The Cube of Rubix |

Blackwaltzomega wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of having two weak saves to make things interesting, especially not THOSE saves. Blowing a Reflex save hurts. Blowing Fort saves can result in instant death at higher levels, and blowing Will saves can also kill you or make you kill your friends. Being able to avoid ONE of those most of the time without spending a limited resource would have been nice. The Swashbuckler is a combination of the Fighter and the Gunslinger. It should have Gunslinger saves, like the Brawler and Slayer do. Who rolls a swash that can't hold his drink as well as a priest?Well I'm not a fan either, really. But many frontliners have this problem, I'm just used to deal with it and I don't feel like it makes this class unplayable or even under par.
And I'm with you on the drinking problem. My swashbuckler is a night owl and a heavy social drikner. But guess what, I made him unable to handle alcohol, and it became a fun ropleplaying perk.Blackwaltzomega wrote:It would have been more keeping in the all-day advantage of martial classes if the Swashbuckler had kept its weak saves but been compensated by making Charmed life like a Canny Defense for Saves; as you level up, you get an increasing charisma bonus to all your saves at all times, no actions required. One, this would let the Swashbuckler parry/riposte and use all of their deeds without sacrificing their Charmed Life usage, two, you can't argue it's overpowered since Paladins, an extremely balanced class, get full Charisma to saves at level 2 AND have two strong saves to begin with, and three, it lets the Swashbuckler focus on his deeds and panache rather than trying to track two separately draining pools that use up the same action to activate.I'm gonna have to disagree here on paladins. I do find them overpowered or, at least, unbalanced. The +Cha to saves appears to me (and my whole group) like a totally cheesy add to a class that already has full BAB, casting ability, self healing or a dman swift...
You would hate my paladin then.. well he is a Gestalt of Paladin and Swashbuckler.

Booloo |

When I said the sob thing about Wizards I was being sarcastic for sure but meant no offense. My point was is the Swashbuckler scares the DM then what does he do when a real broken class shows up.
I wasn't offended at all by your post, I don't think anyone was. And I actually think exactly like you: if OP's GM thibnks swashbuckler is overpowered, then he should ban Barbarians and wizards.
I was just trying to show that, after reading the whole thread, I thought a lot that was coming up is "they do x and y and z a lot worse than, say, the Barbarian"
Which is quite obvious, really, but doesn't mean it's a bad class.
You would hate my paladin then.. well he is a Gestalt of Paladin and Swashbuckler.
I wouldn't hate you really, since you'd help my party survive!
But boy, Merwick Finn, my swashbuckler, would give him a hard time for picking up the easy way! ;)
Blackwaltzomega |
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I'm gonna have to disagree here on paladins. I do find them overpowered or, at least, unbalanced. The +Cha to saves appears to me (and my whole group) like a totally cheesy add to a class that already has full BAB, casting ability, self healing for a swift action, burst of damage and defense, a mount and perfectly nice saves to start with.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I will never, ever agree with that.
Paladins are the great defenders who can go to town on evil. That's their job description, and all of those things make them great at it.
Most "defenders" have the problem that you can completely bypass their AC and sometimes completely bypass their frigging HP score and defeat them just by targeting their saving throws. You're not defending crap if a single spell reduces you to helplessness, and the Paladins are protected from any attempt to bypass their defenses by having great defenses AND great saves.
The Paladin is not remotely a cheesy option; in fact, it's right in there with Bards, Inquisitors, Alchemists, and Investigators on my list of the best-balanced classes in the game. It is extremely solid without ever being game-breaking when weighed against a remotely competent GM, and they pay for their high optimization floor with adhering to their code. Anyone who tells you going paladin is going the easy way has NEVER played a paladin.
It would not have been overpowered for the Swashbuckler to get passive charisma based defenses to their saves, particularly not in a book where EVERY DIVINE CLASS gets that at level 5 if they want it. The cleric didn't need Divine Protection nearly as much as a front liner like the Swashbuckler would want it, but they got it, no strings attached.
Hell, do what the Mysterious Stranger did and give them Gunslinger saves and a passive luck bonus that slowly scales up to their weak save or Steadfast Personality as a bonus feat. That's hardly making them invincible.

LoneKnave |
Rogue Eidolon had a lot of similar concerns during the playtest, and he has a bunch of interesting playtest results posted up of how swash does soloing creatures of various CRs and mythic tiers. Interesting stuff!
Using a monster race (IIRC) and, you know, mythic. As good/effective as those builds were, they are not applicabale to 99% of the people playing the game.

Bandw2 |

wraithstrike wrote:How you feel and what people mean are not the same thing.Ok, you're right I apologize for mindreading. I'm gonna shut up and let others do the talk.
Protoman wrote:The class is still effective if one pays for all the necessary feats. But nowhere near as strong as some pure Strength builds or Archery builds available (2-handed Power Attack Barbarian or Zen Archer as primary examples)Arachnofiend wrote:The Swashbuckler is fairly terrible, actually. Overuse of the swift action means that the Swash will rarely get to use many of her tools, and even the ones that you can use are nowhere near as strong as the Barbarian/Paladin/Ranger.Mr Babadook wrote:I am now very curious what this GM does when someone rolls a wizard, does he just sob? Cause there is seriously no comparison in terms of power. What about Barbarians do they have to use d8s at your table as well?Blackwaltzomega wrote:The Swashbuckler's balance is just fine. If anything, the class is actually rather weak. It's easily out-damaged by a fighter, ranger, or barbarian making use of a two-handed weapon, and it is laughably outclassed as a mobile damage-dealer by the Brawler with his Pummeling Style online.RumpinRufus wrote:If you compare Swashbuckler to other core classes like Barbarian or Wizard, there's definitely nothing unbalanced about the Swash.Just a Guess wrote:The Barbarian, the cavalier and, depending on the enemies, the paladin can deal the same amount of damage. And often with less feats needed.Anewor7 wrote:So someone can feel free to direct me to a Barbarian of mwahaha DeathLemmy wrote:A single level of SB (or daring champion Cavalier) followed by 19 of Urban Barbarian is also much better (...) Also, Barbarians can have both flight and Pounce. Plus a lot of other cool tricks, like breaking magic.Argus The Slayer wrote:Any marginally well built two handed Barbarian or Fighter is...
A fighter can easily be made more effective than a swash as well, or maybe even a cavalier without his mount.
the swash is a take of an ineffective play style and trying to make it stand up next to competition, it definitely does push it into the realm of effectiveness, but still other classes do the mundane martial better.
the swash's problem is that it isn't as good as most other martials when you apply all of them in an optimized environment. or better, when optimizing classes, the swash doesn't give much in the way to make it really stand out at anything.

RumpinRufus |

the swash's problem is that it isn't as good as most other martials when you apply all of them in an optimized environment. or better, when optimizing classes, the swash doesn't give much in the way to make it really stand out at anything.
I'm curious, have you played a swash for more than couple levels? On paper, it may not seem "optimal", because it doesn't have the highest DPR. But they are incredibly fun to play, because you have so many dang options, and can do some really cool stuff out-of-the-box that makes them so much more dynamic than a fighter.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:the swash's problem is that it isn't as good as most other martials when you apply all of them in an optimized environment. or better, when optimizing classes, the swash doesn't give much in the way to make it really stand out at anything.I'm curious, have you played a swash for more than couple levels? On paper, it may not seem "optimal", because it doesn't have the highest DPR. But they are incredibly fun to play, because you have so many dang options, and can do some really cool stuff out-of-the-box that makes them so much more dynamic than a fighter.
the question wasn't how fun they were, but why people keep claiming other classes are better.
and alas, i'm stuck in GM land, so no i haven't "played" a swash.

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Bandw2 wrote:the swash's problem is that it isn't as good as most other martials when you apply all of them in an optimized environment. or better, when optimizing classes, the swash doesn't give much in the way to make it really stand out at anything.I'm curious, have you played a swash for more than couple levels? On paper, it may not seem "optimal", because it doesn't have the highest DPR. But they are incredibly fun to play, because you have so many dang options, and can do some really cool stuff out-of-the-box that makes them so much more dynamic than a fighter.
I mentioned before about watching a Swashy in play and I commented that they did "okay".
What I didn't include was the fun time they were having being all active. The bigger problem was actually that the GM was trying to adjust to having someone who could basically do some extra jazz everyone round. Before this he would just roll dice and check our ACs but he kept forgetting about the Parry ability or the Dodge.Ive had similar issues with a Magus who has the Flamboyant Arcana, I basically have to tell the DM that if anyone attacks me I want to party parry.
If there are any issues I can really see with the Swash it's that their baked in class abilities disrupt the normal flow of gameplay a tad.

Perpetr8r |

I want to try a Kasatha Swashbuckler, at least till level 5 to get Improved Critical and the Parry and Reposte deed is nice to have.
Now Kasatha are OP at any martial class, because well they have four attacks instead of one. So Precise Strike would be a Loss for them not a gain right? At least compared to the damage output of 4 rapiers or Kukris if I am using Slashing Grace right?

Perpetr8r |

I believe Kasatha Swashbucklers are best off going Strength-based with unarmed strikes. Although you could always just get an Agile Amulet of Mighty fists, which is worth it if you're focusing on parry, because of Combat Reflexes.
They get a bonus to Dex so Dex based To hit and damage would make them lethal.
Also with Emei Piercers turn Unarmed Attacks into Piercing Damage.
But also four weapons at 15-20/x2 a turn is a lot of power.