Dhampir bloodrager; can it be done (should it be done?)


Hi All!

Just passing some time by tinkering with builds and I was looking at the Dhampir. Just because I think they're cool (read: they're just plain weird)

I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a build for a Dhampir bloodrager? Undead bloodline, of course, because it's just so appropriate.

I was just tinkering with the standard 20 point buy sort of thing for a Dhampir bloodrager. With stats largely based on the stats for Crowe, the iconic. And I came up with the following (after racial adjustments):

STR 16
DEX 15 to bump up with levels. And as a prerequisite for Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Defence
CON 12
INT 11 Odd number; to bump up with levels
WIS 10
CHA 13 Odd number; to bump up with levels

Any thoughts on this set of stats?

I thought having a two-weapon fighting bloodrager might be interesting, since Dhampir have good DEX. On the other hand, they're not so great with CON, which is a concern for front-line types.

If the two weapon thing isn't such a hot idea, what would be a good first level feat for this build? Toughness? Power Attack? Combat Reflexes?

I thought a Dhampir front line type would be an interesting challenge, since they're lacking a wee bit on "starch" compared to other races.

Thanks in advance for any ideas anyone can give me!

Liberty's Edge

Have you considered the alternate Dhampir heritages? Sveotcher (Moroi-Born) gain +2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Cha.

That's a pretty good stat layout for a Bloodrager.

I'd go with this stat layout, keeping that in mind:

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 14

That's work. It's low Wis, but Fate's Favored and going Destined Bloodline will help with the low Will Saves in the long run.

You could easily drop to Dex 12 and go Con 13 and Int 11 if going Steelblood. That'd be a pretty cool image, to boot.


Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought of the alternate Dhampir types, but that's a good suggestion. I still like the idea of the Undead bloodline, though. How would this be for a stat block, if I stuck with the Undead bloodline:
STR 17 can boost up to 18 at level 4
DEX 14
CON 12 can't have everything, eh?
INT 10
WIS 12 offset the usual WILL problems; a bit
CHA 13 can boost up to 14 at level 8

In either event, which would be a better first level feat: Combat Reflexes or Power Attack?

Power attack is the usual choice, since it lets you hit hard (and 1 shot a ton of things, particularly with bloodrage boosting your strength).

Combat reflexes is interesting if you grab a reach weapon though. If you do use a polearm of some sort, then it is definitely a fine pick for level 3.

Thanks for that. The Combat Reflexes was working well with the Half-Orc Abyssal bloodrager (Gruugdúrz) I've played in PFS sessions a couple of times, using a Lucerne Hammer.

Having said that, I guess the best choice of weapon for power attack would be a two-handed weapon, just to get that little extra 'oomph', eh?

Liberty's Edge

That stat load-out definitely looks fine, and I second the Power Attack advice plus the note that Combat Reflexes is pretty solid combined with a Reach weapon, but definitely second after Power Attack, priority-wise.

And yeah, a two-handed weapon is definitely the way to go for Power Attack.



What do you think would be the best all-round two handed weapon for a first level character to start out with? I was looking at this lot (without the reach feature):

  • Falchion; good crit range
  • Greataxe; it can really, really, really hurt, but it's crit range isn't the best
  • Heavy Flail; decent damage, decent crit range, can trip or disarm with it, and it's cheap!
  • Great Sword; decent damage and crit range

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Xunal wrote:
    What do you think would be the best all-round two handed weapon for a first level character to start out with? I was looking at this lot (without the reach feature):

    The Nodachi

    mplindustries wrote:
    Xunal wrote:
    What do you think would be the best all-round two handed weapon for a first level character to start out with? I was looking at this lot (without the reach feature):
    The Nodachi

    Yeah, but being the giant katana wielding magical half vampire makes you feel like .... 'that guy'.

    But yes, 1d10 and 18-20/x2 is rather good. It also has slashing and piercing (if that was ever a concern, like a water segment).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I suggest the Spelleater archetype, just to heal a little easier.

    mplindustries wrote:
    Xunal wrote:
    What do you think would be the best all-round two handed weapon for a first level character to start out with? I was looking at this lot (without the reach feature):
    The Nodachi

    I tried looking that up in d20PSRD, but for some reason it wasn't in the Weapons table. I found a description and that it's from UC, but that was it. Is that a martial or exotic weapon?

    lemeres wrote:
    mplindustries wrote:
    Xunal wrote:
    What do you think would be the best all-round two handed weapon for a first level character to start out with? I was looking at this lot (without the reach feature):
    The Nodachi

    Yeah, but being the giant katana wielding magical half vampire makes you feel like .... 'that guy'.

    But yes, 1d10 and 18-20/x2 is rather good. It also has slashing and piercing (if that was ever a concern, like a water segment).

    That does sound cool. I couldn't find the full description in d20PFSRD, as I said. Is that Martial or Exotic? And what's the co$t for such a cool slice and dice weapon?

    The PRD has it. it's a martial two-handed Eastern weapon.

    Azten wrote:
    I suggest the Spelleater archetype, just to heal a little easier.

    That would be handy in a fight.

    Too bad it costs Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, and Damage Reduction.

    Liberty's Edge

    You can trip and disarm with any weapon. The flail gives advantages, not capability. That being the case, not that one.

    The Nodachi, as mentioned, is likely best long-term. After that, the falchion is best, though that one is (I believe) a bit behind the Greatsword for the first couple of levels.

    Azten wrote:
    The PRD has it. it's a martial two-handed Eastern weapon.

    I didn't think of looking there, thanks for that.

    I guess it's up to the GM if it's a martial or exotic weapon, eh?

    (oops! I missed the bit about it being an Eastern martial weapon the first time I read that table -- my bad)

    Deadmanwalking wrote:

    You can trip and disarm with any weapon. The flail gives advantages, not capability. That being the case, not that one.

    The Nodachi, as mentioned, is likely best long-term. After that, the falchion is best, though that one is (I believe) a bit behind the Greatsword for the first couple of levels.

    Thanks. The Nodachi does sound like it could dish out buckets of damage in the hands of a bloodrager (or barbarian).

    I like it!

    Scarab Sages

    I have a Dhampir(Moroi-Born) Bloodrager(Spelleater) with the Black Blood bloodline and a single level dip in Inquisitor(Sin Eater, Sanctified Slayer) so he can get a little extra healing from defeated foes. Also went with the Nodachi.

    Enjoying it so far! Bet you will to.

    Belabras wrote:

    I have a Dhampir(Moroi-Born) Bloodrager(Spelleater) with the Black Blood bloodline and a single level dip in Inquisitor(Sin Eater, Sanctified Slayer) so he can get a little extra healing from defeated foes. Also went with the Nodachi.

    Enjoying it so far! Bet you will to.

    Thanks for that! Does sound cool.

    Just wondering about the Undead bloodline Death's Gift power at 8th level. For a Spell Eater archetype, would that DR 10/- vs. non-lethal damage become fast healing 10 vs. non-lethal damage instead?

    I don't think it makes a difference between DR types actually.

    Which would make it quite sick.

    EDIT: wait no, it says "increase to damage reduction", alluding to the damage reduction you get from class abilities, not any damage reduction. So it actually shouldn't do anything.

    It says to treat your DR as zero. Meaning the DR vs Nonlethal damage has no effect on the fast healing.

    Scarab Sages

    LoneKnave wrote:

    I don't think it makes a difference between DR types actually.

    Which would make it quite sick.

    EDIT: wait no, it says "increase to damage reduction", alluding to the damage reduction you get from class abilities, not any damage reduction. So it actually shouldn't do anything.

    Not true. From Spelleater:

    "If the spelleater gains an increase to damage reduction from a bloodline, feat, or other ability, he is considered to have an effective damage reduction of 0, and the increase is instead added to this effective damage reduction"

    I just had another look at that:

    from d20PFSRD wrote:
    If the spelleater gains an increase to damage reduction from a bloodline, feat, or other ability, he is considered to have an effective damage reduction of 0, and the increase is instead added to this.

    In the case of the Death's Gift feat, that should mean the undead bloodline spell eater bloodrager gets DR 10/- vs. non-lethal damage only. In practical terms, that means that bloodrager character is very hard to knock out!

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