuff. I haven't left my house since the 7th, so my two weeks of quarantine is up on Sat. Everybody else is heckin behind, and I just wanna go places, lol.

I gotta admit, I do miss some of the games you had been running(Zhent, vampires, one or two others). Been keepin tabs on you, glad to see you're still alive :)

Yes I live but my posting rate is Waaay down from where it used to be.

The Vampires one I miss as well. Ah well, maybe again one day...

They aren't the only ones. I still watch this thread even though I've been out of your games for a while now.

Interesting Character wrote:
They aren't the only ones. I still watch this thread even though I've been out of your games for a while now.

I am actually Recruiting for a new game over in the Recruitment thread if you want to throw your hat in the ring :-)

Had to let Way of the Wicked go, too many lost PCs just slowed the game down too much and changed the fundamental chemistry of the group even though the last PC I brought in was great, sometimes, a game just dies :-(

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Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Just going to open a solo law practice with a few specialties, contract drafting, divorce mediation, and estates and trust matters. I might dip into companies looking to get started in legalized pot but I would not go out of my way to try and bring in such business as there are only so many hours in the day and I am not quitting my day job :-)

All these years later and I just ran across this post.

The solo practice is going gangbusters, I presume a single person or no one will read this but it's interesting (to me) to see what I had planned back then has come to such fruition now, several years later.

I suppose the success makes all that gaming I had to give up worth it...

Glad to hear things have been going well for you!

Almonihah wrote:

Glad to hear things have been going well for you!

Hey, Almonihah, how are things going for you?

Going pretty well! In some pretty enjoyable games on here at the moment. :)

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Just going to open a solo law practice with a few specialties, contract drafting, divorce mediation, and estates and trust matters. I might dip into companies looking to get started in legalized pot but I would not go out of my way to try and bring in such business as there are only so many hours in the day and I am not quitting my day job :-)

All these years later and I just ran across this post.

The solo practice is going gangbusters, I presume a single person or no one will read this but it's interesting (to me) to see what I had planned back then has come to such fruition now, several years later.

I suppose the success makes all that gaming I had to give up worth it...

I noticed. Glad to see you're doing well. If you need an assistant with zero legal knowledge but some bookkeeping experience, let me know. :) I'll be the absolute worst assistant you could hope to hire. :D

Interesting Character wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Just going to open a solo law practice with a few specialties, contract drafting, divorce mediation, and estates and trust matters. I might dip into companies looking to get started in legalized pot but I would not go out of my way to try and bring in such business as there are only so many hours in the day and I am not quitting my day job :-)

All these years later and I just ran across this post.

The solo practice is going gangbusters, I presume a single person or no one will read this but it's interesting (to me) to see what I had planned back then has come to such fruition now, several years later.

I suppose the success makes all that gaming I had to give up worth it...

I noticed. Glad to see you're doing well. If you need an assistant with zero legal knowledge but some bookkeeping experience, let me know. :) I'll be the absolute worst assistant you could hope to hire. :D

Hah! Glad to see you are still around as well. No, very little bookkeeping necessary, low expenses thank goodness! But thank you!

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