Keeper's Pass - Verified Trader's Post

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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What's the most important thing to a merchant? It's not, in fact, his coin purse, but rather his reputation! Sellers need to know a merchant is trustworthy in order to do business, and the same goes for individuals. To that end, Keeper's Pass maintains a posting of any trader verified by Keeper's Pass as reliable for trading. Better to know your buyer/seller than to be ganked out in the wilderness after the transaction! And of course, that means we'll have a Blacklist for said villains...

Keeper's Pass - Verified Trader's Post

Want to make it on the board? Set up a trade with Keeper's Pass, or have a member you've traded with verify your credentials to me!

I once travelled to keepers pass only get ganked. I was going to buy something and had no inventory, but after that I turned around and went to safer lands.

Be careful in the marchmont / keepers pass corridor.

It's not as safe as they say it is...

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That region is often attacked by hostile forces from their northern neighbors, such occurrences will happen. It is nigh impossible for anyone to actually police all the hexes around them, but I can vouch that on my trade runs through the area I have had no hostile encounters with members of Keeper's Pass or their surrounding allied settlements.

Edit: Marchmont is a long way from Keeper's Pass and there are several openly hostile and active PvP groups in between them. Your safest bet is to travel along the outer ring then trying to cut through the middle. Plus their are at least 3 active auction houses closer to Marchmont than Keeper's Pass (not that they aren't a fine choice).

Goblin Squad Member

Indeed, that is a good point WyzMan! As my good friend Thannon says, the central portion of the map is a target-rich point for bandits due to the back-and-forth travels. I will note that you don't have to travel to us--we'll travel to any location on the map for trades. Of course, there is a cost for such, but we certainly understand the risks associated with travel.

As with Thannon, I have never been killed in my travels (which are all diplomatic generally), nor has my Destiny's Twin Throrin Axehammer (he's the rich merchant traveler of note that carries my trades). It very much depends on luck, generally, for a bandit to find an actual valuable target due to the vastness of the terrain. Careful travel will see you safely to any point on the map almost every time.

I have only been attacked in PvP once, and that with an alt character named Hrod that I purposely ran through a Golgothan tower hex during its PvP window. I was actually looking for some fun on their response, as the Marchmont March is otherwise very boring, and they did not disappoint! We had a merry chase all the way from Iron Gauntlet to Emerald Lodge, and had it not been for a server de-synch issue I'm certain the Golgothan would have looted Hrod properly.

All that to say, we are happy to help plan travels if you like, meet in alternate neutral points, or even carry goods all the way to Tavernhold.

Goblin Squad Member

Hmm... I'm sure there are those who would back the claim that I am a plain-dealing villain.

Goblin Squad Member

Heh, that's the kind I like best! Everyone knows where everyone else stands and we head on from there...

Well, that's the in-game perspective at least. Out-of-game, the villains that appear as friends can be a heck of a lot more fun to ferret out (or not, and be utterly surprised in betrayal).

Goblin Squad Member

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There are no bandits near keepers pass, none at all.

Goblin Squad Member

It's true* as we Keepers have forged a land of perfect peace and cooperation! Why, I toast to my good friend Phyllain's health every night in the Laughing Ogre.**

*Not really.
** Really. Phyllain is good folk, underneath that Asmodean-cursed skin...

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

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The Button Makers thank you for your recognition Erian El'ranelen of Keeper's Pass. We plan to coordinate another larger load of northern goods in a few days.

Goblin Squad Member

Very good sir! Let us now and w'll be happy to provide security if needed. Our Golgothan friends do make things interesting at times...

And a general note, if folks want a Company link up as well, I'm happy to add that. I can likewise associate individuals with company and settlement, but would only do so at direction from a verified leader in the org--can't have folks impersonating a group for future dastardly ends!

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

The Button Makers would be honored, and welcome the listing.

I, too, would like to encourage more travelers to visit Keeper's Pass.

I can certify that the Keeper's Pass area is Bandit Free(TM)!

Goblin Squad Member

It remains as true as when my friend Phyllain proclaimed it so. I've got a bottle of Chelaxian Shiraz aging in The Laughing Ogre Alehouse for when my Golgothan friends visit.

EDIT: Oh, and for folks wishing to travel to Keeper's Pass--one easy "secret" for safety is just take the northern pass rather than the western pass. It's a heck of a lot easier to navigate around bandits, even though the resulting overland trip topside is more difficult terrain-wise.

What shall Donkey and I bring when we visit?

Goblin Squad Member

Looking into that now, good sir...

Goblin Squad Member

Updated the master posting to include Grip Guiness after much patience on his part and a fair trade, delivered as advertised.

Good doin business with you! The Shepard's pie in the tavern is delish!

Goblin Squad Member

Fabulous! Sorry I couldn't hang around longer myself--the non-virtual younglings had to be fed though...

Goblin Squad Member

GripGuiness wrote:
Good doin business with you! The Shepard's pie in the tavern is delish!

It is actually an ogre pie but shhh do not tell anyone - secret recipe.


Goblin Squad Member

Talonguard will be willing to take any orders you have,
though you'd need a carrier for the order, until carts come in.

Goblin Squad Member

Hard to find shepherd's pie in a world without sheep.

Capitalocracy wrote:
Hard to find shepherd's pie in a world without sheep.

the deliciousness of goats is already well established!

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Greeting from the Emerald Lodge.
Approximately 15 hours ago I put around 20 recipes up for sale at the AH.
The run to Keepers Pass with so many was a worry but successful.
I even announced myself at the edge of town first.

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