Character concepts that make you excited

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I recently managed to join a second campaign. I GM one and play in one, so another chance to play was exciting for me, and I ran into an issue of what character to play. I've thought of so many different characters and back stories and such and I haven't had a chance to play them all yet. I ended up choosing my character Illarion Sinderion, the Half-Drow (Half-Elf with the alt traits and Half-Drow Paragon feat) Vanguard Slayer.

I'm going to post some details on him and other characters in a bit (I'm typing on my phone right now), but I wanted to know if anyone else had some cool character concepts that they really want to play and just haven't yet. It could be a great opportunity to let those unplayed characters see the light of day and be discussed. Even discuss current campaign characters if so inclined.

On a side note I hope this is the correct message board for this topic, if not then I would like to apologize to the mods.

Holy Burner. Blackened oracle, either flame mystery, or perhaps heavens to use patterns for when burning is not appropriate.

The Spider. Massive amount of natural attacks, enough rogue/ninja for pressure points, and shadowdancer 3 for the buddy, throw some chill touch or the like on there too. Str damage instead of HP, an alternate revenue stream.

Furtive Pygmy. Small mounted hunter or scout, either melee switch-hitting between lance charges and crit/aoo sharing. Or ranged using rogue/scout 8 to sneak attack full attack every round.

One Free Man. Rahadoumi anti-theist, self-sufficient, devoted to both personal freedom and morality. The ends are the means, never justification for them.

Haha, I'm actually playing a blackened flame oracle right now in my first campaign. I'm using the Aasimar archetype for it though. Really fun build once you hit high levels. Open the door, fill the room with fire, close the door. Almost as effective as the group wizard but with heals to boot.

A fun concept I really want to screw around with is a Feral Hunter. They get unlimited use of the Animal Aspect ability, but they actually have a physical transformation. Take on the bull aspect and wield a great axe and suddenly you're a minotaur. After that 1st level of Feral Hunter you can totally run Barbarian for the stereotypical raging bull.

Another fun one would be a Kobold Draconic Sorcerer / Draconic Disciple. "When I grow up I want to be a REAL dragon!"

A Ghoran Lame Wood Oracle with the Verdant Bloodline (from Eldritch Heritage) would basically be Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. That would be one fun build, grow your own weapons and armor, grow vines to make ranged combat maneuvers... Hey, did you die? Well good thing your comrades can pull a seed from your navel and REGROW you. Baby Groot.

I spent several months trying to figure out the best way to play an unarmed punchy Magus, without dipping too many levels of Monk or something similar. Finally saw the Giant Bloodline on the Sorcerer's page, realized that by playing a Half Elf (which fit the characters background story anyways), I could take Eldritch Heritage (Giant) and get the unarmed strike damage and stunning fist of a monk 2 levels lower than my magus level. The image of Force Hook Charging into an enemy and decking them a few times with my fists sounded like such a lovely idea. Shame I havent a chance to use her yet.

I'd love to replicate warhammer's dwarven slayer!

I think obviously barbarian, either invulnerable rager or savage barbarian. dual wielding dwarven war axe/ hand axe.

either one would need to be wearing bracers of armor to make up for the no armor thing, but other than that I dont think you could just have a lot of fun playing one :)

A heroic paladin exiled from the Lawful Good paradise of Hermea -- perhaps because she shows traces of silver dragon ancestry, instead of gold, trying to prove herself a sufficiently capable hero to earn a place back home. Paladin/sorceror(silver dragon bloodline)/dragon disciple, of course.

A half-orc oracle who wants to be the first green-skinned toothy god to be reborn divine within the Starstone.

A halfling necromancer, with his bonded item, That One Ring.

Halfling wolf-mounted (archer-focused) Samurai
I like tonyz's Paladin/Sorcerer concept, might have to lift that.

I actually did the kobold draconic sorcerer one!

Razimar Bladetooth! Eater of Everything! And I do mean everything

I made a Mermaid Martial Artist(Monk)/Barbarian a little while back, that was pretty fun especially once her landspeed surpassed her swim speed.

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I designed an Elf that can run 313.63 mph for a single round by 19th level, PFS-legal as far as I can tell.
Here's the setup.

With PFS-legal restrictions dropped, but no 3pp used, I managed to boost it to 545.45 mph for a single round. Yes, I have too much time on my hands. xD

Shadow Lodge

I know it's nothing spectacular but I love the divine fist healer concept. In pathfinder it's basically the warpriest monk archetype. I've always loved this image of a no armored healer who could blaze across the battlefield and nimbly tumble adjacent and heal players.

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Pooperstition: WE NEEDZ MOAR PEOPLE PLAYING GOBLIN SAGEZ! Witch one youz wanna play? Onez with BIG GRAY WRINKLY-BRAINZ like P.U. Stabby Toadhez, Incensed Confessional Greatest Charucktar EVARZ!

Primal companion hunter...that just eats their animal companion from the get go to get those sweet, sweet evolutions. Basically, a very watered down and balanced version of the synthesist. Overall, fairly much on par with inquisitor in terms of a 'half caster', even if you only grab natural armor and strength boosts.

Maybe throw in some divine hunter to get rid of those teamwork feats that are going to waste with the dead companion. Grab a nice domain.

Silver Crusade

The Boss style gunslinger, which is to say two weapon fighting with a gun and dagger, even if the build is not optimal and really a pain to get working at all. The amount of feats to make this work is just painful, but the idea of this character being able to fight up close in melee with a gun as well as slashing someone to ribbons with a dagger is just too cool an image for me.

As silly as it is, I like it even more with a rifle and dagger.

Shadow Lodge

When I read the title of this thread I was expecting character concepts like this.

Intelligent Gelatinous Cube. Oh the possibilities.

Combine the last two posts and you have Ooze Girls. :p

Which reminds me--Cave Druid builds are neat. If only there were a ruling on blindsight.

Shadow Lodge

Axolotl wrote:

Combine the last two posts and you have Ooze Girls. :p

Which reminds me--Cave Druid builds are neat. If only there were a ruling on blindsight.

I typed ooze girl into an image search and um, yeah, so apparently that's a thing...

Moving on. I'm still trying to come up with a decent build for a charismatic dwarf. I was thinking of doing something with swashbucker/ gunslinger/ investigator (sleuth) to see how big of a grit/panache/luck pool one could get, but I'm still trying to figure out how to actually make that good. (I'm thinking slashing grace and a dwarven waraxe. Unfortunately dwarven weapons are all low crit range.)

Silver Crusade

Built a Shrinking Gathalian Mouser. She's pretty awesome. Currently an NPC (I fully build all my NPCs, even if they never see combat), but I might rebuild her for when I'm a player

Liberty's Edge

Anti-Paladin of Rovagug. Wishes to take over a country and use its armies to slowly drag the world into chaos before eventually faking his death to complete the recipe. He recognizes the goal to be ambitious and as such works with others to gain strength, subverting the good they do in whatever ways he can with an eye towards the long-term goal. May not fly at all tables due to some GM's strict interpretations of CE and unwillingness to loosen alignment restrictions.

Gnome Illusionist-Sorcerer, Rakshasa bloodline. Max out bluff and disguise and use Effortless Trickery so that absolutely no-one ever knows what's going on. Never fights directly, instead favoring the use of illusory walls and indirect combat and relying on allies to deal any direct damage to the mostly-debilitated foes.

Because it's dumb: A dwarven weapon-master fighter that uses a whip and tower shield combo, along with the heaviest armor possible.

The invulnerable: An invulnerable-rager barbarian that takes all the different elements of energy resistance and the rage powers that let you negate some energy attacks entirely.

Half-Drow (Half-Elf with the drow alternates). Not sure on class, but takes all the drow noble feats. Probably a caster to reduce the need for feats for anything else. May also take the feats up to Neither Elf Nor Human so that only specifically anti-drow stuff can have extra effect based on type. Probably a woman given the matriarchal nature of drow society.

Excited, huh?

Warpriestess of Calistria, specializing in the whip, dexterous, and wearing studded leather.

With the trip feats, whip mastery, and slashing grace, it's pretty powerful.

Mechanically sound, which is nice, and definitely "exciting" in other, more tangible ways...I mean whips, studded leather, the goddess of can't go wrong.

Grand Lodge

Goblin Metal Oracle and worshiper of Iomedae. He was blinded by the light of his Goddess and now seeks to convert all goblin kind. No one likes him, poor guy.

I have a Divine Verminous Hunter set up and ready to play in PFS but I haven't gotten to use him yet. He worships Calistria and his wasp companion is manifestation of his faith.

Golden Legionnaire, Order of the Dragon Samurai with the Battle Cry feat. My nagaji is a buffer samurai.

An arcanist. Just an arcanist in general. I haven't gotten a chance to play one because I'm only in one gaming table right now, and I'm the GM.

I'm also (for some reason) intrigued by the archetypes and feats that borrow features from other classes, like the arcane bomber wizard or the hexcrafting magus.

In terms of more specifics, I'm kind of intrigued by Tar-Kazmukh. I like the idea of playing a dwarf wizard who studied there for decades before heading to the wider world to adventure.

Seems an aasimar oracle with the blackened hands curse is commonly in people's back pockets.

Mine too, but with the life mystery and all the channel feats exclusive to aasimar. Now I just need a DM to run Carrion Crown for me and I'll be all set. He was slated for a Rise of the Runelords game, but something better came along.

I have a sacred fist at the ready for an Iron Gods campaign that's waiting to start up. I based him off of Zaeer from Korra. He's human and will be taking Racial Heritage Sylph so he can have flight by level 7.

Finally I have a split personality duergar vitalist (psionic healing class from Dreamscarred) for a Rise of the Runelords game.

Usually any ideas I have become NPC's in my home games. I'd go crazy if I never DMed.

World Worm Druid:
Race: Human (w/ focused study alt racial)
Class: Druid
Archetype: Menhir Savant
Domain: Earth (Cave)
Concept: Ulfen raised by elves, mastered earthen druidry and fey ley line magic, reveres the purple worm for its size, strength, and destructive potential and wants to harness its power (via summon elder worm spell)..

Race: Aasimar (Angelkin) (w/ halo alt racial)
Class: Paladin
Prestige Class: Divine Scion (Domain: Glory)
Holy Weapon: Scimitar
Deity: Sarenrae
Other Weapon: Spiked heavy shield
Concept: An arrogant, golden-skinned, blue-eyed, white-haired, muscular Angelkin Aasimar Paladin of Sarenrae who wants to achieve godhood.

Sam Parsons 736 wrote:

World Worm Druid:

Race: Human (w/ focused study alt racial)
Class: Druid
Archetype: Menhir Savant
Domain: Earth (Cave)
Concept: Ulfen raised by elves, mastered earthen druidry and fey ley line magic, reveres the purple worm for its size, strength, and destructive potential and wants to harness its power (via summon elder worm spell)..

Race: Aasimar (Angelkin) (w/ halo alt racial)
Class: Paladin
Prestige Class: Divine Scion (Domain: Glory)
Holy Weapon: Scimitar
Deity: Sarenrae
Other Weapon: Spiked heavy shield
Concept: An arrogant, golden-skinned, blue-eyed, white-haired, muscular Angelkin Aasimar Paladin of Sarenrae who wants to achieve godhood.

That first one reminds me- I have been working and looking into the rules behind how druids use wildshape to take on elemental forms.

There are several relevant rules questions behind this that can be a bit vague- since the elemental subtype gives simple weapon proficiency when they have a human-like shape, does that mean I can have hands? Could I use wildshape as an improved version of enlarge person (complete with DR eventually) that lasts all day? Could I just buy a large sized scimitar and armor and go to town?

Secondly- while discussing there, there has been a suggestion that you can't take equipment like weapons with you when you earthglide. But I have yet to see any such restriction through the half dozen different ways to earth glide (seriously, the thing needs to be standardized). If you can, the going earth elemental for large strength and natural armor bonuses (and size increase) can be a great idea. With the cave domain (the terrain one, not the earth subtype) giving out tremor sense, you can be the 10 tall rock creature that sneaks up behind the BBEG.


"Needles" Nelson: fights with crossbows akimbo. Hand crossbows, most likely, to allow him to reload and full attack. Might have rogue levels for sneak attack, or fighter for Weapon Specialization (to make up for the fact that you don't add STR to crossbows) but I just love the mental image.

Bewildering Conan: A gnome ninja who specializes in Bewildering Koan to make people lose all their actions. May also wield a kusari-gama for tripping at reach. Between the tripping and the quipping, he keeps you in Zen Lockdown forever.

Michaela the Liar: Anti-paladin/bard or straight antipally who maxes out Bluff and looks to spread chaos without anyone ever catching on what she's doing, convincing her victims that she's the hero even as she drives the knife into their back. Inspired by a friend's character: a "diplomancer" paladin. This would be that paladin's evil twin. ;)

Similar to lemeres, the Primal Companion Hunter with a dead animal companion has a lot of potential. I'd pick up immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic damage and play a blessed nature spirit or something in a similar vein. Not the strongest option but interesting at least.

An abyssal bloodline spelleater bloodrager witchwolf skinwalker. I just want a big scary demon werewolf.

A stalker druid, who hunts in the darkness and studies his prey before appearing from the night to kill unnatural creatures and evil despoilers of the forest.

Fetchling Nature Fang druid with the Panther animal domain and the Moonlight Stalker feat chain.


Mongrelfolk MongrelMage Sorcerer with a focus on random effect spells. His magic is as mixed up as he is...

Or she. It's kind of hard to tell...

I recently made a half-orc internal chemist/vivisectionist alchemist with a very high profession: cook skill who fights with a ladle. He is a retired pirate who owns a pub in a port town and is a renowned chef who used to be the crew's cook back in his pirate days. His name is Lard.

Oh man, you have no idea. I do this so much I have to number them all. My most recent on is a Human Bard with the Archeologist and Geisha archetypes, but I dropped all the Japanese flavor to play him like a proper gentleman explorer. I've got him set up to enter the Pathfinder Chronicaler prestige, so for his story I have him as an up and coming member of the Pathfinders. But the other members that are "on his level" don't like him because he's "cheating" by getting an inheritance from his grandfather that includes things like a rarer Wayfinder and other adventuring equipment.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

An elf archer alchemist/master chymist who turns into Mama Bear.

A human paladin with warhammer and shield, trying to be a combo of Ironman/Captain America/Thor...

An ultimate healer Aasimar Life Oracle....with murderous command!!!

An unarmed/unarmored barbarian that relies on claws, bite, elemental fists, etc.

A gestalt paladin//rogue with smiting sneak attack and lots and lots of defenses.

In the next campaign I’ll be playing a hedonistic CG ifrit Diviner. Backstory wise he became a diviner because he received a bursary to study as one. He wanted to travel and see the world so he took to guarding merchant caravans and other travellers as a means to do this. Between his spells, base initiative of 18/19 and ability to always act in a surprise round he was successful at this endeavour. I’ve yet to determine precisely how he moved on to becoming a more general adventurer but there’s a possibility that I’ll be intertwining his backstory with another player’s exiled LG dwarf stonelord.

What I particularly like about this character (along with the ridiculous initiative) is that his backstory is not tragic, he’s no special snowflake chosen one, there are no deep or convoluted reasons for his choice of class/specialisation and his motivation for leaving his home is simple.

As for character ideas that will likely never see a night of play one that I has was for a three eyed, four armed, halo wreathed, metallic skinned and metallic angel winged aasimar alchemist. When he uses a mutagen he gains fangs and claws. Now imagine that walking in to your local pub asking for a pint or where the nearest toilet is.

Lawful Evil Dwarf Forgepriest (ACG). Believes he can create the most powerful weapon within the fire and brimstone pools from Hell. Won't let anyone talk him out of it.

Chaotic Good Half orc Ranger, who's is stupidly brave and willing to explore where most others wouldn't dare to go. PS, he can empathize with bugs.

Neutral Gnome Summoner. Keeps a dream journal of bizarre nightmares which terrifying monsters chase and attack him. His eidolon evolves accordingly.

Neutral Evil Samsaran Winter Oracle. Turns out he is the 4th incarnation of the major seasons, and when he expires, the world won't be quite the same in a very bad way. Quests to find answers for better or worse.

Chaotic Neutral Gnome Destined Bloodrager. Is affected by the Bleaching, but doesn't expire. He has quite a negative outlook on life, even though he appears to be destined for something epic. Puts up with adventuring to find out what.

Chaotic Evil Half Orc Sorcerer. Exiled by his tribe for his shameful heritage. Adventures to find them, but not exactly looking for an apology. Enjoys spells that cause pain, and enhance his combat abilities.

Neutral Good Human Inquisitor. Was once a thief lackey, turned to the higher powers for help after a grave robbing gone wrong. A witch who was disturbed by this act keeps a close eye on him, mainly by zombifying his old friends to remind him who he was. Looks for adventuring companions for help.

A woman from an Arabian inspired culture who is a Dreamscarred Press Psionic Warrior who constantly covers herself with psionic tattoos. I use rune magic as a flavor replacement for Psionics, so a Psionic Warrior is now a Rune Warrior. Runes are based on the language of the caster, with runes that are used for enchantment being very fancy. Her runic tattoos are, of course, in Arabic script, and she is a very skilled calligrapher. Arabic calligraphy is absolutely amazing. She has the traceur archetype, so is very mobile, and wields a scimitar (house rules say a scimitar is a finessable weapon). Seriously considering picking up initiation ability via feats or multiclassing so she can get Scarlet Throne.

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Just the concept of my actually being able to play and not GM excites me. It's not going to happen, but it's nice to daydream about.

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I'm always writing awesome character concepts, such as above. Then I GM instead.

Agree with you there, DungeonmasterCal. I have quite a windfall of characters waiting for something to do

Halfling slinger (either ranger or druid) with a mountain goat animal companion. "Shepherd's bow" indeed. It'd also be cool to play a slinger in an Iron Gods game to have some fun with grenades.

Goblin ninja with a chainsaw.

Mute masked barbarian woman with a chainsaw—basically Jason/Michael Meyers, but heroic.

Look I kinda want a chainsaw.

Half-orc paladin/barbarian who struggles to employ mercy and control her orcish anger. For obvious reasons, this would require some handwaving by the GM.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Just the concept of my actually being able to play and not GM excites me. It's not going to happen, but it's nice to daydream about.

Maybe you should go by PlayerCal. DungeonmasterCal kind of, ya know, sets you up for it...

thegreenteagamer wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Just the concept of my actually being able to play and not GM excites me. It's not going to happen, but it's nice to daydream about.
Maybe you should go by PlayerCal. DungeonmasterCal kind of, ya know, sets you up for it...

LOL I am what I am, I guess. No one in my group wants to run PF, and the one guy who does will start a campaign then move away. He's done this twice. sigh..

Lantern Lodge

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Monk of the Empty Hand 3, Barbarian 10.

Just imagine how Versatile Improvisation, Body Bludgeon, and Hamatula Strike combine...

Character that manages to get into campaign.
Character that manages to be played in said campaign all the way to 20 and/or logical story end.

I have a couple concepts I'm running in games right now that I love:

- Carrion Crown: A Ratfolk Beastmorph Alchemist who was prisoner of the Whispering Way, and experimented on and tortured as a "labrat" so to speak, testing their mutagens and chemicals on him. Next lvl (8th) will be his first of Master Chymist. His name is Keezi (after Ken Kesey of the Merry Pranksters, who coined the term 'Lucky Labrat') and when he transforms into his alternate self he is Kassidy (of Cassidy from the MP's)

-Iron Gods: Human Savage Tech Barbarian (Lvl 1, we start nxt week) from the Kellid tribes, who believes in using firearms and technology to combat the Technic League and various automatons. He was exiled from his tribe for this belief, and stole the Ancestral Weapon (hence the trait) from his tribe when he left.

***Bonus: I had to drop COuncil of THieves because my work schedule switched, but I was a Tiefling Bones Shaman named Crying Ghost, a lowly sewer dwelling grave digger, with a goat familiar name dMaster Anton that was his Mentor.

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Mongrelman Bard(Negotiator)5/Noble Scion 1 with the Noble Scion trait.

Child of a dalliance between a noble lady and an adventuring mongrelman with access to Alter Self spells.

Although ashamed of the appearance of her son, she loved him and could not bear to fully give him up. Instead she had him raised by a servant couple in the country and visited him often as his beloved "aunt".

Inheriting both his fathers magical skill and his mothers keen wit, and receiving informal training from his "aunt" and her servants, he learned to defuse many potential conflict.

Having only recently been informed of his true heritage by his mother, and formally accepted into her household, he adventures mainly to learn more about his heritage on his fathers side.

Surprisingly charismatic, he uses his monstrous looks to appear attractively 'bad boy', adorably cute/ugly or harmlessly pathetic as the situation requires.

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I miiight have a few.

Rogue [minor magic talent]/mythic archmage [dual path: heirophant].

I'm the best mystic theurge!

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