pathfinder monsters that aren't fun for their CR

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Sovereign Court

Trimalchio wrote:
casting a silent image of a rope doesn't allow the clueless barbarian to climb it, at least I've never seen it played that way.

I never said it would. And that is the epitome of a strawman argument.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Trimalchio wrote:
casting a silent image of a rope doesn't allow the clueless barbarian to climb it, at least I've never seen it played that way.
I never said it would. And that is the epitome of a strawman argument.

So what do you think would happen in that situation?

The caster creates the illusion of a rope. The Barbarian fails his save and tries to climb the rope. What does he do, what does everybody else see him do, and when does he get a save for interaction?

Sovereign Court

kestral287 wrote:
Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Trimalchio wrote:
casting a silent image of a rope doesn't allow the clueless barbarian to climb it, at least I've never seen it played that way.
I never said it would. And that is the epitome of a strawman argument.

So what do you think would happen in that situation?

The caster creates the illusion of a rope. The Barbarian fails his save and tries to climb the rope. What does he do, what does everybody else see him do, and when does he get a save for interaction?

He gets very confused that he can't climb the rope - getting a save when touching it - and if he fails his save he figures it must be some sort of magical rope. (sort of correct) Everyone else sees him trying and failing to climp a rope.

Just because a character still thinks he should be able to interact with something after failing once (my entire argument) doesn't mean that he does in fact interact with it.

When you say he "can't climb the rope"-- what is he thinking is happening? What do the Barbarian's eyes see?

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He sees his hand pass through the rope. If he fails his saving throw the rope still looks solid to him. If he succeeds on his saving throw, he sees the rope as a translucent outline.

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Aratrok wrote:
He sees his hand pass through the rope. If he fails his saving throw the rope still looks solid to him. If he succeeds on his saving throw, he sees the rope as a translucent outline.

So when does the proof clause come into play at your table?

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Detect magic or a similar spell, plus a DC 20+spell level Knowledge (arcana) check, revealing that the rope is incontrovertibley the product of an illusion spell.

Shadow Lodge

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Aratrok wrote:
Detect magic or a similar spell, plus a DC 20+spell level Knowledge (arcana) check, revealing that the rope is incontrovertibley the product of an illusion spell.

I'm pretty sure that a DC 15+spell level Knowledge (arcana) check to notice that it's an illusion spell should be pretty clear evidence that it is not real.

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Not necessarily. Shadow conjuration is an illusion spell and it's partially real.

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Congrats, you've derailed the thread again.

For unfun monsters, anything with Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip can be a pain, especially with reach.

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Thread Derails aren't fun for their CR.

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