Scribing a Binding scroll


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hello! I'm running the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition adventure path, and in Chapter 5 I've come across a Scroll of Binding as treasure item. I know that when a caster scribes a scroll, he makes all the choices pertaining to the casting of the spell at the time of scribing.

As you may have guessed, I have Questions; though I don't think they qualify as Rules Questions, which is why I'm asking for Advice:

1. Which of the SIX "versions" of the Binding spell would be most common (taking into consideration this particular scroll is found in a complex dedicated to necromancy and led by a lich)? Yes, I know it's a simple matter to roll 1d6, but I'm interested in using thematic selections in this case.

2. Given the minimum CL of the scriber is 15, up to how many HD (for the target) should the scroll affect? Given also that the sample cost of a Scroll of Binding on that other site is 8,500 gp, it appears that sample used sufficient 500 gp opals to affect an 11HD creature. This seems a bit low for a CR 14-16 area.

3. Given that the scriber may not have a specific purpose for the scroll in mind, would there be a release trigger included in the scroll, as mentioned in the spell's description (based on target's name, identity, and/or alignment, to take advantage of the +2 DC modifier)?

3a. What might that trigger condition be, in order to be able to affect a more general breadth of targets?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Bump. Anyone have any thoughts?

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