GM_Beernorg |

Post removed, glad to see you still get judged harshly for everything you say on the forums, and having an opinion or disliking something is fair grounds to be spoken ill of. Pardon me for disliking the tone of someone's comment, as to me it seemed insulting in an underhanded way. Also is this not a "grinds my gears" aka annoys me thread? Guess only certain folk are able to speak their minds bout the topic here...hmm.

Cheapy |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

The idea that a company would use that as a design principle.
I mean seriously, do these people believe that Jason Bulmahn was tortured as a child by a fighter in spiked armor, and from that very moment he set out to be a game designer so that he could take away all the nice things of martials? That a company has an agenda to take away all the "nice things" from the the very game they made as a way to deny joy?
It's mind-boggling. And that's not even getting into the fact that most of these things are just absurdly overpowered by any metric in a game where the gap between martial prowess and spellcasting might is so much smaller than in previous editions.
Rant off.

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Post removed, glad to see you still get judged harshly for everything you say on the forums, and having an opinion or disliking something is fair grounds to be spoken ill of. Pardon me for disliking the tone of someone's comment, as to me it seemed insulting in an underhanded way. Also is this not a "grinds my gears" aka annoys me thread? Guess only certain folk are able to speak their minds bout the topic here...hmm.
I'm pretty sure there are ways to express opinions and dislikes without saying someone oughta have their teeth punched out.

Pepe, Murderhobo Professionnel |
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GM_Beernorg wrote:Post removed, glad to see you still get judged harshly for everything you say on the forums, and having an opinion or disliking something is fair grounds to be spoken ill of. Pardon me for disliking the tone of someone's comment, as to me it seemed insulting in an underhanded way. Also is this not a "grinds my gears" aka annoys me thread? Guess only certain folk are able to speak their minds bout the topic here...hmm.I'm pretty sure there are ways to express opinions and dislikes without saying someone oughta have their teeth punched out.
So thats what i've been doing wrong! thanks! going to the general store should elicit much less hostility now, guess i shouldn't have burned it down.......

knightnday |

The idea that a company would use that as a design principle.
I mean seriously, do these people believe that Jason Bulmahn was tortured as a child by a fighter in spiked armor, and from that very moment he set out to be a game designer so that he could take away all the nice things of martials? That a company has an agenda to take away all the "nice things" from the the very game they made as a way to deny joy?
It's mind-boggling. And that's not even getting into the fact that most of these things are just absurdly overpowered by any metric in a game where the gap between martial prowess and spellcasting might is so much smaller than in previous editions.
Rant off.
Indeed. Whenever I see the phrase on the board, I cannot help but hear my son saying how we hate him because he didn't get whatever it was that he asked for that minute. It just tends to come across as a knee-jerk response than something I can take seriously. Same with "Paizo hates X" and any variation on the designers/devs being crazy/mean/insane/incompetent.
My eyes glaze, I dismiss the post as being dramatic and move to the next.

Orthos |
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IIRC, it is Lady Vol of the Eberron setting, who I believe is a lich, or something like that.
Yes, and a half-dragon elf at that, according to Wiki. So yeah, long-lived critter even prior to immortality. An Intelligence probably somewhere in the 30s, between her templates, her levels, and just time and gear.

GM_Beernorg |

As a point of fact, I did not say "oughta" have teeth punched out, but implied it was a possible consequence of insulting folks intelligence. Perhaps the poster did not mean to imply this, but reading it, that is how I internalized the comment. Also notice I did not say "I" would, or "I" will do such a thing as punch someone out. Perhaps the interpretation as such is a character flaw of mine, perhaps it really is a read between the lines insult, or something else entirely. Regardless, the intended point of my comment was that we get very bold about saying things when we are protected by a screen, avatars, and likely quite a bit of physical distance. Boards would IMO be better off if we considered the rule of "would this get me punched if I said it in person" as a good thing to consider. Severely limits super snark, insults, and plain trollishness, and yes, I am aware NOTHING can remove these elements completely, but a reduction in them is always a good thing. Intelligent discourse, even a bit heated, is usually a good thing, flame wars and troll behavior are not.

knightnday |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I sort of hope that if people are concerned about their intelligence being insulted by being compared unfavorably to a mega-genius fantasy character that they'd think better of violence in the first place.
It's a common enough commentary on the internet to believe that things will get violent if conversations were face to face. But after meeting tons of people over the 38 or so years of gaming, it'd more often result in awkward conversations, stammering, and a 30 minute derail over which comic book or movie character this NPC is most like and who is smarter.
Yes, even for insults. The overwhelming majority of gamers I've run across (outside of the hypothetical Internet black belts/ex-SEALS/etc) are pretty non-violent and would likely harm themselves attempting a punch.
But I'd agree that people's language tends to calm down when they actually have to say something to someone in the same room -- it's harder to work up the courage or Google just the right insult for the occasion.

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Regardless, the intended point of my comment was that we get very bold about saying things when we are protected by a screen, avatars, and likely quite a bit of physical distance.
Now, see, on that general point I agree with you. But the idea that "you're less intelligent than a make-believe creature that's supposed to be more intelligent than everyone" constituted insulting your intelligence... well, do you see how that comes across?
Boards would IMO be better off if we considered the rule of "would this get me punched if I said it in person" as a good thing to consider.
On the other hand, I've had physical threats made against me because somebody said "show me X in the rules" and I quoted a rule containing X. Some people just don't like being challenged.
And frankly, this post of yours doesn't seem to be a very good example of what you're asking for. Did you consider how someone might react to that statement in person?

Orthos |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Beernorg, I'd say your experience is well out of the norm if that's how you think people would react to that kind of thing. I've used that exact line several times in-person with my players regarding extremely intelligent, extremely old enemies such as powerful wizards, undead, dragons, and so forth, and the reactions were never once hostile or aggressive.

Tacticslion |
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You made what seems to be either a hyperbole or a jerk comment. The latter speaks ill of the person making it. This doesn't make you a reprobate, it just looks bad. Plenty of innocuous things make people look bad. The lesson is to just avoid doing the thing that makes you look bad. (At least, that's what I get out of it, when these sorts of things happen to me.)

knightnday |
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That is a fair enough point, however I should be able to speak my mind without it being implied, via the use of "speaks ill of you", that I am somehow a reprobate, violent mad man, or what have you. We have never met, as far as I am aware, yet from just a few lines of text which you disagree with, you have decided that I am in need of chastising. Also lack of tone in posts makes it much easier to take comments in ways that may have never been intended, and it is possible I did just that. Well, I am human and as such am sometimes a less than a 100% rational creature, and as such I can and DO make mistakes.
A few lines of text is all we have to go off of on message boards. While it cannot paint a whole picture, as you have mentioned the lack of tone and voice prevents us from knowing if you meant it as a laughing comment or seriously and so on.
Text-based conversation strips everything down to just the words, and with the words you pick you set the stage for how people see you in this environment.

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implied, via the use of "speaks ill of you", that I am somehow a reprobate, violent mad man, or what have you.
Uh, "ill" just means "not good". That is, "speaks ill of you" just means "says something about you that isn't good". It in no way implies such severity as "violent mad man".

Vlaeros |

This post has been interrupted by the society of nimrods. Please enjoy while we experience the pleasant inconvenience. For the poster.

Tacticslion |

GM_Beernorg wrote:just a figure of speech...would you prefer extend the olive branch, let bygones be bygones...NO! I'm allergic to olives, you insensitive-!
Or my perennial favorite "Quit growling at each other and put the hackles down." However you want to say it...for my part I apologize if my post offended anyone of in some way conveyed a threat (no such thing was intended)
This post has been interrupted by the society of nimrods. Please enjoy while we experience the pleasant inconvenience. For the poster.
Ugh! You ruined it! Now nothing will be right, ever! >:(
Please be aware that this is totally a joke post, as are all of my alias posts quoted above. It is my way of going, "Yeah, sure, okay!" since text, as noted, can be bad at conveying such. :D

Rynjin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The idea that a company would use that as a design principle.
I mean seriously, do these people believe that Jason Bulmahn was tortured as a child by a fighter in spiked armor, and from that very moment he set out to be a game designer so that he could take away all the nice things of martials? That a company has an agenda to take away all the "nice things" from the the very game they made as a way to deny joy?
It's mind-boggling. And that's not even getting into the fact that most of these things are just absurdly overpowered by any metric in a game where the gap between martial prowess and spellcasting might is so much smaller than in previous editions.
Rant off.
I don't think it's their stated game design goal, but it's certainly the trend.
Martial options get nerfed a hell of a lot more than caster options, at the same time as great, even overpowered caster options are released while martials get little worth mentioning.
Good semi-recent example: Sacred Geometry and the Crane Wing mega-nerf came out around the same time.
Maybe it's not intentional, but if anything that makes it WORSE.
"Martials can't have nice things" is a fact of life with this game, not a design goal.

Lemmy |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The idea that a company would use that as a design principle.
Oh, it's not a design principle (at least I don't think it is)... It's just a consequence of a series of other design principles...
Like chaining even high-level martial classes to realism while allowing magic to do everything possible. Or the idea that that anything that can be used at will must be very limited in power because otherwise it would be unbalanced... Or maybe the idea that just because a character can deal lots of damage, he should have little to no usefulness out of combat.
And so on...

Caster-Martial Disparity God |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Whoa, walk away for a few hours, I get people casting me like ten times. I'm almost certain my verbal components are "caster versus martial disparities", although I do believe personal assumptions can empower me as well.
And lo, with the utternace of one of the seven-fold forbidden phrases it stirs from its effluescent pit of gibbering madness. Groaning in a cry both pure pain and purest ecstasy the creature rises...

Nicos |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
captain yesterday wrote:Who mentioned the ACG?Can we not make this another "I got an Axe to grind about the Advanced Class Guide for.... reasons" thread:-)
this isn't the place for it:-)
Well, here we go: Divine protection vs "no, swashbuckler can't have cha to will because that would be overpowered"

Scavion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Delayed Blast Threadlock wrote:Whoa, walk away for a few hours, I get people casting me like ten times. I'm almost certain my verbal components are "caster versus martial disparities", although I do believe personal assumptions can empower me as well.And lo, with the utternace of one of the seven-fold forbidden phrases it stirs from its effluescent pit of gibbering madness. Groaning in a cry both pure pain and purest ecstasy the creature rises...
My patron deity =)

Delayed Blast Threadlock |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Delayed Blast Threadlock wrote:Whoa, walk away for a few hours, I get people casting me like ten times. I'm almost certain my verbal components are "caster versus martial disparities", although I do believe personal assumptions can empower me as well.And lo, with the utternace of one of the seven-fold forbidden phrases it stirs from its effluescent pit of gibbering madness. Groaning in a cry both pure pain and purest ecstasy the creature rises...
Now I KNOW I'm one of your granted domain spells.

Tacticslion |

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:Fun Fact: Hobo is an abbreviation for Homeward Bound.Colorful bums riding the rails in the depression era were named after a movie with talking animals? That is informative.
No, after a movie from 19953! Time travel is REAL!
EDIT: it's '93, not '95. I... probably just didn't get it until later.

TarkXT |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scythia wrote:Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:Fun Fact: Hobo is an abbreviation for Homeward Bound.Colorful bums riding the rails in the depression era were named after a movie with talking animals? That is informative.No, after a movie from 199
53! Time travel is REAL!EDIT: it's '93, not '95. I... probably just didn't get it until later.
YEs, a remake of a movie called The Incredle Journey made in 1963.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:YEs, a remake of a movie called The Incredle Journey made in 1963.Scythia wrote:Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:Fun Fact: Hobo is an abbreviation for Homeward Bound.Colorful bums riding the rails in the depression era were named after a movie with talking animals? That is informative.No, after a movie from 199
53! Time travel is REAL!EDIT: it's '93, not '95. I... probably just didn't get it until later.
MORE timetravel?! It's like sorcery!

Scythia |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Scythia wrote:Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:Fun Fact: Hobo is an abbreviation for Homeward Bound.Colorful bums riding the rails in the depression era were named after a movie with talking animals? That is informative.No, after a movie from 199
53! Time travel is REAL!EDIT: it's '93, not '95. I... probably just didn't get it until later.
I bet that's why Nic Cage was time traveling.

captain yesterday |
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TarkXT wrote:MORE timetravel?! It's like sorcery!Tacticslion wrote:YEs, a remake of a movie called The Incredle Journey made in 1963.Scythia wrote:Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:Fun Fact: Hobo is an abbreviation for Homeward Bound.Colorful bums riding the rails in the depression era were named after a movie with talking animals? That is informative.No, after a movie from 199
53! Time travel is REAL!EDIT: it's '93, not '95. I... probably just didn't get it until later.
All this just goes to show you how old Bruce Willis really is:-p
(wait, he did a voice in that one right, maybe i shouldn't default to the assumption if its a movie with voice overs for animals or babies Bruce Willis was involved in it somehow)

thegreenteagamer |
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When I come onto the forums after a while, and read like six tabs worth of updates to threads, and then go back to see if there's been any updates since I started reading, and there's not been any on my focused page, well...that really grinds my gears.
Post faster and more frequently, people; I need more entertainment with zero redeemable practical application immediately upon finishing with your already provided free entertainment!