Beast Shape and Natural Armor question

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

If I use Beast Shape I and transform into a medium sized creature, I gain +2 natural armor bonus.

Do I also gain any natural armor bonus inherent in the animal? For instance, a leopard has +1 natural armor listed in its AC. If I Beast Shape I into a leopard, do I gain a cumulative +3 natural armor bonus?

polymorphs grant you the base moment and natural attacks of the form you take, as well as a +20 to disguise checks to appear as that form. It also grants you the effects of that spell.

Beast shape gives you the listed advantages, non of witch are the animals natural armor.

You just gain the NA bonus of the size you take.

You get only the +2 in this case.

You get just what the spells and the polymorph rules in the spell rules (and any applicable size change rules) specifically say you get (or lose).

Anything else off the bestiary entry you do not get.

NikolaiJuno, you only get a +10 to disguise check.

CRB p211 wrote:
Polymorph: A polymorph spell transforms your physical body to take on the shape of another creature. While these spells make you appear to be the creature, granting you a +10 bonus on Disguise skill checks, they do not grant you all of the abilities and powers of the creature.

This is what my book says.

these spells make you appear to be the creature, granting
you a +20 bonus on Disguise skill checks

It was a +20 in some earlier printings, but yeah, it's a +10 now.

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