Todd Stewart Contributor |
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Ceaser Slaad wrote:Darnit is this more Organized Play stuff?! I always feel out of the loop because of all the stuff that goes on in those that people talk about and I'm like "Wait, what? When did this happen?!"Archpaladin Zousha wrote:What IS Shadow Absalom?The version of Absalom as it exists on the plane of Shadow.
First written about in 'The Great Beyond', which is also where most of the information about it can be found.
I'll stop hijacking Thurston's thread now :)

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Darnit is this more Organized Play stuff?!
No sir!
Shadow Absalom was first mentioned in The Great Beyond as a location in the Plane of Shadow. There have been a few tiny references beyond that book, but the majority of the current information on the city is located there. :)

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Only profit. That was our goal. PROFIT!Liz Courts wrote:I was able to witness your attempt at murderhobo-ing... Attempt...Jessica Price wrote:DRUMA LODGE!DRUMA LOOOOOOOODGE!
For someone so concerned with profit, you were pretty quick to give up the booty at the end. After all, you had no concrete proof you were supposed to hand over the goods. Plus, you made no serious attempt at looting either.
The Prophets are disappointed by your lack of financial zeal!

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For someone so concerned with profit, you were pretty quick to give up the booty at the end. After all, you had no concrete proof you were supposed to hand over the goods. Plus, you made no serious attempt at looting either.
The Prophets are disappointed by your lack of financial zeal!
To be fair, we were Aspis agents, impersonating Pathfinders, impersonating members of a non-existent Druman lodge. Half of it was a legitimate way to sneak in... the other half was to troll Compton (our GM). Because when pressed, I asked him to make up some facts about Druma, which he (wisely) opted not to do.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
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After a lengthy war against the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium resolves to use its one real strength against the Pathfinders: limitless buying power and their ability to be a playable faction in Pathfinder Society specials. After a particularly heinous heist, the Aspis Consortium steals all of the Pathfinder Society's gp accounts and monetary assets, forcing the Pathfinder Society to declare bankruptcy unless it turn to ... the Kalistocracy of Drum.
Now Pathfinders are being sent around the world under the motto of the Prophecies of Kalistrade: Trade, Sell, Profit!
Can the Society manage to pay off its debts in time, or are the crushingly strict interest rates of the Prophecies of Kalistrade poised to keep the Society in its clutches until the end of days? Find out in Pathfinder Society Season 8: Year of the Kalistocracy!

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Can the Society manage to pay off its debts in time, or are the crushingly strict interest rates of the Prophecies of Kalistrade poised to keep the Society in its clutches until the end of days? Find out in Pathfinder Society Season 8: Year of the Kalistocracy!
Nope. Season 8: Year of the Trox. Already in the can. Confirmed by Erik Mona, no lies.

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Why do you think this silly thread took so long to gain any traction?
Oh, and BTW: Still not locked by Chris Lambertz, nor has it ended in fire! HA!
Probably took this long, because I've been asked a few legitimate questions, and can actually speak to them! MADNESS.
I figure there's still plenty of time for fire and robotic intervention!

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What was your favorite thing from e3 this year?
That's tricky. I'm not as into the FFVII remake as everyone else, mainly, because Clown Villain Final Fantasy or bust. The PC conference had potential but dragged on and included a lot of 'meh' content for the most part.
I guess the things that have me most interested:
-Fallout 4
-Dark Souls 3
Then the things I'm mildly interested in:
-Star Wars Battlefront
-Heroes of the Storm content (Skeleton King looks fun!)
-Pillars of Eternity Xpac (I should really finish the main game)
-South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Kefka Palazzo |
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Kolby Sample wrote:What was your favorite thing from e3 this year?That's tricky. I'm not as into the FFVII remake as everyone else, mainly, because Clown Villain Final Fantasy or bust.
I guess I can let you live. For now. If only because your gleefully sadistic mind entertains me. Slack off and I might be inclined to change my tune, heheheheh.

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I'm really tired today and quickly scanning message board threads momentarily caused my exhausted brain and blurry eyes to believe that I could ask Thurston Howell all my questions.
Why won't Thurston Howell III answer my questions?
Why did he bring such a big trunk on a three hour tour?
Good lord, it's like my childhood all over again!
He brought that trunk, because Lovey needed to bring all her darned clothes and makeup accessories. Seriously, if you watched the show, that woman was NEEDY. ;)

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Which gods did you get to work on for Inner Sea Faiths?
Don't want to get into too many specifics (since the book isn't out yet) but Amanda gave me the honor of writing Apsu & Dahak. The timing was around the time I did some other dragon related thing.
So really, major props to Amanda for giving me the opportunity to write for this book, as well as her and Jessica Price for developing the work! :)

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Amanda handled your sections. I just looked on and snickered. ;-)
It took me until Thursday to see this post?! Well, I guess I'm not getting enough questions! ;)
And, I'm glad my dragons earned your amusement. Sorry, the amusement of 'Goddess Jessica' as the rest of the forums have latched onto! :D

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Jessica Price wrote:Amanda handled your sections. I just looked on and snickered. ;-)It took me until Thursday to see this post?! Well, I guess I'm not getting enough questions! ;)
And, I'm glad my dragons earned your amusement. Sorry, the amusement of 'Goddess Jessica' as the rest of the forums have latched onto! :D
Good save.

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So coming over from ISF again, Thankies for the Dahak article, I really enjoyed it.
I'm actually really interested in playing a follower of him now, but was curious about how a non-dragon/non-Kobold might come to follow him and why, any suggestions?
There's a somewhat 'end of the universe' allure to Dahak. He's effectively revving up for his eventual apocalyptic confrontation with Apsu and the rest of dragonkind. So it's all about being with him, or against him.
The trick with non-dragon worshipers of Dahak is uncovering information about Dahak. Most of his servants are dragons or half-dragons, possessing knowledge from prior generations and propagating that knowledge down the chain. For non-draconic entities to learn about the true nature of Dahak and his final confrontation with Apsu, is rare indeed!
One angle that I had always figured, was the idea that finding out about Dahak is a traumatic experience. Learning about 'dragon Armageddon' would be like learning your world (Golarion in this case) is destined to burn during such an event would be life-altering. So, some would likely want to go with the winning side, seeing Dahak as the clearly dominant force in the struggle.
Alternatively, there's plenty of information on The Endless Destruction in specific areas of Golarion and beyond. Ignoring the obvious namesake regions in the Shackles, there's a growing presence of Dahak in Thuvia as well as obvious knowledge to be found on Triaxus. Nightmares are also a potent tool in Dahak's arsenal, and while the printed book specifically calls out nightmares for kobolds, my intent was that some non-draconic humanoids would 'benefit' from such visions.
Hope that helps and gives some ideas on where to start! :)

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Rysky wrote:Hello!
So coming over from ISF again, Thankies for the Dahak article, I really enjoyed it.
I'm actually really interested in playing a follower of him now, but was curious about how a non-dragon/non-Kobold might come to follow him and why, any suggestions?
There's a somewhat 'end of the universe' allure to Dahak. He's effectively revving up for his eventual apocalyptic confrontation with Apsu and the rest of dragonkind. So it's all about being with him, or against him.
The trick with non-dragon worshipers of Dahak is uncovering information about Dahak. Most of his servants are dragons or half-dragons, possessing knowledge from prior generations and propagating that knowledge down the chain. For non-draconic entities to learn about the true nature of Dahak and his final confrontation with Apsu, is rare indeed!
One angle that I had always figured, was the idea that finding out about Dahak is a traumatic experience. Learning about 'dragon Armageddon' would be like learning your world (Golarion in this case) is destined to burn during such an event would be life-altering. So, some would likely want to go with the winning side, seeing Dahak as the clearly dominant force in the struggle.
Alternatively, there's plenty of information on The Endless Destruction in specific areas of Golarion and beyond. Ignoring the obvious namesake regions in the Shackles, there's a growing presence of Dahak in Thuvia as well as obvious knowledge to be found on Triaxus. Nightmares are also a potent tool in Dahak's arsenal, and while the printed book specifically calls out nightmares for kobolds, my intent was that some non-draconic humanoids would 'benefit' from such visions.
Hope that helps and gives some ideas on where to start! :)
Thankies for responding :3
Hmm, I probbaly will go with nightmares or ruinous visions, though will need to think more on what comes after. The whole "I wanna be on the winning side" doesn't really appeal to me.
Hmm, maybe someone abandoned by their family and wanting vengeance... Or maybe someone left as a sacrifice by their family...
Question! What are Dahak's thoughts on Linnorms?

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Question! What are Dahak's thoughts on Linnorms?
Oh, good question!
Linnorms are more First World creatures than the supposedly 'true' dragons. Their background suggests that they've been around far longer than the offspring of Dahak. As with all First World things, it's likely that the linnorm are Version 1.0 (or is it 0.1?) of dragonkind.
Dahak's view on linnorms would be similar to his view on chromatic dragons, which very much equates to "Serve me, or eventually I'll destroy you." I figure that a linnorm would be well above humanoids, but somewhere under chromatic dragons in terms of how much Dahak respects such creatures. Honestly, linnorms would be more suited to Dahak as servants, but there's a certain paternal pride that the Endless Destruction has with his children that would prevent him from ever admitting such a thing.
Some linnorms would doubtless serve Dahak, again in a vein similar to "I want to be on the winning side" but also out of respect for the sheer destructive power Dahak possesses. The only real reason that numerous linnorms would avoid flocking to Dahak, is that knowledge of the Endless Destruction would be hard to come across, and most linnorms lack the degree of intelligence required to seek out such knowledge.

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Rysky wrote:Question! What are Dahak's thoughts on Linnorms?Oh, good question!
Linnorms are more First World creatures than the supposedly 'true' dragons. Their background suggests that they've been around far longer than the offspring of Dahak. As with all First World things, it's likely that the linnorm are Version 1.0 (or is it 0.1?) of dragonkind.
Dahak's view on linnorms would be similar to his view on chromatic dragons, which very much equates to "Serve me, or eventually I'll destroy you." I figure that a linnorm would be well above humanoids, but somewhere under chromatic dragons in terms of how much Dahak respects such creatures. Honestly, linnorms would be more suited to Dahak as servants, but there's a certain paternal pride that the Endless Destruction has with his children that would prevent him from ever admitting such a thing.
Some linnorms would doubtless serve Dahak, again in a vein similar to "I want to be on the winning side" but also out of respect for the sheer destructive power Dahak possesses. The only real reason that numerous linnorms would avoid flocking to Dahak, is that knowledge of the Endless Destruction would be hard to come across, and most linnorms lack the degree of intelligence required to seek out such knowledge.
Excellent. Follower of Dahak with Linnorm Death Curse Rage Powers...
I figured their rage and vehemence would sync nicely with him. Hmm, maybe seeing the destruction they can ravage is what inspired him to make his own...
What is his relationship with Ragadahn?
With the Azi?