joep |

I am thinking of getting a tablet to run herolab and hold my pdf's for Pathfinder.
Currently I bring a duffle bag with my pathfinder pawns, 4-6 hardcover books and my work laptop which has herolab on it.
But I rarely turn the laptop on because the battery life is not the greatest.
Plus I recently acquired the Bestiary Data packages and Monster Codex Data package and will utilize the Encounter builder more frequently now so this is another reason I'm looking into a tablet.
I would like to then only bring the pawns and just the tablet to run my campaign to my sessions.
So most likely a windows tablet is what I need.
Anyone using one for other than readings PDF's?

Tal_Akaan |

I don't use Hero Lab, but I do use a Surface Pro 3, started on a first generation iPad, to help with running games. Other than just being a handy way to have all of my game books with me at all times, I use it for images to show players, and i have digital copied of all of my maps which is very convenient. Though I would say the most helpful thing would be using OneNote for organizing my campaign. Definitely check it out.