Benjamin Milarch |

Rules Experts:
Please check out the spell Eldritch Conduit and Greater
The spell allows the casting of cone, line, or sphere spells with an ally as the origin of the spell.
Check out the PRD wording on sphere spells:
A sphere-shaped spell expands from its point of origin to fill a spherical area. Spheres may be bursts, emanations, or spreads.
Is Fireball as sphere? It's a 20' radius burst.
The fireball spell doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the point of origin for fireball via Eldritch Conduit.
Is Antimagic Field a sphere? It extends in a 10' radius emanation.
The Antimagic Field doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the center for an antimagic field, so then our investigator or monk becomes the dedicated caster-hunter.
I just wanted a second opinion before I bring this to my GM this Saturday.
Thanks for the help!

Roco |
Rules Experts:
Please check out the spell Eldritch Conduit and Greater
The spell allows the casting of cone, line, or sphere spells with an ally as the origin of the spell.
Check out the PRD wording on sphere spells:
A sphere-shaped spell expands from its point of origin to fill a spherical area. Spheres may be bursts, emanations, or spreads.
Is Fireball as sphere? It's a 20' radius burst.
The fireball spell doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the point of origin for fireball via Eldritch Conduit.
Is Antimagic Field a sphere? It extends in a 10' radius emanation.
The Antimagic Field doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the center for an antimagic field, so then our investigator or monk becomes the dedicated caster-hunter.
I just wanted a second opinion before I bring this to my GM this Saturday.
Thanks for the help!
Would like to know the same thing.
Can I cast eldrich conduit and have some other target be the origin of an Anti magic field

Meirril |
Answer to both questions: no.
The spell specifies "spell with an area effect of cone, cylinder, line, or sphere" and neither spell says that. While a burst or an emanation end up with a round area of effect that is identical to a sphere, spells with sphere as its area effect have a different hostile characteristics to them.