boring7 |
Casting CLW isn't using a weapon like spell.
Power Attack doesn't work with touch attacks.
And even if those things weren't true, you have yet to establish what you believe "weapon damage" actually means or why flametouch is supposed to become an area-of-effect weapon.

Ravingdork |

Mark Hoover |

I've seen some innovative solutions to swarms, even in PFS. The obvious ones are
Oil, flask
Alchemist's Fire
Acid Flask
Liquid Ice
But some I've seen were
Create Water: situational; the spiders were coming up the inside of a culvert and the GM ruled the water washed them sideways
Burning Furniture: rat swarm moving through a room with old, rotted wooden table and chairs; PC wizard used Ignite cantrip on the pile of furniture
Gust of Wind: swarm was roaches and this blew them across the room
Honestly fire is one of the easiest things to make in the game; cheap tools, torches, tindertwigs, 0-level spells whatever. Once one guy can generate fire for their turn the rest of the party should have flasks of oil at the ready. They're like 1sp each I think.
A special shout out to my own personal fave method: Burning Hands + Alchemist Fire as a material. It's consumed in the casting unfortunately but it lights the swarm on fire for damage the next round. I had a guy hurl this on a spider swarm at 2nd level: 2d4 +50% round 1, and then the other PCs just avoided the flaming carpet of spiders. 1d6 +50% damage in round 2, and the fight was over.