Bioboygamer |
What would be an appropriate cost for a magic item that allows metamagic feats/rods/whatever to work on spell-like abilities?
A friend suggested that a ring that allows the wearer to use the Intensify Spell metamagic on a SLA once/day with only 1/5 the effect would only cost around 1600 gold.
Is this reasonable?

StDrake |

Took a wnile to think it through, but i've got a thought on that.
I'd actually take the cost of a rod and reduce it by the percent for (30% was it?) being restricted to a particular class (or race, but thats not mentionned in the magic item pricing guides). Cut that by half again if it doesn't actually provide the feat. Thats for allowing a single type of metamagic. Adding more means appropriately multiplying the cost as if giving items multiple bonuses.
Might count it as having still and silent spell already in tough, as SLA dont require verbal nor somatic components already (not to mention material or focus), but then again they are much more limited in terms of use per day and ability to aquire more. Of course you might also play around with limited use per day pricing.

Wildfire Heart |
HA! Thanks. Bioboy and I were arguing on this one. Y'see, I came up with a level 7 Tiefling char that is just...beastly... and we're having kind of a fun game to se who can come up with the most OP character. We're then going to have them fight to prove which one is better. His SLA is a raise dead with 1 HD, and I wanted to be able to do more with that. I used the metamagic rod's price to determine the price for it, which came out to about 600gp. I added 1000 to it because it's modifying the metamagic, raising the value of HD rather than damage
thanks for the assist!