Healing the Worldwound

Rules Questions

Can my cleric heal the Worldwound by casting mending on Golarion?


Grand Lodge

What's her caster level?

Target one object of up to 1 lb./level

Additionally, this spell only performs repairs to the mundane, structural aspect of an object. Magical auras, demonic corruption and the like cannot be fixed by this cantrip.

You gotta admit its a neat idea.

You just need mythic Make Whole.


I doubt your GM would even allow it with Wish.

I could see Wish doing it... Very slowly. Like, you have to do a giant ritual culminating with the wish and hordes of Fiends are spewing out trying to eat your face and you have to hold the point while the acolytes do the ritual, then get over there and cast the Wish. You know, Level 20 stuff; campaign is basically over at that point and you're big damn heroes, so why not? But I think that's beyond the scope of the question... No, not with Mending.

Considering this topic is dealt with in a mythic AP, I would say that's what it's going to take.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Joynt Jezebel wrote:


You gotta admit its a neat idea.

No it's not... it's a facetious question of trying to seal a major world story point with a 0 level spell.

Ideas don't qualify as "neat" unless they make a minimum amount of sense or plausibility.

It's not so much "neat" as "amusing."

In any event, it seems like a more accurate repair would be the trope that the world is a living thing, and the wound in the world needs to be healed, with healing magic. So obviously you need to cast regenerate.

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