grapple, full action and vampires

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Hi there. from what i understand, even if i have multiple attacks (useable with a full action) the grapple action is only a standard action.
so theorically i can only
1) attack the vampire with my usual attack. If i dont have the requisite feats, the vampire can attack me as AoO.
2) if i hit, in the same action, i can stard a grapple (my CMB vs vampire CMD).
if i get a hold, my action is over even if i have multiple attacks

then the vampire, in his turn, can use his fog power and escape my grapple.

so the question is.
it's possible to start the action, grapple the vampire and pin him so to impale him in the same round ?

i suspect not, so basically you can impale him only if

1) a multiple team gangs on the same vampire and has at least 2-3 members with an initiative above the vamp's one (so 1 grapple and the others pin and impale him)

i am wrong on something ?

You cannot combine a full round action (i.e. a full attack) with a standard action. Full round actions consume both your standard and move action.

So in your example...

1. By making a normal attack you are either making a standard action to do so or beginning a full round attack; you can decide which after you make that first attack. Regardless of which you are doing, you now cannot initiate a grapple as it is also a standard action; a grapple cannot be made in place of an attack roll in a full round attack. If you wanted to do a grapple you would need to forgo the attack you are hypothetically making in this step.

2. As said before, you cannot combine a normal attack and a grapple in one action barring corner cases involving specialized builds (i.e. finding a way to get the Grab monster ability).

All that said, you can get multiple grapple checks in a round with feats. See Greater Grapple, Rapid Grappler, and Bushwhack. Bushwhack is the odd one out there as it is stealth based, but with the other two feats you can get three grapple checks in a turn.

1. Standard action grapple.
2. Move action grapple via Greater Grapple
3. If you succeed in step 2 you may make a third grapple attempt as a swift action with Rapid Grappler.

That would allow you to grab, pin, and tie up (that is at a negative to your grapple check though) in one round, making the vampire helpless and at your mercy for a coup de grace stake to the heart.

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