Unintentional Comedy and Possible Poe site

Off-Topic Discussions

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Have you ever seen a site so crazy that you can't be sure if it's seriously presenting an idea, or satirical? Let's share some of those sites.

I'll start us off:

I give you The Beatles never existed
Is this really a thing? Are there people who honestly believe the Beatles were a series of actors or imposters? Good for a laugh or another reason to drink.

Paul is dead! Just look on the Sgt. Pepper's photos! It's clear as day!

I love that the first "evidence" is height differences.
Because shoes, terrain, posture, and angle of photography never change apparent height.

Saturn was once Earth's Sun.

Don't turn this one into a drinking game where you take a drink based on every piece of pseudo-science you find. If you do, you risk alcohol poisoning just on the page I linked.

Nice find Janus.

Sadly, the 'embarrassment of riches' the author has isn't of evidence, at least not evidence in support of their claim. :P

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I didn't want to have to do this... but seriously, nothing else comes close. Nothing.


It might not be right for this thread, though. The main challenge is making out what is actually being claimed, not whether it's true or not...

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Timecube is classic!

I was thinking about it when I made the topic, but wanted to see how long it would take someone else to post it.

I once stayed awake for 30 hours and watched Fight Club. I understood it. I saw the ending to Evangelion. I think I understood it. I've never understood half of Timecube.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Back when I played DCUO, I thought about making a Magic powerset villain who gained his powers when he unlocked the secrets of Timecube.


Found a group on Facebook: Disciples of the New Dawn

Pretty sure this one is a parody. The extra tipoff is the group founder's initials. P.O.E.
They do have a post about the evils of D&D. :P

Speaking of classics...

Shadowborn wrote:
Speaking of classics...

The Flat Earth Society long predates the Internet, and is a real organization of people that believe that the earth is flat.

Vod Canockers wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Speaking of classics...
The Flat Earth Society long predates the Internet, and is a real organization of people that believe that the earth is flat.

Yes, I know. I've been to the site. Hence my reference to it being a classic. They have a marvelous way of blinding themselves to the wealth of data we have from modern physics and space exploration.

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Shadowborn wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Speaking of classics...
The Flat Earth Society long predates the Internet, and is a real organization of people that believe that the earth is flat.
Yes, I know. I've been to the site. Hence my reference to it being a classic. They have a marvelous way of blinding themselves to the wealth of data we have from modern physics and space exploration.

But it isn't a spoof site, they are serious, no satire involved.

Check out the Eastborough Baptist Church for a satire site.

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Vod Canockers wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Speaking of classics...
The Flat Earth Society long predates the Internet, and is a real organization of people that believe that the earth is flat.
Yes, I know. I've been to the site. Hence my reference to it being a classic. They have a marvelous way of blinding themselves to the wealth of data we have from modern physics and space exploration.
But it isn't a spoof site, they are serious, no satire involved.

The other part of the thread title is unintentional comedy. They qualify. :P

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

Hey... 82 bucks is 82 bucks.

We know very well what DNA looks like today. It is a ladder... as he says. That ladder is then... twisted, like a spiral. As everyone says.

Guh. Time for me to chuckle slightly in my "blind rage" now that he questions what DNA looks like, DNA which was going to make me a goddess!!!

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Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.

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Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.

That was successfully funded in 1787.

Maybe there should be a kickstarter to fund general education about what REPRESENTATIVE democracy means...

Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.

I'm disappointed that Comrade hasn't shown up to insist it's a plutocracy. :P

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Sissyl wrote:
Maybe there should be a kickstarter to fund general education about what REPRESENTATIVE democracy means...

Or maybe to teach the US Constitution

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

How about a Kickstarter to ban semantic arguments about what form of government we have?

Would be mean to hold one so specifically aimed at Vod here.

It would also invalidate the rationality behind why the Constitution was accepted in the first place.

Not having semantic arguments invalidates the reasoning behind the Constitution? Give me a break.

If you want to debate whether the actual form of government we have is what the framers wanted or whether you approve of how it really works, that's one thing, but arguing over what it should be called is silly. Especially since in modern usage, the two terms are not mutually exclusive.

Those semantic arguments are the only reason the framers of the Constitution found it acceptable to adopt. They spent a lot of time and effort convincing themselves that a republic is a completely different form of government than a democracy. And while we realize that arguing over what it should be called is silly, back then it was considered serious enough that they not only argued over it but went to great lengths in those arguments.

So, yes... the only reason the Constitution was acceptable to the Founding Fathers is a semantics game.

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Found another one. God divides us by blood type According to this, being a Christian isn't even in my blood (because my blood type is apparently not one of God's chosen).

It reads like junior college TimeCube, and it presents pretty out there views. What say you, good people of the forum, is it real (crazy), or a (not so) practical joke?

Be sure to watch the muzak and text YouTube videos lower down... if you want more incoherence.

Scythia wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.
I'm disappointed that Comrade hasn't shown up to insist it's a plutocracy. :P

Stooges to the left of me/Plutocrats to the right/Here I am...

Sorry for the delay. You posted that on my birthday, btw. Thank you!

Scythia wrote:

Found another one. God divides us by blood type According to this, being a Christian isn't even in my blood (because my blood type is apparently not one of God's chosen).

It reads like junior college TimeCube, and it presents pretty out there views. What say you, good people of the forum, is it real (crazy), or a (not so) practical joke?

Be sure to watch the muzak and text YouTube videos lower down... if you want more incoherence.


Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.
I'm disappointed that Comrade hasn't shown up to insist it's a plutocracy. :P

Stooges to the left of me/Plutocrats to the right/Here I am...

Sorry for the delay. You posted that on my birthday, btw. Thank you!

why didn't you say anything! Happy birthday man!

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.
I'm disappointed that Comrade hasn't shown up to insist it's a plutocracy. :P

Stooges to the left of me/Plutocrats to the right/Here I am...

Sorry for the delay. You posted that on my birthday, btw. Thank you!

Joys of random events. I hope it was a fun day. :)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

One of my favorites is Dihydrogen Monoxide.


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From the unintentional comedy side, this page of a Georgia (u.s.) state legislator. In case the hilarious part gets removed, I've quoted it below.

Tom Kirby's Website wrote:

Ethical treatment of Embryos

We in Georgia are taking the lead on this issue.  Human life at all stages is precious including as an embryo.  We need to get out in front of the science and technology, before it becomes something no one wants.  The mixing of Human Embryos with Jellyfish cells to create a glow in the dark human, we say not in Georgia.  This bill is about protecting Human life while maintaining good, valid research that does not destroy life.

Yes, mixing jellyfish DNA into human embryos to create glowing people is a major issue in Georgia. So glad someone is finally taking a stand.

Scythia wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:
Scythia wrote:

A Kickstarter to force scientists to acknowledge that DNA is NOT a double helix. To fight evil and prevent rampant genetic engineering, apparently.

I'm shocked it hasn't had more contributors. :P

I should start a Kickstarter to make people stop calling the U.S. a Democracy, because it's a Republic.
I'm disappointed that Comrade hasn't shown up to insist it's a plutocracy. :P

Or more recently, perhaps a type of Oligarchy?

A site that seems like someone is trying to use word magic to expose the will of the divine (and sell their ebook), From the Machine.

Reading it, I pictured the writer typing it, and the paperclip from Microsoft word popping up with "It looks like you might be showing early signs of a stroke, should I call an ambulance?".

A definite Poe example, Homosexual chemtrails deployed over Indiana.

I do so enjoy the (intentionally) fake news sources. I find them to be a telling commentary on the things people take seriously.


Sissyl wrote:

The idea of chemtrails in general is hilarious. :P

I can't look it up now, but there was one youtube video in which an American lady screamed her rage and fear about how the water was different nowadays. See, if you take a good look at water spreaders for peoples' lawns during sunny days... You will find RAINBOWS!!! Yeah, that's right, folks, water changed due to guvment interference, so it makes rainbows when the sun is out! The horror...

Sissyl wrote:
I can't look it up now, but there was one youtube video in which an American lady screamed her rage and fear about how the water was different nowadays. See, if you take a good look at water spreaders for peoples' lawns during sunny days... You will find RAINBOWS!!! Yeah, that's right, folks, water changed due to guvment interference, so it makes rainbows when the sun is out! The horror...

It's obvious that the government is pushing the gay mafia's agenda!

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A slight deviation, instead of a website that might be a Poe, this time it's a website detailing something that might have been a Poe.
Saga of the Mall Ninja

Gecko45... You didn't... Oh no... you did.

Seeing Gecko45 show up on a gaming forum (instead of making the rounds of every gun forum known to mankind) is awesome. Everyone should see the "Joy" that is the saga of Gecko45.

Dexion1619 wrote:

Gecko45... You didn't... Oh no... you did.

Seeing Gecko45 show up on a gaming forum (instead of making the rounds of every gun forum known to mankind) is awesome. Everyone should see the "Joy" that is the saga of Gecko45.

If Gecko45 had been a gamer:

You can joke, but you don't know how dangerous it gets on the message board. We've got Korean spammers showing up with sawed off worms modified to accept a 50 round magazine from a Trojan. These guys are joining Google just to get the tech training, then going no call/no show to go teach their little buddies. It's only people like me with my throwing distance seeking SC9 spiked chain, with underslung flaming dagger and a professional grade ioun torch, that lets posters like you have a regular conversation. I wear an extra adamantium haramaki under my major fire, cold, electric, acid and sonic resistance adamantium fullplate just in case I take multiple Disintegrates to the back. My weapons are allowed to be +6 because I saved the publisher's cousin from trolls in the rules forum. If I hadn't saved him, they would have broken his syntax. The regular mods would have taken an hour just to find the thread. Some would call me a hero, but it had to be kept quiet. My name still terror fogs monitors in alt.rec.roleplaying.

I can't mimic his terrible spelling though.

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Scythia wrote:

A slight deviation, instead of a website that might be a Poe, this time it's a website detailing something that might have been a Poe.

Saga of the Mall Ninja

I think I use to work with this guy. I had a coworker that participated in every combat action in the world between Viet Nam and Desert Storm. Every one, and it didn't matter who was fighting, he was there. Usually getting shot.

Those of you who went, or are currently going to, a university in the U.S. might be familiar with "Brother Jed", an itinerant preacher known for his extreme views and animated style. He manifests at "free speech zones" to put on performances. What you might not know is that he has gained a disciple: Dean Saxton .

Sadly, I don't get the feeling that this guy is a Poe, although Brother Jed's preaching would be fertile ground for one.

Submitted for your consideration, I give you The Unhived Mind. This site has such gems as anti-papal tirades, insistence that FDA investigations into alternative medicine are motivated by corporate overlords who want to discredit natural and effective healing, claims that the movie Lucy was to prep humanity for superpowered reptilian overlords, attempts to tie 9/11 to Jonbenet Ramsey, and also a completely sane endorsement for FireFox.

Sadly, I doubt it's a poe so much as deluded ranting.

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Sissyl wrote:

I didn't want to have to do this... but seriously, nothing else comes close. Nothing.


It might not be right for this thread, though. The main challenge is making out what is actually being claimed, not whether it's true or not...

Insanity is fleeting it seems, TimeCube is gone. Perhaps it slipped into an alternate facet of time?

Disproving the Sun Hoax

Scythia wrote:
Disproving the Sun Hoax

Definitely parody.

I found a really crazy one.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 6 is the latest indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Definitely satire.

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