Kingmaker Adventure Path


I am considering picking up the Kingmaker path and running a group through it but I had a question. There are six "scenarios" included in the Kingmaker campaign, and the recommended levels escalates rather quickly. My question is: Will characters just run this campaign and meet the required level ranges as they move forward, or will we need to supplement with other adventures between?

It may be a very silly question, but I am newer to GMing and have yet to run a full adventure path as a GM or player.

I have not played Kingmaker, but each booklet of the Paizo AP's consist of several related adventure/encounter areas. For example, I'm currently running the Iron Gods AP, and the first book is broken up into either six or seven actual designed chapters (three levels of dungeon with multiple events in town designed to happen before and during the exploration of the different levels). I would assume that Kingmaker would function somewhat similarly. Also, the AP's I have run use the fast EXP progression track, so that means shorter adventures between advancement. Nothing would prevent you from using the medium or slow progression, but then you'd need to pad in a lot more of your own designed material to make up for the EXP difference.

Each of the six adventures provide the characters with about the right level of experience to start the next section.

No additional adventures are required.

Kingmaker is interesting in that each book includes a number of little quests that can be fleshed out more if the PCs ever fall behind in XP

Excellent; so it's specifically designed to take a team of adventurers from Point A to Point B through the one adventure path. Sounds like a blast!

I am interested in Kingmaker because I understand it gives one of the characters an option to be King. Sounds fun!

However, does anyone have any tips on the level of: 'If you were going to run just one adventure path before you died, which would it be' type of thought process.

It will be mostly a group of younger players who seem to mostly drift towards combat focused events, and are slowly coming along with the RP aspects.

Grand Lodge

I would suggest Mummy's Mask or Shattered Star as a Point A to Point B type of AP. Kingmaker is very open ended. Better described as getting 10 minor points, to do in any order you feel works best. They lead you to a major point. Once they are done you get 10 more minor points that lead you to another major point, and so on.

So far my group has finished books 1-4 and will finish book 5 this sunday. The AP is exploration heavy, and the PCs receive XP for exploration. I have not had to add any encounters for them just to "top them off". But I have added encounters for backstory. You can always just tell them to level

Yes, but as GM, you have to remember a couple things:

The party receives XP for building the kingdom. Keep an eye on the kingdom milestones, and remember that certain events (kingdom size, first city, etc.) merit an XP award for your players.

Wandering monsters play a HUGE role in XP. The module assumes players will encounter quite a few wandering monsters in their travels. Remember to factor that in when planning out your encounters.

My group is smack-dab in the middle of Module 3. It's been a fun ride, although I've customized the hell out of the AP.

Also, pop into the Kingmaker forums here. There are a LOT of ideas for customizing Kingmaker to your taste, including a troll kingdom, a Game of Thrones-style campaign, and fairy shenanigans (lots of fairy shenanigans).

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

I love Kingmaker. Its a great AP. But I would agree with Christopher Woldridge. It is an open-ended AP. So for a group of combat-focused, younger players, I would also agree with Mummy's Mask, Shattered Star or possibly Giantslayer are better choices. The kingdom part of Kingmaker has a decent amount of paperwork involved and beyond micromanaging the building of your kingdom, there is not a whole lot of actual rulership in the AP.

The more I think of it, the more I recommend Giantslayer since it is very tropey and you are introducing your players to the tropes.

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Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I love Kingmaker. Its a great AP. But I would agree with Christopher Woldridge. It is an open-ended AP. So for a group of combat-focused, younger players, I would also agree with Mummy's Mask, Shattered Star or possibly Giantslayer are better choices. The kingdom part of Kingmaker has a decent amount of paperwork involved and beyond micromanaging the building of your kingdom, there is not a whole lot of actual rulership in the AP.

Anything Dale says = +1. ;-p

However - I would also add that yes, KM is a great is A LOT of work for
the GM to make it feel like an open world where the PCs actions can & do have
real consequences.
If you are an inexperienced GM & your group are also inexperienced...I wouldn't
run KM this time around. It is definitely not A to B...

That said - I love it. :) But I've been gaming for 35 years or so, & my
players are mostly (we do have a couple of newbies in the 6) experienced.

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