0-3B On Top of the World - How did you do?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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Man, what a challenging but fun scenario. Everyone had a really good time, though one of my other tables had some confusion over the setup that had me questioning my interpretation of it.

From what I understand, Ruffians (serving as Lightning Elemental proxies) and the Villain get shuffled into locations just like normal during setup. However, if a 1 is rolled due to Pinnacle Atoll and Hirgenzosk is already out there in the wild, additional henchmen get added to the deck.

My other table thought it meant that no henchmen were added during setup, and the only way to get them out into a location to ultimately defeat them was by rolling a 1 at a Pinnacle Atoll. That would then shuffle in a henchmen, making it easier to close.

That interpretation is certainly interesting from a mechanical standpoint, but I didn't think it meshed with the actual text on the scenario page so we all used my version of the scenario.

In the end, both tables were victorious but only barely. A Sandbar really put the screws to us for awhile, locking us in for about 6 turns before finally being defeated.

How did everyone else fare?

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Your interpretation was correct, by the way.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *


Grand Lodge

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OK, I'll 'fess up. I was the guy at "the other table." :)

We had a good time with this scenario. We had Merisiel in our group, so once we "located" Hirgenzosk, we stationed her at that location, so she could evade it. We then played Whack-An-Elemental until the villain showed up and that was that.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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And people say evasion is weak.

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
And people say evasion is weak.

And I have yet to be convinced otherwise!!

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Evasion is seriously awesome. I never realize how much I love it until a Merisiel sits down at our table. :D

Scarab Sages 1/5

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We found this to be one of the easiest scenarios. Helps when you have Radillo the intelligence check and go againer extraordinaire and bekah the awesome bard. I think we beat this one along with Olenjack last night in 8 turns. :).

Evasion is weak. I had the same experience as Sarah did, because Radillo had 2 Augurys and a Detect Magic :)

The exact scenario went:
I (Agna) go. I explore and get something, then scout at EoT... oh wait, there's a henchman. Meliski, you can't defeat it with only Lightning Bolt and Lightning Touch in your deck so hold the line and let Radillo explore.
Radillo goes. Augury. Oh okay there's a henchman. Blast and close.
I then defeat the henchman. (We for some reason suspected we didn't shuffle the decks properly, so we shuffled the third one extra good just in case. Radillo had me cut.)
Okay, Meliski explores the third location and we get a normal monster that he Lightning Bolts.
Then Radillo goes... and encounters the villain (I swear we actually shuffled!). This actually presents a problem because d4 Wisdom and the Villain's Wisdom/Survival check don't go together well... so we burnt 3 blessings on it. And barely make it.
I then explore the top, defeat the monster and look at the top... um it's the villain again.
We then spend the next 15 turns scouting and exploring the bottom to try and grab good items (and we did, I got the Ally 3 and the others got 2 Blessing 2s IIRC).

We beat this in around half an hour. We managed to get a second scenario in that night.

Scouting > Evasion, sorry Vic. (I'm joking by the way because we could have used some evasion for the villain - except that Fear doesn't work on the villain. That and we were incredibly lucky on the shuffles - hey, it happens.)

Sovereign Court 1/5 *

Tonight everyone made sure they got something cool from the party stuff pile before we headed out to get more info about the Wheel: Flenta took fancy armor, Agna wore the jaunty hat, Zarlova got a neat compass, and I took the cool telescope. I'm glad I did, because when I used it as we were arriving at the Pinnacles I saw there was this enemy fleet coming to blow up our ship! I didn't feel like fighting over a rock, so I tried a different one instead.

The others ran into Sar...lis...sa? Serlis? The naga lady a few times; she kept running away and blowing up islands. Why blow up the island? What if it was a giant turtle? That turtle'd be awfully mad that you tried to blow him up.

Flenta was happy that she got to show one of those zappy elementals the wrong end of her Greatclub. A wizard using a Greatclub! Who would have thought?

In the end I talked to the naga lady while wearing my fancy Crown and she was happy to share her info. Yay!

So I guess next time we track down another naga lady? They all look the same to me. Green snakey people. ::shudder::

PS: I was sad because I wanted to meet a giant turtle. Never saw him. Aww...


This one went really quickly. One of us out and one was running an intro game for an interested player, but even so it was over quick.

I scouted a Cannonade and used my Cape of Escape to evade another Deck 3 Barrier that Amaryllis is just not equipped to handle. Evasion and scouting are both powerful, especially for those of us who don't have always-on scouting or evading powers. (In our last adventure I took my Scrying card...and never drew it throughout this entire game.)

Unfortunately, we grabbed the wrong villain of the two almost-identical lady nagas. Oops! Maybe we'll switch the next one to compensate.

1/5 *

Heh! We did have the right Villain. zeroth_hour fooled me. :)

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Got to play this (and 3C and 3D) Sunday with First World Bard. It was actually the quickest and easiest scenario of the night, because apparently we have mastery of the d12 and got not a single Hirgenzosk.

We certainly were worried about them though! :)

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