NobodysHome |
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Not sure if this counts, but when I was a a little kid, I thought that the reason old pictures and video were in black, white, and grey was because "Back in the old days" the world had no color. (I'm not sure when or why exactly I thought color showed up, though.)
You just read too much Calvin & Hobbes.

Uncle Teddy |
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Captain collateral damage wrote:Not sure if this counts, but when I was a a little kid, I thought that the reason old pictures and video were in black, white, and grey was because "Back in the old days" the world had no color. (I'm not sure when or why exactly I thought color showed up, though.)You just read too much Calvin & Hobbes.
There is no such thing as too much Calvin & Hobbes.

NobodysHome |
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So Impus Major and I have a bit of a morning ritual: He forgets to get his lunchbox out of his backpack the night before, so in the morning I loudly proclaim, "Boy, I WISH I had Impus Major's lunchbox so I could pack his lunch for him!"
He usually responds with, "Oh, Dad! You just failed your Perception roll! If you look carefully, you'll see... my lunchbox! Ta da!"
Some of his variations are priceless:
NH: Boy, I WISH I had Impus Major's lunchbox so I could pack his lunch for him!
IM: It's good to want things, Dad. It builds character.
This is a direct quote from one of our friends, a long-time GM who would respond to all player requests that started with, "I want," with this.
NH: Boy, I WISH I had Impus Major's lunchbox so I could pack his lunch for him!
IM: Well, I wish our cat wouldn't throw up all over the floor, but we can't always get what we wish for, Dad!

Kirth Gersen |
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Toddler Gersen, being barely 2, usually says stuff like "Want eat that!"
Sometimes, though, she'll say, "Brag Boog Blog Bleeg" or something, just to see if I'm paying attention.
Invariably, I'll respond, "Brag Boog Blog Bleeg?"
And she gives me THAT LOOK, which makes her seem 14 instead of 2, and very clearly enunciates, "Dada, what are you talking about?!"

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Some years back, when my daughter was in high school, I was about to drive her to her viola lesson. I had just won a prize from a radio station, so I told her that we would have to stop on the way so I could pick up my loot. Her eyes widened in excitement and she exclaimed, "You won a lute?!"
Only a musician...

Kirth Gersen |
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Toddler Gersen: "Where is mama?"
Me: "Maybe she's hiding -- can you go find her?"
TG (shrugging exaggeratedly): "Where could she BE?"
Me: "In the bathroom?"
TG (touches mouth with forefinger): "Hmmm... maybe, in the wall!"
Me: "I don't think she's in the wall."
TG (touching foot): "In the sock?"
Me: "No, she's not in your socks! That's silly!"
TG: "In the dresser!"
Me: "No, probably not in the dresser."
TG (sniffing and touching diaper): "In the poopoo!!!!"

David M Mallon |
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This one's not even from someone who was a kid during my lifetime, but my uncle (currently age 63), who grew up in Wisconsin, thought until the age of seven or eight that the line in the US National Anthem "The land of the free/And the home of the brave" was actually "The Land of the free/And the home of the Braves" (as in the Milwaukee Braves baseball team). He later went on to become a politician.

David M Mallon |
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My children to me pretty much every other day: I need [insert random item or food particle here].
Me: Well, I need a million dollars.
Fast forward to just the other night......
Me: Baby Girl, I need a hug.
Baby Girl: No Daddy, you just need a million dollars.
"I was feeling a bit down, I went to a therapist a few times, at a hundred bucks a pop. But then I realized that no therapy session would ever cheer me up half as much as if I was just strolling along and found a hundred dollar bill."
- Emo PhilipsSounds like she's got something there.

Kirth Gersen |
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My children to me pretty much every other day: I need [insert random item or food particle here].
That's Baby Gersen every 5 seconds or so, in response to nearly everything she sees. Which leads to comedy gold when we're at the grocery store and she yells "I need a beer!" or we meet one of Mrs Gersen's well-endowed mommy friends and she yells "I need boobies!"

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Aberzombie wrote:My children to me pretty much every other day: I need [insert random item or food particle here].
Me: Well, I need a million dollars.
Fast forward to just the other night......
Me: Baby Girl, I need a hug.
Baby Girl: No Daddy, you just need a million dollars.
"I was feeling a bit down, I went to a therapist a few times, at a hundred bucks a pop. But then I realized that no therapy session would ever cheer me up half as much as if I was just strolling along and found a hundred dollar bill."
- Emo PhilipsSounds like she's got something there.
Well, I did just win $100 on football pools this past weekend.....

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I work at a high school, so I overhear lots of good stuff.
"If drama were soup, [SCHOOL NAME] could cure world hunger!"
While on bus duty, I overheard a group of students debating whether Superman could defeat Inspector Gadget. They seemed to consider the argument settled when one of them said, "Go go gadget Kryptonite!"
One day when I was on lunch duty, I saw something go flying across the cafeteria. I did not see who threw it, but I went to the table of the projectile's origin and said, "I don't know who I'm talking to here, but we don't like projectiles."
One student immediately piped up, "My name is Noman." Any kid who quotes The Odyssey in that circumstance is OK in my book.
Two female students were sitting and chatting while one was looking over her human biology handouts. She turned a page to reveal a detailed cross-section of the male anatomy. Her friend gave a small shriek and exclaimed, "How can you look at that?!"
"It's not hard." she answered, and flipped the page.
They then continued on as if nothing had happened.

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My wee one is nearly 2 now. When my wife was trying to teach her the body parts she would point to each part on herself and our daughter and say the part. Every time daughter woke, up the first thing she would do is point to and name all of the parts she could remember. When this seemed to be going smoothly my wife decided to complicate things by pointing at her own chest and saying mom, in an attempt to get our daughter to call her mom. What this resulted in was our daughter pointing to her own chest while naming body parts and saying "mom".
She also picked up on my wife always telling our pets to get out of the way or telling them go away. One day I was out walking with our daughter and she saw a cat in our neighbors driveway. She proceeded to shout "You go away cat!" for several minutes until the cat left.
At my mom and dad's house we do dinner on Sundays with the whole family. My oldest nephew gets yelled at often. My daughter will walk by and give him a little pat on the knee as if to reassure him things will be okay. One time he got the @$$ chewing of a life time right in front of everyone. He then was forced to sit on a foot stool next to his mom to make sure he behaved the rest of the night. My daughter walks over to him and begins to talk in her little toddler babble talk, hands waggling and patting him on the shoulder. Eventually she stops, looks at him, scoots him over and takes a seat next to him. She then pats him on the knee and pauses to take a moment to collect her thoughts and starts back in. Even as bad as his night was going my nephew was smiling and laughing with the rest of us at this situation. He was 13 and she was only 18 months or so at the time.

Kirth Gersen |
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We took baby Gersen to the park yesterday; they had ponies, pigs, owls, and an emu on display (I was very proud that she was the only person -- adults included -- who correctly named the latter instead of saying "look at the ostrich!").
This morning I knew she was up when, from across the house, I heard her yell, "I put the emu in the MAILBOX!"
I have no idea where that came from, but apparently she found it hilarious; she proceeded to repeat that phrase more quietly and chuckle to herself as she got up.

David M Mallon |

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome: You took the big green umbrella?!?!? That's a GROUP umbrella! No wonder you're tired! You used that thing all the way home?
Impus Minor: Yes. But it's OK. I used it for good.
But then he had to walk home, and the wind had its way with him. Apparently at one point the umbrella decided to meander into someone's back yard. But he persevered and made it home, umbrella and all.

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A couple weeks ago my friend brought his daughter over, same age as my toddler. At one point while the Pathfinder game was in full swing I heard the 2 of them roaring laughing behind me. We all stopped and looked. They each had a fist full of crayons. They would take turns pulling a crayon from each other's fist and putting in their own. They would both scream laughing, do that toddler jig, calm down and repeat.

Kirth Gersen |
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Kirth: "Did you sing 'happy birthday' at your friend's party today?"
Toddler Gersen (pointing to sippy cup): "No, I say 'happy birthday, cup.'"
Kirth: "Do you love your dada?"
Toddler Gersen: "No, I love mama. And mama's boobies. And mama's moles."
So, I'm officially lower on the scale of love than a skin condition.

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My daughter is almost four
Little Miss Elberion: I know five people who are silly
Me: Is daddy silly?
LME: No, only sometimes.
Me: So who is silly?
LME: Dadcu (welsh for Grandfather, my side), Auntie C, Grandad, chocolate button bear and sheepy (teddies). One, two, three, four, five.
Me: What about you?
LME: I'm never silly.

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I dont have kids but my friends have produced spawns the last few years so I have regular exposure and am quite popular due to being the 'cool' aunt.
So one of the kids was playing with some blocks and I noticed that he was building super straight, so I said: "great job! You are growing so big and you can do so many things, I am very very proud of you". After which he looked me straight in the eyes with that piercing blue gaze and replied: "I have a snot".
And I realize this is basically a summary of most of the conversations we have

Gaurwaith |

All from me.
I will put it on the table so my brother cannot get it.
-Said about some toy that he wanted.
I'm not tired I'm just thinking.
-Before falling asleep. Said exclusively in the car.
Mom's an as
-First words ever written. I've never been a good speller.
We used to play a racing game on the Nintendo Gamecube which frequently used the song "Get Low" by Lil' John. It was censored I assume. Anyway, the start of the song sounded like:
Gnome. Gnome gnome gnome gnome gnome gnome. Gnome. Gn Gn Gn Gn Gnome, gni gna gni gna gni gnome, gni gni gnome gnome gnome.
Pretty sure I still thought that it was a song about gnomes when I was like twelve.

Drejk |
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(after finally getting her to watch "Monsters, Inc."):
Me: "Did you like the one-eyed monster or the kitty monster?"
Toddler Gersen: "No, I like the lizard monster."Two years old and she's already rooting for the villain...
Hey, she's not supposed to take over the world for at least nineteen years more!
Never mind, carry on Toddler Gersen...

Readerbreeder |
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This one's from a little while back. Some background...
At this time, the family had annual passes to Disneyland. Four months before they expired, my youngest had her birthday and went from two to three (when one is expected to begin paying admission for child tickets). Now, we weren't going to waste the last four months of those passes by leaving the little one behind, so we just kept telling the worker at the gate that she was two, figuring that if we renewed the passes, we'd buy her her own pass then. The little one was small enough that this didn't raise any eyebrows.
We thought that the Little One herself was oblivious to all of this until I overheard this exchange with one of her uncles one day...
Uncle: "So, didn't you just turn three, Little One?
Little One: "I'm three now, but I'm two at Disneyland!"

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This is a me story.
I was about 10 at the time and one day it's pretty quiet in the house for a weekend. My little sister was asleep and my dad was at work. My mother and I are just reading in the living room when the quiet gets to her finally and she finally tells me "It's too quiet. Say something."
"...I see dead people."

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome sits down with Impus Major to get started on the massive pile of make-up homework he's accumulated over a weekend wherein he did nothing
NobodysHome: So, Impus Major, you had a terrible weekend...
Impus Major: No, I had a GREAT weekend! A Muse concert! Miniature golfing! Go carts! And Pathfinder on Sunday! It was an awesome weekend!"
*SIGH*. Can't argue with that kind of logic!

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Ever since my son (now 13) was little, he has preferred to be barefoot or just in socks in the house - kicks off his shoes as soon as he walks in the door, refuses to wear slippers, etc.
He’s also a bit of a klutz.
He also received all the pain receptors his older sister didn’t get.
So from the moment he learned to walk, he stubbed his toes all. The. Time. And because he felt it, every time, he would start crying, demanding to be held, etc. It was very time-consuming.
I no longer remember where I got this idea - probably from Calvin's dad, as my primary fictional parenting role-model - but when he was around 2, I told him I had a secret that I could teach him and that would make his toe stop hurting when he stubbed it: "You have to grab the foot with the stubbed toe in the opposite hand, hop up and down, and say 'OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO!' over and over again."
Even at 5, his older sister had enough experience with my fatherly advice to give me the side eye when she heard me tell him that, but she didn't say anything. He bought it, and even at 13, he still does it whenever he stubs his toe (which is still all the time).

Kirth Gersen |
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Toddler Gersen (about to turn 3): "Dada wants to sit down and watch Momana."
Me: "Okay, for a minute... but please stop kicking the table."
Toddler Gersen: "It's called a coffee table."
Me: "Stop kicking the coffee table. In fact, don't kick."
Toddler Gersen: "If you wear a dress and have a sidekick, you're princess."
Me: "That has nothing to with the table."
Toddler Gersen: "It's called a coffee table."
Me: "Well, at least you're not kicking it any more. Thank you."
Toddler Gersen: "You're not a wayfinder. You'll never be a wayfinder."