help with pit fighters.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I need a small group of cr one and two brawlers for a pit fight scene in my campaign. If anyone knew a good list or would like to roll a few I would be appreciative. Thanks.

These were some low level cultists I designed to continue to be somewhat relevant as the PCs gained levels.
Just replace the "Cultist" feat with Exotic weapon prof (spiked chain).

But making pit fighters is super easy.

Pushing Assault Pit Fighter:

CR 1 Pit Fighter
Human, Fighter 2
Initative: +2
20ft Movement
Saves 5/2/1

Lucerne Hammer +4(1d12+7)x2[20]
(use this line if using Pushing Assault +4(1d12+4)x2[20])

1: Power Attack
FBF: Pushing Assault
HBF: Furious Focus (or weapon focus)
FBF: Combat Reflexes (or Cleave)
Gear: Reach weapon (I prefer Lucerne Hammers, but if it has reach it works), Hide Armor, Buckler, potion of cure light wounds (1)

Basic idea, you hammer away with reach weapons, using Pushing Assault to shunt enemies into bad positions (flanking, into hazards, w/e).

Fairly simple formula, human, 2 levels of fighter. Pick your favorite method of combat (at low levels, combat maneuvers are generally more friendly then straight damage).
Pick the 4 feats you need
(usually power attack, improved bullrush/sunder, two freebies)
(or combat expertise, improved trip/disarm, two freebies)
If not needing combat expertise use a statline of 16/14/14/10/12/7
If combat expertise use a statline of 16/12/14/13/12/7

Low level barbarians can be good brawlers, but they don't get a lot of feats. Fighters would be good for this situation.

Try human barb 1/fighter 1. This might be a waste, but they get three feats and rage.

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