Seoni basic combat questions

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hello guys,

I'm from Germany and I have some issues with the rules translation regarding combat actions with Seoni.
Her charisma says, that she can use a 1w12 (+2) to do the checks. Following example: Encountering a monster with a combat check 10. Can I just use my 1w12 without playing an attack spell or do I have to play a spell to make my check with the charisma attribute?

The rule says: "[...] if you
don’t play such a card, use your Strength or Melee skill."

Does "don't play such a card" count as not playing an offensive spell card? Please help me, I despair...

Seoni has the power

Seoni character card wrote:
For your combat check, you may discard a card to roll your Arcane die + 1d6 (+1)(+2) with the Attack, Fire, and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.

This means Seoni can discard any card to roll her Arcane skill (d12 + 2) + 1d6 for her combat check.

Of course, if she casts a spell which specifies she uses her Arcane die for her combat check, she would roll her d12 + 2 plus whatever dice are specified by the spell.

Right. So...

Situation 1
Seoni has cards in her hand which include Force Missile. She has to make a combat check, so she plays Force Missile which lets her roll 1d12 + 2d4 + 2. She will get to attempt to recharge Force Missile (and in Seoni's case automatically succeed).

Situation 2
Seioni has cards in her hand, but none of them would make a combat check. She has to make a combat check, so she uses her power and discards any of the cards to roll 1d12 + 1d6 + 2. She does not get to attempt to recharge the card she discarded for her power, even if it was a spell like Glibness.

Situation 3
Seoni has no cards in her hand. She has to make a combat check. She can't use her power, because it requires her to discard a card. So she must use her Strength or Melee. They are both 1d4 (Strength is on her card that way, she doesn't have Melee, so it is also 1d4). She she will roll 1d4.

I hope that helps. Good luck on your adventure.

THAT clarifies everything. I can't tell how Bad the translation in German is. In German, her skill is read something like: You may discard one card to use an additional 1D6 to boost your arcane roll.

I thought that this requires an offensive spell from your hand to play.

I am honestly shocked at how botched some of these translations are. I don't think it's a case of "lost in translation" so much as it is just plain incompetence.

csouth154 wrote:
I am honestly shocked at how botched some of these translations are. I don't think it's a case of "lost in translation" so much as it is just plain incompetence.

Translation can be really difficult if the translator doesn't understand the context really well. It's not enough to just know both languages.

jones314 wrote:
csouth154 wrote:
I am honestly shocked at how botched some of these translations are. I don't think it's a case of "lost in translation" so much as it is just plain incompetence.
Translation can be really difficult if the translator doesn't understand the context really well. It's not enough to just know both languages.

Yes, but when context is so obviously misunderstood in SO many instances, it hints at a breakdown (or absence) of the QA process.

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