Ranzak forced into handsize 8 in third AP.

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I'm just checking to make sure this was the intent. It seems thematically appropriate that he become even more tenuous in health as he gains in confidence, but I feel very exposed with such a large hand size. Is it optional when getting your third power feat? Love this character by the way.

Sovereign Court

Technically you'd have to replay the scenario if you want to take it after the role card instead, but you could always house rule to hold onto the feat for now. Keep in mind that the characters were balanced for 3 feats before the role, so it may or may not cause some problems later.

Large hand sizes are just something you deal with with certain characters, to me it's just part of the game and something you should take into account when picking a character.

S&S Rulebook p18 wrote:
If you’re rewarded with a feat, choose an appropriate checkbox on your character card (or your role card, if you have one) and check it.

Sounds like you have to take it. Just makes it all the more likely someone will say "That little guy is going to get himself killed."

Just wanted to get other folks opinion on it. I'll take it. For the same reason I keep the gamblers dice and goblin peg leg. He's just so thematic at what he does. In that sense I like him better than Damiel, who is amazing with his cycling and healing, but doesn't feel very thematically strong.

The Ranzak in our group grumbled about it but a lot of turns he ends up with a dozen cards after exploring. So he has one less that he has to discard at the end of the turn. I think Ranzak is really gonna try to hang on to his Cure spell.

I think you have to take it. On the plus side, your party (and you!) should have more tricks to help you by AP3. I felt much more vulnerable in the early scenarios with Ranzak than I did in the mid game.

There's a reason Ranzak gets all the healing allies in our group. He is amazingly efficient at blitzing through decks, but can also end up shedding cards like nothing if you aren't careful.

Or like our group, I (Ranzak) run with Oloch. Good duo. We are rarely apart. I have minimal risk because I rarely fight and Oloch heals me as needed - sometimes just to shuffle my explore cards back in. I hand him armor acquired for healing when needed. I play right before Oloch so that helps. We find this combo works well and compliments well.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

szienceman wrote:
I'm just checking to make sure this was the intent.

Hells to the yes.

I played Ranzak in an AP5 group in Portland on Friday, and was surprisingly alive at the end even with a 9 hand size.


Mike Selinker wrote:
szienceman wrote:
I'm just checking to make sure this was the intent.

Hells to the yes.

I played Ranzak in an AP5 group in Portland on Friday, and was surprisingly alive at the end even with a 9 hand size.


Psssh. Get to the eleven you guys put on there for some ungodly reason and then we'll talk. :3

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Nightmare mode.

I'd give it a shot! I got big hands already, why not the hand size to match?

Though we just played through the scenario with Bikendi Otongu yesterday, which felt pretty rough on Damiel with an 18 card deck--"I only have 2 cards in my discard pile, why are there only three cards in my deck?? D:"

...turns out it's 'coz I buried 5 potions using the tot flask...

We assume, and we're pretty sure we're right, that Bikendi removes your personal character powers, so the choice was Damiel banishes his potions and divine spells or Jirelle can't use melee or any of her weapons.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Dave Riley wrote:
We assume, and we're pretty sure we're right, that Bikendi removes your personal character powers, so the choice was Damiel banishes his potions and divine spells or Jirelle can't use melee or any of her weapons.

Like all other role cards, this one goes over your powers block, removing the latter from play.

And thus, Damiel was forced to use the reveal power on his Tot Flask.


Dave Riley wrote:

And thus, Damiel was forced to use the reveal power on his Tot Flask.


Why not pick someone other than Damiel?

Choice was between Damiel and Jirelle. Damiel would have to bury a few potions, Jirelle would lose her melee skill, her swashbuckling reroll, and have to suck it up with either her d6 Strength or a hot d4+3 Arcane skill.

Fair enough :D

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