Herolab from Tablet


I am thinking of getting a tablet to run herolab and hold my pdf's for Pathfinder.
Currently I bring a duffle bag with my pathfinder pawns, 4-6 hardcover books and my work laptop which has herolab on it.
But I rarely turn the laptop on because the battery life is not the greatest.
Plus I recently acquired the Bestiary Data packages and Monster Codex Data package and will utilize the Encounter builder more frequently now so this is another reason I'm looking into a tablet.

I would like to then only bring the pawns and just the tablet to run my campaign to my sessions.

So most likely a windows tablet is what I need.

Anyone using one for other than readings PDF's?

I don't use Hero Lab, but I do use a Surface Pro 3, started on a first generation iPad, to help with running games. Other than just being a handy way to have all of my game books with me at all times, I use it for images to show players, and i have digital copied of all of my maps which is very convenient. Though I would say the most helpful thing would be using OneNote for organizing my campaign. Definitely check it out.

The Exchange

Just make sure that the operating system of the tablet will allow you to run HeroLab. You can run HeroLab on a computer and the iPad, but other operating systems are not supported at this time.

I run my characters and have access to all my pdfs from my iPad mini with Herolab. Herolab's updates for Dropbox integration and actually being able to build characters on the tablet-version have made it so I hardly ever use my PC versions anymore.

I was looking at a tablet running windows. I saw that Herolab supports iPad, but only character creator, not the encounter builder. Which is one feature I would use during the game

I'm running a full version of win7 on a ASUS EeSlate, a few years old now, but it seems to handle HeroLab ok.

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