Divine sorcerer and initiative

Rules Questions

The Exchange

I have a 5th level tiefling sorcerer playing in my campaign I GM. He has a scorpion familiar. He has a +15 to initiative due to being diviner focused and his familiar and feats. Is that possible? What is the maximum he can stack to get this?

Diviner focused? He might have mixed up sorcerer and wizard.

Familiar +4
Dexterity +1 to +5
Improved Initiative +4
Trait +2

That's 11-15 right there and possible at level 1.

Bonus should be around 10+Dex right now. If he has a 20 in Dex, then yes, he could have a +15

Diviner bonus +2
Improved Init +4
Familiar +4
Trait +2
Dex Variable.

Edit: This for a Diviner Wizard, as previously mentioned. The Divination school specialization gives 1/2 Wizard level as an Initiative bonus. As to how bad it could get, the answer is very bad (A level 20 Diviner gets +10 to Init just from class abilities as well as treating all initiative rolls as a natural 20 and always acting in the surprise round even if not aware).

The Exchange

Thanks all. This helps me a ton

I think biggest + to Initiative I've seen is + 26 at level 1.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Arch_Bishop wrote:
I think biggest + to Initiative I've seen is + 26 at level 1.

Curious how. It sounds like it was a major investment.

Well, Ifrit have an alternative racial feature that gives a +4 initiative. That probably helped.

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Ask him to explain it to you with showing every bonus, its type and its source.

Feel free to post his build if you want us to nitpick it.

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