The Case For Chat As #1 Priority

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

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TEO Cheatle wrote:

I am partial to a region based "world chat system"

It just seems like it would be kind of cool.

Back on topic: World Chat Tab, Recruitment Chat Tab, Company Chat Tab, Settlement Chat Tab, Local/Chat/Hex Rolled into one Chat Tab, and finally Help Chat Tab.

Personally, I would add User-Created chat channels. It was actually a very useful system in World of Warcraft prior to the addition of LFG tools and group finders. It was also very useful in helping to establish more niche communities like roleplayers, or creating In-Character channels for guilds that would use their guild chat for OOC or vice versa.

Goblin Squad Member

The request for the return of "World chat" reminds me of the potential danger of crowdforging, which is not to say there isn't a bunch of good stuff as well :)

Hopefully, switching Chat channels on and off isn't a big deal for GW.

Less a "return" and more a "brief cameo". In the views of a lot of people, this game isn't crowded enough yet to justify no World Chat.

Less a "return" and more a "brief cameo". In the views of a lot of people, this game isn't crowded enough yet to justify no World Chat.

This. And it would have been nice to have company/settlement chat before world chat went away.

Goblin Squad Member

+1 to OP.

Can't see myself playing this game for more than another few weeks without chat.

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