Does Wild Shape from multiple classes stack?

Rules Questions

I always thought that Wild Shape stacked with all classes that grant it, but the new rules for Hybrid classes makes me wonder that maybe it doesn't?

So, say I make a level 6 Druid (Reincarnated) who gets Wild Shape as a druid -2 then I take 14 levels of Hunter (Feral Hunter) who gets Wild Shape at level 4 as a druid of her character level. So then how does it stack?

1. It doesn't. She has 1 per day from the Reincarnated Druid for a small or medium animal for only 6 hours (each use)... and then from hunter she gets 4 times per day a small, medium, large, huge, or diminutive animal for 14 hours (each use).

2. They stack meaning she has 6 uses per day of all the animals granted by the hunter version?

3. They stack completely meaning she has full 18 levels of druid version wild shape (I seriously do not think this is the case, and even if it was I'd fully expect the GM (or if I was the GM I would) house rule it not to stack to this level.

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From what I've have read both Feral Hunter and Druid (Reincarnated)do not stack with each other or it would say in their wild shape description.
You would wild shape a as a 4th level druid and a 14 level Feral Hunter.

Feral Hunter 14th level: Wild shape 6/day 14 hrs Diminutive to huge animals only.

Druid (Reincarnated 6th -2= 4th level)Wild shape 1/day, small or Medium animal.

Now if you took the feat Shaping Focus

Your powers of shapeshifting outstrip your dabbling in the druidic faith.
Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks.
Benefit: If you are a multiclassed druid, your wild shape ability is calculated as though your druid level were four higher, to a maximum level equal to your character level.
Special: This feat has no effect if you are not a multiclassed druid.

Your Druid (Reincarnated 6th -2= 4th level)would now be the same as a 8th level druid. Wild shape 3/day 8hrs,Diminutive to huge animals,Medium elemental, or a Small or Medium plant creature.

That's how I see it but I could be wrong lol

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Like channel energy, they don't stack.

Okay yeah see I always thought they stacked but it really seems they don't. I mean it's not a huge deal since I really only care about the druid levels so that I can get the reincarnation power (it's for concept) at level 5 so if the wild shape doesn't stack then there's no real reason to take that 6th level, just stick with hunter and be level 15.

Now, that said would the shaping focus feat count since she IS a multiclassed druid and has wild shape, even though she's not a high enough level druid to have wild shape from her druid levels?

LOL that's even probably a bit much... i'll probably just stick to Druid (Reincarnated) 5 / Hunter (Feral) 15 then.

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Unless the ability says it stacks with similar or same-named abilities, then it doesn't stack.

You can gain Channel Energy as a Cleric, Paladin, and Oracle. Each class has their own progression and can only use Channel Energy so many times per day, each time using a progression an ability modifier tied to each specific instance of Channel Energy to determine DC.

Rounds of Rage do not stack with rounds of Bloodrage or Raging Song.

Because prestige classes in the Core Rulebook say that multiple sources of Sneak Attack stack, it is generally assumed that multiple classes that grant Sneak Attack stack the damage. Vivisectonist Alchemist specifically calls this out as well, saying it gains Sneak Attack as a Rogue, but only gains as much if multiclassed with a Rogue as equals one-half their combined class levels (+1d6/2 levels, minimum 1d6). So a Rogue 1/Vivisectonist 1 only has 1d6 Sneak Attack, even though the Vivisectonist gains Sneak Attack at level 1.

option 1.

Ah thanks so yeah i'll just not bother with that 6th level then.

Although, is there then any way to raise your effective druid level as a hunter?

The Shaping Focus feat, since you're already multiclassing into druid.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How does one even write that out on the character sheet if it doesn't stack?

SQ wildshape (a/day for b hours), wildshape (x/day for y hours) ?

Don't forget you also need to specify what spell it works as.

But I don't see anything that makes the situation different than Channel Energy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:

I always thought that Wild Shape stacked with all classes that grant it, but the new rules for Hybrid classes makes me wonder that maybe it doesn't?

So, say I make a level 6 Druid (Reincarnated) who gets Wild Shape as a druid -2 then I take 14 levels of Hunter (Feral Hunter) who gets Wild Shape at level 4 as a druid of her character level. So then how does it stack?

1. It doesn't. She has 1 per day from the Reincarnated Druid for a small or medium animal for only 6 hours (each use)... and then from hunter she gets 4 times per day a small, medium, large, huge, or diminutive animal for 14 hours (each use).

2. They stack meaning she has 6 uses per day of all the animals granted by the hunter version?

3. They stack completely meaning she has full 18 levels of druid version wild shape (I seriously do not think this is the case, and even if it was I'd fully expect the GM (or if I was the GM I would) house rule it not to stack to this level.

Since they are different forms of wildshape, you'd have to track them completely separately.

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