Tiny Characters and weapon / armor costs


...Okay, so our pathfinder group is on a new module, and (thank goodness) I'm out of the GMing spot. Our GM is running us through the 'emerald spire' campaign, and I wanted to play a pixie (with modifications to make it balanced).

so we scrapped the arrow mod ability, changed the greater invisibility at will into a normal invisibility (stops if you take aggressive action), AND made the stipulation that my character was not allowed to play a rogue, because sneak attack. I decided to play a druid...who's primary stat is WIS...and now I have an elephant as a pet. His name is bouncy, and he is awesome.

and made the racial modifiers to stats as follows.

+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 CHA, -2 INT (with the size mods, my pixie being tiny).

anywho, how much does it cost to have weapons/armor made for my char? because it's a tiny character I will need customized weaponry, but what does that cost?

EDIT: The invisibility is the ONLY ability I get out of being a pixie, other than flight.

if i recall correctly its a 50% cost reduction

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For armor there's a table in the CRB on page 153.

Tiny or smaller*:
Costs for humanoid: x1/2
Weight for humanoid: x1/10

Cost for non-humanoid: x1
Weight for non-humanoid: x1/10

*Divide armor bonus by 2

For weapons there is no such table, but I guess you could just use the armor table?

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