Underground chemist, bombs and discoveries

Rules Questions

An Underground Chemist gets precise splash weapons to deal SA damage when using splash weapons (wohoo!)

A rogue-underground chemist gets to take bomber as a rogue talent to get alchemist bombs at int/day (wohoo again)

I wish I could take it twice (since a specific rogue talent can only be taken once) but I can follow up bomber with bomber discovery to make my bombs a little more scary.

Blinding bomb is one of the obvious choices as with grease bomb or smoke bomb (with a goz mask or similar) but I was reading breath weapon bomb and saw this:

"Each creature within the cone takes damage as if it had suffered a direct hit from the alchemist’s bomb"

Would this mean I get to deal SA damage on everyone hit whether or not they succeed their reflex save because they are considered to have taken a direct hit or would there be no SA to begin with because breath weapon is not splash weapon (unless specifying "direct hit from the alchemist's bomb" implies it should work the same anyway?)

This is a cool idea. If you specialized in this build you still have intelligence to be a skill monkey build too. And not giving anything up really.

So, my question is how do you plan to make opponents flat footed or loose dex modifier. The description for the precise damage requires the opponent to qualify for SA damage. It would be awesome. Specially when you get the drop on them and do splash AOE plus SA damage to opponents before they move.

Looks like you would have to have all opponents be set up for ranged sneak attack. That is usually tough in games I've played.

Precise Splash Weapons (Ex)

At 4th level, an underground chemist can deal sneak attack damage with splash weapons. The attack must be her first attack that round, qualify for dealing sneak attack damage (such as against a flat-footed target), and be directed at a creature rather than a square.

This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 4th level.

I normally play face so diplomacy and bluff may be able to work. Alternatively if I am playing a cha based rogue I can also rely on a wand of invisibility since this is considered as one attack.

Stealth also works well as a rogue especially if you can find a way to get concealment.

Otherwise the easiest is to use this method as an opening (since its limited per day anyway) as in surprise round and first round if I can beat initiative.

You could take 4 levels of Rogue and then go straight Vivisectionist alchemist. Since pretty much everything here keys off of your INT and SA, and Vivsectionist buffs/makes use of both.

Multiclass two 3/4 BaB classes, reduced levels in spellcasting and lose out on advanced talents? No thanks. Haha.

Oh yeah, straight alchemist is better.

But if you multiclass at 4 you don't lose any BAB. Which rogue advanced talents are you interested in? I can't recall any off hand that's worth a damn, compared to alchemist discoveries. So yeah, maybe you have reduced spellcasting compared to the alchemist, but compared to the rogue you suddenly have casting. And mutagens. And another good save.

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