dedpropht's page

14 posts. Alias of john ralls.


any opinions?

so we know from the faq that if you have channel energy from two different sources that they dont stack and operate separately of each other.

so can you assign variant channeling to one and leave the other just as is?

for example: spirit caller oracle with the life mystery takes the channel revelation and chooses farming as a variant and then for their spirit chooses life and gets an unaltered channel energy from that.

Tindalen wrote:
dedpropht wrote:

that's not 100% true. yes magic tattoos take up a "slot" but they dont interfere with wearing another item in that slot (i.e. you can wear a ring of protection and have a tattoo ring of sustenance).

inscribe magical tattoo is where the rules for that lies and it states- "Magic tattoos must be placed on a part of the body normally able to hold a magic item slot, but they do not count against or interfere with magic items worn on those slots."

You are correct, magic tattoos do not use up actual magic items slots. Except of course in the case of Tattoo Attunement, the feat being discussed here.

This tattoo takes up one magic item slot if the summoned creature is Medium or smaller, and one additional adjacent slot for each size category larger than Medium (see magical tattoos).

except where it talks about taking up a slot it specifically refers to the rules for magic tattoos. which would imply that it is referring to magic tattoo slots.

LazarX wrote:
dedpropht wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Keep in mind that if the eidolon in question is the typically large critter that folks like to build. the tattoo you want takes up TWO or more item slots on your body. Those item slots would also be unusable on your eidolon as well.

that's not 100% true. yes magic tattoos take up a "slot" but they dont interfere with wearing another item in that slot (i.e. you can wear a ring of protection and have a tattoo ring of sustenance).

That's because each ring slot is separate.... i.e. two slots.

right but you can have 2 normal rings and 2 tattoo rings. or a foot tattoo and boots.

LazarX wrote:
Keep in mind that if the eidolon in question is the typically large critter that folks like to build. the tattoo you want takes up TWO or more item slots on your body. Those item slots would also be unusable on your eidolon as well.

that's not 100% true. yes magic tattoos take up a "slot" but they dont interfere with wearing another item in that slot (i.e. you can wear a ring of protection and have a tattoo ring of sustenance).

inscribe magical tattoo is where the rules for that lies and it states- "Magic tattoos must be placed on a part of the body normally able to hold a magic item slot, but they do not count against or interfere with magic items worn on those slots."

so the immortal ichor's slam damage is 6d6 and d3 wisdom drain. With the application of strong jaw does this go to 12d6 and d10 wisdom drain? or does the wisdom drain remain at d3?

the new changes to MoMS also seem to really make the capstone ability sorta lackluster. being able to have five active styles doesnt mean a whole lot if you dont have the feats to make that a viable choice.

under monkey shine and mouser the opponent provokes when leaving a square you occupy. will this cause two AoO assuming you have combat reflexes?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

the nerf to nereid's grace also seems to be a bit unnecessary, considering the spell lists it is on and its duration.

blood transcription is a great spell for these kind of concerns, as long as you dont mind drinking a little blood.

im going to say i think you can, and id say you would auto hit as well. though you would also have to roll out your full damage to yourself as well.

think of it as a lay on hands that can be used as part of an attack action.

Mad Mage wrote:

I thought that was correct. Just seemed a little silly.

Thank you for the input.

what makes it silly is that you can do it for even cheaper.

use any 1st lvl spell, caster lvl 20 but have it use 10 charges.

creation cost is now 800 gp.

i've played a dual wielding shield basher in a home game and it was quite fun. did the first 6 lvls as ranger that way i got shield master at lvl 6. used the infiltrator and trapper archetypes and then went into fighter after that. worked quite well.

there can be a couple weird issues when you start enchanting your shields though.

a shield has the potential to have up to +10 armor enchants and +10 weapon enchants. so lets say i make it a +5 shield with +1 ghost touch on the weapon side, do i get the shield bonus to incorporeal touch attacks?

if i recall correctly its a 50% cost reduction