G.I. Joe


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Scarab Sages

Just read an article about this. Paramount is putting it out with a date for 2009 or so. Here's the deal though, it woun't be G.I. as in Government Issue Joe. Now the term is going to stand for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity. So much for the Great American Hero I remember from my childhood.

Unfortunately, I can understand where the studio is coming from. In order to maximize their profit, they have to try and make it popular overseas. A movie about an American hero (or heroes) won't cut it, I guess. Still, I wish they wouldn't mess with a classic from my childhood in order to make a buck.

by the title i believed this would be about a movie inspired on the 80's cartoon.
I did spend all my pocket money on the action figures.
as they were much cheaper than the HE-Man figures.
But that was back in the days.

*very off-topic lol*

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

They were dolls.

That is all.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Think they'll actually shoot one another in the movie?

Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:

They were dolls.

That is all.

I can see how the 12" figures might be considered dolls, but I would think the 6" ones were more of the actual Action Figure type.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aberzombie wrote:

I can see how the 12" figures might be considered dolls, but I would think the 6" ones were more of the actual Action Figure type.

Agreed. Just trying to stir up some mischief for the older posters who played with the doll versions.


Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I can see how the 12" figures might be considered dolls, but I would think the 6" ones were more of the actual Action Figure type.

Agreed. Just trying to stir up some mischief for the older posters who played with the doll versions.


That would be me. When I was a kid, my brothers had some of the ealrier ones and I got a few as well. Of course, I was about 4 or 5, so I didn't really know any better.

Lucky for me, once Star Wars Action figures came out, it was a whole new Ball Game. I can still remember the feeling of joy I had when I got the Death Star playset.

Of course, in later years, I was more of a fan of Marvel's G.I. Joe comic, which started off much like the cartoon, but skipped that whole Cobra-la crap. These days, Devil's Due Publsihing does the Joe comic, and they are doing a pretty decent job of it so far.

Edit: One thing those 12" Joes were good for though - when my brother and I got some of the old D&D action figures, the 12" Joes made pretty good giants.

Liberty's Edge

They're action figures!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
They're action figures!


Heathansson wrote:
They're action figures!


oh my god....
I did notice they were from Hasbro :(
while i was searching for a picture-link

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
I wish they wouldn't mess with a classic from my childhood in order to make a buck.

yeah, and if they screw up gi joe the way they screwed up transformers, i will be really disappointed.


Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Of course, in later years, I was more of a fan of Marvel's G.I. Joe comic, which started off much like the cartoon, but skipped that whole Cobra-la crap. These days, Devil's Due Publsihing does the Joe comic, and they are doing a pretty decent job of it so far.

Since I was a huge fan of the comics (I own something like 80% of all GIJoe comics... and yes I'll admit that includes the GIJoe Extreme *shutter*)I'll elaborate.

The marvel comic was much more realistic than the cartoon, though in that comic book sort of way. Cobra commander was a used car salesman fed up with the American way. He started cobra through pyramid schemes eventually turning it into a terrorist organization. Destro was an international arms dealer and supplied cobra with its needed ammunition. Cobra didn't always try to rule the world off the bat. It used subterfuge and backed other terrorists for its own political gains. At times it even controlled the whole town of Springfield as a front for arms construction. The crimson guard doubled as elite cobra solders and a high powered team of lawers. They were lead by the twins Tomax and Xamot who were the top lawers in the firm. They actually legally claimed Cobra island as a sovern state mid way through the comics through the united nations. And yes, people did die in the comics. In fact there was an issue where about a dozen Joe's were executed by a Cobra agent. Sure, out of the realm of the real world, but no more than other Marvel comics, and not as far out there as the cartoon.

I read the devil's due comics for the first two years. I was really impressed considering the previous few years of GIJoe comics. But that petered off shortly there after. I still pick them up every month though. As a comic I can remember getting since before I could read, its really hard to drop from my list!

Anywho, if they did a movie like the marvel line I'd be stoked! I'm just worried it will go the way of Mission Impossible 3 and be more impossible less action. Or to say they'll just have a two hour action movie with no real story and call it GIJoe.

Also, the 80's action figures were only 3". The 12" were the dolls.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


The systematic raping of everything I held dear as a child continues unabated...

Ahhh... But Hollywood doesn't have to do much work to pop those bubbles.

Spend enough time with Cartoon Network, and you are left wondering "did I really enjoy these when I was younger?" And "how the hell did I watch this crap?"

Disenchanter wrote:
Spend enough time with Cartoon Network, and you are left wondering "did I really enjoy these when I was younger?" And "how the hell did I watch this crap?"

I would love to see your so called crap again.

must be way better than the real crap the send out nowadays

My "crap" would refer to staples of my childhood:


Stuff that I thought was fantastic... Until I watched again recently.

I did mean I love to see it again.
even though it would be crappy now.

Thundercats way to go that's old too ;P

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Disenchanter wrote:

My "crap" would refer to staples of my childhood:


Stuff that I thought was fantastic... Until I watched again recently.

Sadly, I agree.

And, I don't think it's true that cartoons these days are worse. The recent Justice League on cartoon network is approximately 6 million times better than Superfriends ("Wondertwin powers activiate! Form of a bad-ass animal. Form of something stupid made from ice. Woot!") or any other similar crap that was on in the late 70's early 80's.

The cartoons mentioned above (plus things like MASK, GI Joe, etc) were primarily commercials for toys and secondarily actual stories. And the animation sucked.

Now, this isn't to say all modern cartoons are good. The latest incarnation of Transformers is unwatchable unless you are having an epileptic seizure while watching it.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
They're action figures!

Ken is a doll.

G. I. Joe is an action figure.
I know what your dictionary says, and today like all ever days, I care naught what your dictionary says. Ask Barbie, and she'll tell you the difference (that dirty little minx).

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
They're action figures!

Ken is a doll.

G. I. Joe is an action figure.
I know what your dictionary says, and today like all ever days, I care naught what your dictionary says. Ask Barbie, and she'll tell you the difference (that dirty little minx).

If you put it in a dress, sit it at your table, and give it imaginary tea, it is a doll.

If you have it marry other G.I. Joe members, not only is it a doll, but it can be kicked out of G.I. Joe (I hope you're happy).

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:

If you put it in a dress, sit it at your table, and give it imaginary tea, it is a doll.

If you have it marry other G.I. Joe members, not only is it a doll, but it can be kicked out of G.I. Joe (I hope you're happy).

What the hell are YOU playing?!? Crazy Robot Chicken.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Sebastian wrote:
If you have it marry other G.I. Joe members, not only is it a doll, but it can be kicked out of G.I. Joe (I hope you're happy).

Even the redhead? I seem to recall a toy crush on her.

Liberty's Edge


Daigle wrote:
Even the redhead? I seem to recall a toy crush on her.

Who didn't? I preferred Snake-Eyes myself.

And the Baroness is still hawt.

Liberty's Edge

Aww, yeah. She's got those glasses that make her look all smart. Smart and naughty.

Heathansson wrote:
Aww, yeah. She's got those glasses that make her look all smart. Smart and naughty.

Naughty...like an NPC with max ranks in Profession (courtesan)!

I shall tantalize you a second time!

Lilith wrote:
I shall tantalize you a second time!

Since when was the Baroness a Druid??

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Who says you have to be a druid to properly handle an attack dog?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I used to take the screw out of the back and mix and match heads and bodies. Is that playing dress up?....

I'd started to tell how I would mod my GI Joes and then halfway through that first sentence I realized I was playing dolls. Just dolls that will just as soon cut you with a sword as stuff a grenade in your guts then fly away on an attack helicopter.

Daigle wrote:

Who says you have to be a druid to properly handle an attack dog?


I am a demented soul...

I saw that link, and assumed it would lead to an animal loving site...

Does that make my alignment evil? >:-P

Scarab Sages

Lilith wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Aww, yeah. She's got those glasses that make her look all smart. Smart and naughty.

Naughty...like an NPC with max ranks in Profession (courtesan)!

I shall tantalize you a second time!

And in some of the recent comics she turns out to be one grade-A psycho. Killing, torture, maiming - nothings to good for her!

Liberty's Edge

Does she eat monkey brains like in Temple of Doom?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Heathansson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
They're action figures!

Ken is a doll.

G. I. Joe is an action figure.
I know what your dictionary says, and today like all ever days, I care naught what your dictionary says. Ask Barbie, and she'll tell you the difference (that dirty little minx).

I had Big Jim and his Camper set. It came with two "dolls": one with fuzzy hair and bear, and another guy with the black conservative cut. I have no idea what his name was...Big Jim's friend, Joe?

Anyways, the girl across the street had the full complement of Barbie and Ken dolls. We use to play, and Big Jim and his friend would beat the crap outta Ken, and steal Barbie away. I mean, how could Ken win? Big Jim had a high-powered hunting rifle!! And when they teamed up with the Six Million Dollar Man....Ken had no chance. Steve Austin would just dead lift his TransAm and throw it in the ravine!

When my brother hit the same age some 8 years later, the 80's G.I. Joe action figures were the thing of the day. More weapons, better tanks and warplanes.

Liberty's Edge

He better have Kung-Fu grip and spend his days beating the crap out of Donny & Marie and Barbie or I pass.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Daigle wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
If you have it marry other G.I. Joe members, not only is it a doll, but it can be kicked out of G.I. Joe (I hope you're happy).
Even the redhead? I seem to recall a toy crush on her.

Well, given at that point you are playing with an actual doll by any definition of that word, it renders the whole argument moot.

Liberty's Edge

Fine, Sebastian. You win. G. I. Joe is a doll. Happy now?

The Exchange

even the limited addition 12" JFK Gi Joe???

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
Fine, Sebastian. You win. G. I. Joe is a doll. Happy now?


Heathy plays with dolls

Heathy plays with dolls

Liberty's Edge

They're action figures.

Hardcorhobbs wrote:

And yes, people did die in the comics. In fact there was an issue where about a dozen Joe's were executed by a Cobra agent.

I was devastated when Quick Kick got 7 rounds of .50 caliber lead to the face. I remember counting the empty shells as they flew out of the machine gun (In my young mind the comics moved between the panels). The run of GI Joe comics around this time was certainly one of the finest comic book experiences I had ever had.

Liberty's Edge

Slightly adult humor:



"No mommie, Barbie comes with GI Joe, she fakes it with Ken"

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Bloody Root wrote:
Hardcorhobbs wrote:

And yes, people did die in the comics. In fact there was an issue where about a dozen Joe's were executed by a Cobra agent.
I was devastated when Quick Kick got 7 rounds of .50 caliber lead to the face. I remember counting the empty shells as they flew out of the machine gun (In my young mind the comics moved between the panels). The run of GI Joe comics around this time was certainly one of the finest comic book experiences I had ever had.

Doc and Breaker's death was more disturbing to me, I never liked Quick Kick.

Barbeque always seemed a bit sociopathic to me though.

Scarlett: Do you use that axe on anything besides doors?
Barbeque: No ma'am. Then again a Cobra agent is just a door with a gun.

Bloody Root wrote:
Hardcorhobbs wrote:

And yes, people did die in the comics. In fact there was an issue where about a dozen Joe's were executed by a Cobra agent.
I was devastated when Quick Kick got 7 rounds of .50 caliber lead to the face. I remember counting the empty shells as they flew out of the machine gun (In my young mind the comics moved between the panels). The run of GI Joe comics around this time was certainly one of the finest comic book experiences I had ever had.

Yeah. That one disturbed the crap out of me too. That was about the time I stopped reading GI JOE- it smacked too much of the 1-900-kill a sidekick hotline that DC put into motion around the same time(don't quote me on that timeline though- I suck at that kinda stuff).

I picked up the newer GI JOE a few years ago and it really seemed interesting until, once again, they slaughtered a whole bunch of Joes.

WHAT THE HELL was ACE doing on an espionage mission to plant bombs underground? The man FLIES A PLANE for crying out loud!!! I may have to check my GI JOE: Order of Battle again, but I don't think he ever had espionage as a secondary skill set. Here's how I envisioned the meeting.

Duke: Okay. We need to take out that underground Cobra base, pronto. Any voulenteers?

*blank stares around the room*

Duke: *sigh* I'm going to have to do this again, aren't I? Okay, Ace, you and Ensign Timmy go.

Ace: WHAT? I'm a pilot for god's sake, not an espionage dude! Can't we wait five minutes for Snake Eyes to get out of the bathroom?

Duke(calling out): Hey, Snake Eyes! You wanna go on a sneaky-sneak mission?

Snake Eyes(from the commode): .....

Duke: Well, Snake Eyes has spoken. Suit up, Ace.

Ensign Timmy: But Snake Eyes never says anything!

Duke: Shuddup.

Freehold DM wrote:

Snake Eyes(from the commode): .....


Snake Eyes was always my favorite as a kid...until I got the cool villain figure that changed color in sunlight. Can't for the life of me remember what his name was, but Maaaan.....cool technology..... Good times.

(OK. Just had a Nerd moment there. I'm gonna have to read Black's Law Dictionary for an hour for penance, I guess.)

Garjen Soulhammer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Snake Eyes(from the commode): .....


Snake Eyes was always my favorite as a kid...until I got the cool villain figure that changed color in sunlight. Can't for the life of me remember what his name was, but Maaaan.....cool technology..... Good times.

(OK. Just had a Nerd moment there. I'm gonna have to read Black's Law Dictionary for an hour for penance, I guess.)

That was Zartan. I still remember that my childhood friend(who lives across the street from me now, actually), was absolutely in love with him.

Do not perform penance for acts of unrepentant nerdiosity. Stand tall and proud. And wear your pants the same way.

Freehold DM wrote:

That was Zartan. I still remember that my childhood friend(who lives across the street from me now, actually), was absolutely in love with him.

Do not perform penance for acts of unrepentant nerdiosity. Stand tall and proud. And wear your pants the same way.


Thank you! It was plaguing me all afternoon.

And I guess the penance WOULD be unrepentant...considering my law office nooks and crannies are filled with various Hot Wheels, Dragons, and Simpsons' paraphenalia, and the die-cast Viper (BSG, not Dodge) under my computer monitor....

So what would I do instead of a "Hail Mary"?

Garjen Soulhammer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

That was Zartan. I still remember that my childhood friend(who lives across the street from me now, actually), was absolutely in love with him.

Do not perform penance for acts of unrepentant nerdiosity. Stand tall and proud. And wear your pants the same way.


Thank you! It was plaguing me all afternoon.

And I guess the penance WOULD be unrepentant...considering my law office nooks and crannies are filled with various Hot Wheels, Dragons, and Simpsons' paraphenalia, and the die-cast Viper (BSG, not Dodge) under my computer monitor....

So what would I do instead of a "Hail Mary"?

Oh you can say the Hail Mary. Just replace the word "Mary" with "Sacred d20"

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Freehold DM wrote:
Oh you can say the Hail Mary. Just replace the word "Mary" with "Sacred d20"

I was thinking more like "Hail Xena, full of grace. Blessed art the among leatherbabes."

Liberty's Edge

Garjen Soulhammer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Snake Eyes(from the commode): .....


Snake Eyes was always my favorite as a kid...until I got the cool villain figure that changed color in sunlight. Can't for the life of me remember what his name was, but Maaaan.....cool technology..... Good times.

(OK. Just had a Nerd moment there. I'm gonna have to read Black's Law Dictionary for an hour for penance, I guess.)

Snake-eyes is still the best imo. First figure I ever got was the ski-mask, goggles, & suspenders. Then they made him a ninja before ninja were everywhere. I lost interest when the idea of camoflage for most of the Joe's was hunter orange. Still had to buy the first of the new comics though after seeing the Comic News issue with the new shot of him holding the sword :)

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