Running my group of experienced players (though new to Pathfinder) through a level 3 module - suggestions?


Hello everyone,

I am planning on setting my long time group of players in the Pathfinder path - they are very familiar with d20 based systems, though the bunch (apart for perhaps one or two) have never been much for optimization/maximization. Nonetheless they do quickly grasp the mechanics of the game, which usually improves their characters.

That being said, I think they can handle level 3 characters without much issue (and both them and I are somewhat tired of level 1 characters anyway). Additionally I threw a 25pt build at them (with some limitations on maximum starting stats) since I want to allow them versatile characters without being overly focused on one or two stats (might happen, but it shouldn't be an issue).

Now I am looking for suggestions regarding a module to put them through - what are your opinions on this? The group usually rollplays more than roleplays, but I am not out to teach them a lesson or anything - they enjoy it, and I let them because I enjoy me some numbers also. But I want them to have roleplaying opportunities (without needing to focus the game solely, or even mostly on it - I am taking it easy with them).

I would like to GM a grim module - not necessarily one about terror, but experiences that make you go 'Damn, that's harsh!' - this is a personal preference and something I know they enjoy also, since most of us are not usually prone to create 'light-hearted' characters. I have taken a look at Feast of Ravenmoor but it is not my thing - maybe my opinion will change after we play it, but for now I am looking for something darker, like the Ravengro part of Carrion Crown for example ;)

My knowledge of Pathfinder modules is limited, so I am looking for suggestions on this one - if the module itself has suggested follow ups, even better. It opens an option, and we can take it from there if we feel like it.

The Exchange

Midnight mirror for level 3s? If you could wait till 4, you could run carrion hill (but that one's kinda lovecraftish).

Midnight Mirror is geared towards level 4, correct? Although if it fit the bill I might consider allowing them to start at that level. I have played this one partially, and seem to remember some quite unforgiving encounters for mechanically inexperienced players, almost at the start (not wanting to spoil anything).

Lovecraft is not bad, so I will take a look at Carrion Hill, but that would mean 5th level, which I think it may be already too high for the objectives we are aiming at to start with?

You can easily up the CR of any module to suit your needs so you're not limited to level 3 modules.

I like running new Pathfinder players through Crypt of the Everflame. It definitely has a couple moments of potential TPK as written. It's also very easy to increase the CR throughout by adding a creature here or there as needed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd strongly consider running the Free-RPG day modules before you get too deep into Pathfinder. See if your group enjoys it first.

Risen from the Sands is 3rd level and is the most recent (June 2014.)

We Be Goblins! if you want more roleplay opportunities and a very non-standard setting. 1st level (goblins.)

We Be Goblins Too! Continues the twisted antics of goblinhood. 3rd level (goblins.)

Kobold King and Master of the Fallen Fortress are interesting but were written in the era of early Pathfinder/3.5.

Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is for 5th level characters.

These modules come with pregens and are free PDFs.

If you can't quite find anything in the advice here so far (which is spot on), maybe take one more look at Feast of Ravenmoor. That one ended up being better than I expected (from a GM side) and the players liked it. It's of course painfully obvious that something isn't right in that town - but that seems to be appreciated by players. Depending on how the RP elements play out - most, if not all, of the combat for this one takes place in a long, one shot run with no rests. You could change the setting to be some type of creepy house in a larger town with a temple underneath (depending on how much extra work you want it to be) and have the same types of encounters.

To reinforce what Brother Fen said about upping the CR of level 1 modules, at low levels this is very easy and adds the need to deal with even more multiple enemy tactics (assuming that's how you up the CR) - and there are a ton of Level 1 modules.

The Exchange

If you're not limited to modules, here are a couple of pfs scenarios you can try:
Black waters
The penumbral accords
Voices in the void

All 3 are a tad spooky. Think Black Waters is the most grim of them all.I cant remember how harsh they are.

We be goblins series is meant to be light hearted, and comic relief. Everyone gets silly playing goblins.

Risen from the sands...more like an indiana jones movie. Combats can be rough but I didn't find it spooky.

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