Anyone running Kingmaker pbp atm or going to run it?


Silver Crusade

I've been very interested in playing the Kingmaker AP for a while and if there is anyone who is running it and needs another player or is thinking of running it. Please give me a yell.

Just in case there is someone who wants to GM it, I have been looking for a Kingmaker for a while too.

I have been around for a time now in a quite active way, thus I feel I can sum up to a good AP experience.

I want to GM it! Wasn't sure if people would be interested in PbP for it, though.

GM Lamplighter wrote:

I want to GM it! Wasn't sure if people would be interested in PbP for it, though.

It's on my short list of APs I would like to GM also, along with Wrath of the Righteous and Jade Regent. I've been holding off to see whether I get into a WotW PbP and how much time that ends up eating daily.

GM Lamplighter Kingmaker APs have no shortage of applicants...

I would love to play in Kingmaker (began one once that died off) and have also considered running it.

I suspect it is a difficult one to run pbp being sandbox - it seems that a lot of supporting documents / tracking might be necessary. I have found it challenging to get pbp-sters to actually read linked documents.

If I played I would love to use an Inquisitor of Sarenrae or Erastil.

I'll happily dot in case we get someone willing to run a game :)

On a sidenote, my favourite version of Kingmaker so far was called "Gobs play Make King", where the campaign was run (as far as I know) the same apart from having an all goblin party.

Liberty's Edge

I'm all in for playing if we find a GM.

Why not. I up to play too

Definitely dotting in case a game arises!

Out of curiosity, has anyone here ever tried a hybrid of PbP and Roll20? Like, Roll20 sessions every other week to more quickly get through combat and such, and then PbP in between for in-depth roleplay and math-intensive downtime stuff?

Silver Crusade

Pbp for im an ozzie in +8 timeframe so generally chat = useless for me.

I want to play the game badly, though I am also running it as well. But I can play the fool if need be.

im from South Africa, so GMT+2 :P

Ah, yeah, easy to forget that we're all from around the globe and getting schedules to work even once or twice a month can be nigh impossible.

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