Introducing RPGs to kids


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So, I was talking with a friend online about introducing our kids to RPGs, and he mentioned how difficult it is to get them to role-play, and I mentioned an idea I had to make characters based on their favourite from film/tv so that they know their character and can play accordingly.
For example:

Biff Lightspear Paladin.
Biff is a graduate of the Astral academy and is committed to defending the galaxy the world from the evil emporer Zurg. His favourite phrase when going on a quest is, "To eternity and beyond!" and he often says "Not today!"

AnnaSorceror (Elemental - Water) Bloodline.
Anna is a princess from the country of Arendelle. Since birth she has had power over Ice and is able to cast lots of ice themed spells (all summons spells are reskinned as living ice constructs)

Paddington Barbarian (Totem warrior - Bear Totem)
Paddington is from a lost tribe in deepest, darkest Garund. His actual name is unpronouncable in Common, so he picked the name of the town where he arrived. His tribe were contacted a generation ago by an explorer who left behind an invitation and a book on manners. As a result, Paddington is always unfailingly polite and prone to giving those who are rude a hard stare If only stern gaze was a barbarian ability. Unfortunately his primer on manners is a generation out of date, so he often misunderstands the situation.

So, what I was wondering, does anyone have any ideas for characters that could be used, or any other ideas to get kids into role-playing?

Several of my friends have young children who we have introduced or are introducing to pathfinder.
One thing we have done is create characters who can come or go as they please. Currently we are starting the "Mummy's Mask" adventure path. For his young daughter we created a "Temple Cat" 10 point build from the "Advanced Race Guide". The cat has always lived in Wati (the city where the adventure starts) and has adopted the party. When she wants to play, she sits beside her mother who helps her. When she gets bored, her cat wanders off to do its own thing.

As GM I use her character to convey local information to the party that I want them to have.

As she gets older, we will give her a more normal character to play like her older brother who plays a barbarian and sits next to his dad.


Sovereign Court

For children? Guess look at the most popular cartoons out there, I mean there are cartoon that I like but, for many children they have no idea what I will be talking about...anyway from what I saw of the popular cartoons of nowadays:

Finn the Human (Human Paladin) - Adventure time
A noble knight unable to lie or do anything evil! With his loyal steed Jake (the mount option for paladin).

Beast Boy (Human druid) - Teen Titans
A kid who can transforms into various beast, only problem here, you will need to start at a level where he gets wildshape early or the kid will lose interest pretty fast.

Morag the Gatherer wrote:

One thing we have done is create characters who can come or go as they please. Currently we are starting the "Mummy's Mask" adventure path. For his young daughter we created a "Temple Cat" 10 point build from the "Advanced Race Guide". The cat has always lived in Wati (the city where the adventure starts) and has adopted the party. When she wants to play, she sits beside her mother who helps her. When she gets bored, her cat wanders off to do its own thing.

I like this.

One of my daughters is really into cats, so I might use this to see if I can persuade her to join in.

Personally, I've always wanted to see a Silvanshee familiar, so that might be the way to go.

Grand Lodge

I find role-playing comes natural to kids. After all its just Advanced pretend. I've never had a problem getting kids to play its getting adults to play with kids thats been an issue for me.

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