Halfling Bard / Archeologist Advice


Silver Crusade

I am rolling up a Halfling Bard / Archaeologist and would like some advice on skills. My Int mod is 2 so I get 8 skill ranks. What do folks think would be a good set of skills, and also would it be a good idea t0 spread ranks out? Like maybe only one point in some skills just to get the +3 bonus?

My charactor concept is kind of like a pint sized Indiana Jones.

Indian Jones seems like he would have these skills

Disable Device(via criminal trait)
Escape Artist
Knowledge Geography
Use Magic Device

w/ level 2+ learn new knowledges

you left out stelth (although he keeps gettig cought AFTER he sees what the big secret is all about.)as a small race you should do it better then the original ;)

Fate's Favored for a Trait is a must, it helps out with your Archaeologist Luck a lot!

I have a halfling archaeologist bard for a Mummy's Mask campaign also, Beatrix "Beetle" Cobblestout, flavored as a pint sized Indiana Jones (Arkansas Smith, =)) as well.

Here is a great pic for a female halfling archaeologist bard...

halfling archaeologist

This Bard Archer Guide Link suggests that archeologist make for great Bard Archers.

The race suggested for optimization are Human, Aasimar (Azata-Blooded), Half-Orc, Catfolk, and Fletchling. However, Halfling will do as an effective option since it has +2 to Dexterity and Charisma. The -2 to Strength will hurt damage for your Composite Bow only slightly, so it is not far from optimal.

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