Doc76 |
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This will be my first Paizocon, and just read about the event lottery. Not sure how this works. I am attending with the goal of playing non stop PACG all weekend. I did this at Gencon and had an absolutely outstanding time. One of the best cons of recent memory for me( I have been attending Gencon since 1992). Any further explanations of how the lottery works would be greatly appreciated. I have already bought my airfare and made a hotel reservation so kind of committed but just curious as to what expectations I should be bringing with me.

Hawkmoon269 |

I've not attended (and I'm not planning to attend this year either due to it being on the opposite coast of the US for me) but I've looked through the details a bit. It seems to me that the lottery is for more special events. For instance, the PaizoCon announcement mentions some lucky attendees might get to try a new type of organized play event. that will probably be handled through an event lottery. And (no idea if this will happen or not) they might have an event lottery to play at a table with a designer or developer. But the "regular" games of PACG will not have a lottery system. They will just be open table.
That is how I understand it at least. I'm sure someone with more first hand experience could give more details. Have fun at PaizoCon.