Magic Item Creation quesitons

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hey I couldn't find a better spot to ask this so here it goes.

1. Can you make wands with meta magic feats tied into their "spell level" like a wand of maximize magic missile? Or a staff with Maximize magic missile? (Kind of want one for my wizard so he can have an easy thing to use on some rounds)

2. Do you need the meta magic feat for crafting the appropriate meta magic rod? IE: Maximize


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Mr.$mith wrote:
1. Can you make wands with meta magic feats tied into their "spell level" like a wand of maximize magic missile? Or a staff with Maximize magic missile? (Kind of want one for my wizard so he can have an easy thing to use on some rounds)


Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). A character doesn't need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.
2. Do you need the meta magic feat for crafting the appropriate meta magic rod? IE: Maximize

Normally, yes. But that may be one of the things you can remove by increasing the crafting DC by +5.

A side question: if you have magical lineage when creating the wand: would the spell not be boosted as many levels when made?

Like an empowered fireball wand costing 4th level not 5th (Lineage reduces it by 1, after empower boosted Fireball by 2).

Jeraa wrote:
Normally, yes. But that may be one of the things you can remove by increasing the crafting DC by +5.

Actually, no. The *only* thing you must have is the crafting feat and the spell source.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Starbuck_II wrote:

A side question: if you have magical lineage when creating the wand: would the spell not be boosted as many levels when made?

Like an empowered fireball wand costing 4th level not 5th (Lineage reduces it by 1, after empower boosted Fireball by 2).

Those traits do not help your magic item creation. There's no way to "tie" the creator to an item so none of his/her personal abilities affect the item's stats.

Another question, I didn't see Spell craft DCs for rods and staffs? Any suggestion as to what they should be, I know the benefit of making magic items is the risk that you can loose money by failing checks.

Mr.$mith wrote:
Another question, I didn't see Spell craft DCs for rods and staffs? Any suggestion as to what they should be, I know the benefit of making magic items is the risk that you can loose money by failing checks.

The DC to make any item is the same. DC 5 + the items caster level. The DC increases by +5 for each prerequisite you don't meet.

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Mr.$mith wrote:
Another question, I didn't see Spell craft DCs for rods and staffs? Any suggestion as to what they should be, I know the benefit of making magic items is the risk that you can loose money by failing checks.

Generally speaking magic items aren't difficult for people with the appropriate skill investments. You may also take 10, so the most important part of creating magic items is your skill ranks and it being a class skill (at least for quite a while).

For example, a Ranger with a 7 Int who has 5 Ranks in Spellcraft can take Craft Wondrous Item at 5th level and have 5 (ranks) +3 (class skill) -2 = +6 Spellcraft. He or she can take 10 to create any wondrous item that is DC 16 without risk of failure. With a 50 gp masterwork tool, this is up to DC 18. Unless something weird is going on, the ranger can comfortably craft anything that s/he will need at the appropriate levels.

It's also important to note that some items can be created at lower caster levels than they are listed in the books. For example, the stock boots of speed are a 1 charge/day caster level 10 item that has the duration of the spell effect split into individual rounds. You could create a caster level 5 version of boots of speed if you wanted to, only it would have 5 rounds worth of haste during the day and cost 6,000 gp.

The caster level of a magic item also determines how resilient a magic item is. For example, magic items have saving throws of 2 + 1/2 the item's caster level. Additionally, the DC suppress a magic item with dispel effects is based on the caster level of the item, so higher CL items are more likely to survive on failed saves and/or be hard to suppress. Because of this, when making magic items that have no effects or price differences tied to the CL of the item it is better to make a higher CL item than not (however our hypothetical ranger may need to craft such items at a lower caster level to cut corners on how difficult it is to craft). The market value of such items is the same regardless for items that don't have effects directly tied to CL.

Ah ok thank you so much for your help, I didn't notice the Caster levels of Rods and Staves at the top of their stat block.

Thanks again!

Keep in mind (when crafting a wand with a metamagicked spell) that the overall spell level in a wand can't be higher than 4.

Is there a max caster level for wants? Or can you do a caster level higher, like make a wand of maximize magic missile caster level 9, not saying it's very cost effective but could you do that?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Mr.$mith wrote:
Is there a max caster level for wants? Or can you do a caster level higher, like make a wand of maximize magic missile caster level 9, not saying it's very cost effective but could you do that?

That wand is perfectly fine. There is no cap on the caster level of wands, just the spell level(well except maybe 20 or whatever the "highest level" is for your world).

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