Build for a Teamster's Transformative Troop Transport


The Exchange

For quite a while I've wanted to play a tank. And by tank, I don't mean some guy in armor, but the armored transport for some guy(s); one that would get monsters (& GMs alike) to scratch their heads in confusion. I play exclusively in PFS so that narrowed my options, but I think I have the build and the character ia already 2nd level. Here's the build:

Snuf Wheeler (& his wily sidekick, Squeeler)
Animal Spirit: Pig
Gnome Anamist (a Shaman Archetype), Lawful Nuetral
Racial traits: Obsessive {Profession (Drive)}, Gift of Tongues
Str13 Dex10 Con10 Int10 Wis16 Cha16
Traits: Magic is Life & Fate's Favored

    1st - Orisons, spirit:Lore=Monstrous Insight, spirit animal=pig, spirit magic
    2nd - Wrangle condition
    4th - Hex=Confusion curse, wandering spirit
    6th - Wandering hex=Eyes of Battle
    . . . + Favored Class: Extra hex = Shapeshift
    8th - Exorcism, spirit (greater)=Automatic Writing
    10th - Dominate spirit
    12th - Contact with the spirit world, Wandering spirit (greater)=Enemies' Bane
    . . . + Favored Class: Extra hex = Flight
    1st - Tribal Scars=Great Tusks
    3rd - Toughness
    5th - Power attack
    7th - Improved Familiar
    9th - Improved Overrun
    11th - Greater Overrun
(I've already earned a befitting improved familiar boon):
A raktavarna can take the shape of a handheld object. He'll be my periscope. I'll call him Stuf

All three Stat increases will be applied to my Intelligence so that I can get access to Make Whole and others via the Lore Spirit

The real fun begins after I've done my community service for the first nine levels. By then I've I purchased the following:

  • Large Steel Non-humanoid (w/ multiple legs) full-plate armor. 6,150gp
  • Safecamp Wagon 3,000gp (to carry the armor in during the off-hours)
  • One-way window 4,000gp (for the small rider in the lower torso to see out of the armor)
  • 8 magnets 4gp (to mount the mirror and periscope inside the armor)
  • Folding chair 2gp (for the small belly-rider to be more comfortable during transit)
  • Second-story harness 55gp (to hold another small rider in position at shoulder-level)
  • Periscope 20gp (for the 2nd-story rider to peer out the open helmet visor port)
  • Belt of Thunderous charging 10,000gp
  • Boots of the Mastadon 10,500gp
  • Silver Thorny Ioun Stone 8,000gp
  • The porter boon to carry a chest with my body in it. (during the 10 hrs that I'm possessing the armor).
Then I will switch to slow track and look for wizards and artifice clerics of small stature to haul around.
For narrow passageways, I can transform into a small (construct) animal. If I have a rider, I'll turn into a mecha riding dog.

Since I wont be able to cast spells while possessing a construct, I'll carry a braille bracelet so that I can spell (point) out a request to temporarily possess another PC to do repairs/buff/etc.

Feedback and advice are welcome.

The Exchange

Any ideas on how to make this more survivable?

I was thinking I could use a fortifying stone as damage alert buttons for the occupants.

The Exchange

Well either this post is:

    1. of a caliber that nobody feels they can improve upon
    2. not worth pursuing because the final product is weak in survivability, damage production or benefit to a party.
    3. so alien to the world of role playing, that nobody besides me would want to play such a character.
    4. All of the above

ANY feedback is welcome.

Strap a few siege weapons on it- damage problem solved
Strap MANY siege weapons on it- damage problem SOLVED

The Exchange

Proley wrote:

Strap a few siege weapons on it- damage problem solved

Strap MANY siege weapons on it- damage problem SOLVED

I definitely would like to, but Siege Engines aren't allowed in PFS. So, I'll just have to settle for the more powerful option and strap on a couple Glass Cannons. Casters can do greater damage output at 10th level and up and with quicker refresh rates and no crew to boot.

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