Followers in Society

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 2/5

Hi folks have a question, how they treat the followers of a character in Pathfinder Society? the same way that regular adventure?

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

If you are talking about followers like from the Leadership feat, that feat is not legal for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

If you mean followers like the vanities you can buy via Prestige Points in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, all they give is the listed bonus. They stay away from any combat and can not make any rolls except those listed.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Please read the Guide to Pathfinder Society Advanced play, available on the Paizo website as a free download under the My Downloads label, above. It addresses this point.

Pathfinder Society characters may theoretically have followers, but followers can't ever come with you on adventures or have any material effect on the game. The Leadership feat is banned. Lest you be disappointed, there are some excellent reasons for this.

Edit: Bret already answered, but I'll not delete this response.

Dark Archive 2/5

I think I was not very clear. I refer to a Contrado follower for limited time . As an explorer as a guide, for example.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Followers acquired through vanities or boons are kind of just handled "off-screen".

If they give you bonuses, or make rolls for you, then you just follow their rules for doing so.

But you never actually put another mini on the map.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Fernando, by "contrado" I think you mean "contracted" or "hired", in other words paid for during an adventure (rather than "follower" which would be someone who stays with your character long term during a campaign because they like or admire your character).

Many scenarios take place in a location where it would be possible to hire someone for a specific task. There are some examples in the core rulebook, I believe. There are also some scenarios that specifically call out NPCs the party can hire. In those cases, use the standard rules and common sense for what the hirelings will and will not do.

Is that what you are thinking of?

Dark Archive 3/5

If the society field guide there is a section for vanity followers.

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