-Markus- |

There is no feat (that I know of) that lets you retain your Buckler's AC bonus during such an attack.
However, there is also no penalty to attacks when wearing a Buckler and using a Bow, Crossbow, or Firearm, so you're good there.
I guess... But considering all the other shield feats I think they should make one.. Otherwise I am stuck using a dancing shield...

Zwordsman |
It would be neat.
Also... i think? there is a non buckler shield that allows yo uto fire while behind it...
some sorta specific magic item maybe? I forget..
I think a cool echantment or extra costing addition (like shield spikes and such) for a shield would be some sorta magic tripod thingy. It would allow you to fire while behind the shield using the shield to level off your gun/crossbow to fire.