Did the Grauls worship Lamashtu?

Rise of the Runelords

I was thinking of giving one of them a Demon Mother's Mask.

Seriously, have you read this? If they had one then you could give the dogs the Fiendish template. Some of the Grauls themselves might have the fiendish template if Mammy used it once or twice.

What do you think?

The Grauls don't really strike me as the religious sort, and Hook Mountain Massacre doesn't mention anything about them worshipping Lamashtu. If you think it will improve your campaign and make it more fun, though, I don't see any reason why they couldn't. Just adjust the available treasure to reflect it.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Looks like a good interpretation to me.

I'd run with it - the dawning look of horror on their face after they identify the item and realize the Skippy the Dogfaced Graul they killed out by the tool shed is really...ew...just ew.

There is another thread about the Grauls and making that scene more awful - I believe its, ah yes, here.


Yeah, that's a good thread.

I plan on watching a few movies before I run that part. Heh heh...

Grand Lodge

Good idea!

I stand corrected. I had assumed the Graul farmstead couldn't be any more disgusting. But I'd never heard of that item before. Which is to say, if your players have the stomach for it, that item seems like an awesome item to add to Mammy's list.

I don't think the AP addresses the Grauls' religious inclination but Lamashtu seems like a very good choice.

The Graul farmstead was already so disgusting that after the Halfling used Door Sight on the kitchen door, she entered into a state of Nope and refused to enter the house. She even wanted to (despite being of NG alignment) burn the house down despite the possibility there were captives in there.

Then again, I did play it up a tad. Heh heh heh.

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Hey, that's a pretty good item!
You just gave me the idea of equipping


with such a mask. She is a worshiper of Lamashtu and she already has those very convenient yeth hounds for a while, right?
*rubs hands*

*edited to add spoiler tags

This... this is delightfully disgusting. *yoink*

If you make Mammy a witch like I did you could say she has a Fetish Mask instead of a familiar from the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype. Use that item as her fetish and say Lamashtu is her Patron. I think that would be perfect.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The Grauls, as written, aren't really religious... but worshiping Lamashtu is certainly not all that out of character for them.

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